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Words and phrasesSection Learning about Language lets go for a walk.我厌厌倦了这这个游戏戏,咱们们去散步吧。返回形象记忆The two employees, one wandering and the other sleepy, got tired of the tiring meeting.这这两个职员职员 ,一个神游太虚,一个昏昏欲睡,都厌烦厌烦 了枯燥的会议议。be tired from/with 由于而疲劳劳/倦be tired out 筋疲力尽(二)归纳归纳 拓展全析考点You may be tired with reading, but you should not be tired of it.看书书可能使你疲劳劳,但你不应该对应该对 看书书感到厌烦厌烦 。He looks .Let him have a good rest.他看起来很疲劳劳。让让他好好休息吧。tired out联联想发发散请请你想一想“对对厌烦厌烦 ”的其他表达方式还还有哪些?be sick of; be bored with; be fed up with等。返回根据汉语汉语 提示,用tired的相关短语语完成下列小片段看书书有时时使我疲劳劳,有时时甚至使我筋疲力尽,但是我从来没有感到厌烦厌烦 。Sometimes I reading, and even sometimes I ,but I it.am tired witham tired outam never tired of练练一练练2get along with与相处处;进进展(一)背诵诵佳句培养语语感(教材P6原句)Im getting along well with a boy in my class.我与班里一位男生相处处得很好。(鲜鲜活例句)I find it very hard to get along with him.我觉觉得很难难与他相处处。(鲜鲜活例句) How are you getting along with your new work?你的新工作进进展得如何? Quite well.很好。(二)归纳归纳 拓展全析考点get along with还还可以说说成get on with,通常与副词词well, nicely, badly等连连用, 表示“同某人相处处得好、坏”或某 “事进进展是否顺顺利”。He is his studies.他学习习上进进展顺顺利。getting along/on well with返回高考小作文我易于相处处而且喜欢欢交朋友。(2011辽宁卷书面表达)Im easy to get along with and I like to make friends.3fall in love (with)相爱爱;爱爱上(一)背诵诵佳句培养语语感(教材P6原句)They say that this boy and I have fallen in love.他们说们说 我和这这位男孩相爱爱了。(鲜鲜活例句)He fell in love with music when he was a child.他还还是个孩子时时就爱爱上了音乐乐。(鲜鲜活例句)They fell in love with each other three years ago.三年前他们们相爱爱了。(二)明辨易混失误误防范比较较 fall in love, be in lovefall in love (with sb.)爱上(某人),表示动作,为瞬间性动词短语,在肯定句中不能与表示一段时间的状语连用be in love (with sb.)与相爱,表示状态,属于状态性动词短语,动作可延续,能与表示一段时间的状语连用用fall in love和be in love填空They with each other for five years.他们们彼此相爱爱已5年了。The first time Tom saw Rose, Tom with her.汤汤姆第一次看见罗见罗 斯时时就爱爱上了她。have been in lovefell in love4join in参加;加入(一)背诵诵佳句培养语语感(教材P7原句)to join in discussions and show interest in other peoples ideas参加讨论讨论 并对别对别 人的意见见感兴兴趣(鲜鲜活例句)We should invite our teachers to join in our party.我们应该们应该 邀请请老师师参加我们们的聚会。(鲜鲜活例句)It is said that more than two hundred students have joined in the discussion.据说说二百多名学生参加了讨论讨论 。返回关键键一点join in 短语语中的in既可以作介词词,后面可以直接跟宾语宾语 ;也可以作副词词,后面不接宾语宾语 。They came out for their morning exercises. I also joined in. 他们们出来做早操,我也跟着做。(二)明辨易混失误误防范比较较 join in, joinjoin in 参加;加入,也可用在join sb. in (doing)sth.结构中,表示“和某人一起干某事”join指加入某组织、团体,并成为其中一员 join the Party/the army/the League/the club入党/参军/入团/参加俱乐部用join in和join填空Would you please playing the game?请请你和我们们一起做游戏戏好吗吗?It is three years since he the army.他参军军三年了。join us injoined返回形象记忆1句型展示 I am my classmates at the moment.现现在我和我的同学间间有些麻烦烦。典例背诵诵Do you have any trouble with your English study?你学习习英语语有困难吗难吗 ?having some trouble with2句型展示 Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still make good friends with them.尽管我努力和同学们们交流,但是我仍然发现发现 很难难和他们们交朋友。典例背诵诵They found it necessary to discuss the problem together.他们发现们发现 很有必要一起讨论这讨论这 个问题问题 。find it hard to3句型展示 I to change this situation, but I dont know how.我确实实想改变这变这 种形势势,但是我不知道如何改变变。典例背诵诵She does like collecting stamps.她的确爱爱好集邮邮。do want1I am having_some_trouble_with my classmates at the moment.现现在我与同学们们之间间出现现了一些问题问题 。have trouble with .与有麻烦烦;做某事有困难难I hope you wont have any trouble with the work.我希望你做这项这项 工作不会出什么问题问题 。I expressing myself.我表达起来有点儿困难难。have difficulty with sth. 在方面有困难难have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth.做某事有麻烦烦/困难难have some difficulty inYou cant imagine the trouble I have with my housework.你根本就想不到我在家务务活方面的麻烦烦。返回名校检测检测(2012长沙高一检测)The little boy alone had great trouble _ home.Acame back Bcome backCto come back Dcoming back解析:考查查非谓语动词谓语动词 。句意:这这个小男孩独自费费了很大的力气才回到了家。本句的句型为为:have great trouble (in) doing sth.。故选选D。答案:D2Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still find_it hard_to make good friends with them.虽虽然我尽力去跟班上的同学交谈谈,但是我还还是发现发现 很难难跟他们们成为为好朋友。“find/make/feel/think it形容词词/名词词to do sth.”为为常用句型,it是形式宾语宾语 ,形容词词或名词词作补语补语 ,不定式短语语to do sth.是真正的宾语宾语 。Keep using it and youll find it quite interesting.只要你不断地使用,你会发现发现 它很有趣。I find it my duty to help you when you are in trouble.我认为认为 当你有麻烦时烦时 ,帮助你是我的责责任。We have not to smoke in the office.我们们已制定了规则规则 ,不在办办公室里吸烟。made it a rule返回链链接高考(2010辽宁高考)The fact that she was foreign made _ difficult for her to get a job in that country.Aso BmuchCthat Dit解析:考查查代词词辨析。此处处it用作形式宾语宾语 ,代替后面的动词动词 不定式短语语to get a job in that country,形式主语语和宾语宾语 只能用it,不用其他代词词。答案:D3I do_want to change this situation, but I dont know how.我的确想改变这变这 种现现状,但我不知道该该怎么办办。“助动词动词 do动词动词 原形”来强调谓语动词调谓语动词 。其形式如下: do动词动词 原形(一般现现在时时除第三人称单单数外的各人称)does动词动词 原形(一般现现在时时的第三人称单单数)did动词动词 原形(一般过过去时时的各人称)I do hope you have a merry Christmas!我衷心祝福你圣诞诞快乐乐! my homework yesterday.我昨天的确完成作业业了。She does go shopping every Sunday.她的确每
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