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小学六年级毕业升学练习试卷复习题小学六年级毕业升学练习试卷复习题 资料资料 6 6 份下载份下载练习一一、听问句找答句。( )1AMonday. BSunday. CSaturday.( )2ASome notebooks. BI want to play football. CThank you.( )3ANine. BNine yuan. CNine yuans.( )4AEnglish. BEngland. CChinese.( )5ATheyre sheep. BIts a sheep. CTheyre sheeps.二、听音完成句子。1_ that _ lady? _ our art teacher.2The _ in the _ car is very _ and _.3What _ do you have on _?4Look at the hens. Theyre _.三、判断下列单词画线部分的发音是否相同,用“” “”表示。( )1five thin ( )2use usually( )3lake wait ( )4phone bottle( )5me he ( )6hot nose( )7over old ( )8tree eat( )9down brown ( )10horse work四、指出每组单词中哪一个单词的划线部分与所给音标相同。( )1 Acook Bsoon Cjob Dover( )2 Afloor Bboy Csorry Dwork( )3 Amany Bbye Cyou Dfifty( )4 Aher Bworker CChina Dlesson( )5 Achair Bcan Chere Dhard( )6 Agame Btake Cthank Dlate( )7 Ashow Bflower Ccoat Dold( )8 Acolour Blong Cdo Dfor五、选择正确答案填空,把正确答案的序号写在相应的括号内。( )1Mr Smith is _ old farmer. He has _ big farm.Aa, a Ba, an Can, a Dan, an( )2_ that young lady? Is she your aunt?AWho BWhos CWhose DWhose is( )3_ your mother usually cook in the kitchen?ADo BDoes CAre DIs( )4Look! The children are _ a game under the tree.Aplay Bplaying Care playing Dis playing( )5Theres _ English book in the desk.Aa Ban Cthe D/( )6Li Ming _ on the _ floor.Alive, three Bliving, three Clives, third Dlives, three( )7Tom _ things. He is going to be a scientist in the future.Alike make Blikes make Clike making Dlikes making( )8 “_” “Its ten thirty.”AWhat time is it? BWhat day is it today? CHow old is he? DHow tall is she?( )9The room isnt new, _ very clean.Aand Bor Cbut Dwith( )10How _ sheep are there on the grass?Amany Bany Cmuch Dold( )11They go to school _ seven _ the morning.Ain, on Bat, at Cat, in Don, in( )12This isnt _ pen, _ is in the bag.Ayour, yours Byours, your Cyou, your Dyour, you( )13_ is Amys bike? Its green.AWhat colour BWhat CWheres DWhose( )14We have Chinese class _ Tuesday afternoon.Ain Bat Cfor Don( )15Wu Yifan can _ piano.Aplayed the Bplayed Cplays the Dplay the( )16My father _ a new car. He _ it very much.Ahave, like Bhas, likes Chas, like Dhave, likes( )17_ does your father do? Hes an engineer.AWho BWhat CWhich DHow heavy( )18Dont read _ bed. Its _ for your eyes.Ain, good Bin, bad Con, bad Dat, good( )19The girl _ red is his _.Awith, sister Bin, sister Cin, sisters Don, sister( )20They usually stay _ home _ Sunday morning.Ain, on Bat, at Cat, on Din, to( )21The old worker is looking at _.AI Bher Che Dhis( )22They like _ very much.Aread Bread book Creading Dreading book( )23_ they go to park _ bike?ADo, by BAre, by CDo, on DAre, on( )24Those are the _ books.Ateachers Bteacher Cteachers Dteacherss六、按要求写句子A连词成句。1to, I, park, get, how, the, can(?)_2my, gift, I, to, buy, mother, a, for, want(.)_3go, you, after, in, morning, do, the, school, home(?)_4the, the, on, brother, is, bike, boy, my(.)_5milk, about, a, of, what, glass(?)_
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