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三门峡市育才小学 孟祥丽PEP PRIMARY ENGLISH STUDENTS BOOK (Grade Six) Textbook AnalysisPEP小学英语六年级上册 育才小学六年级英语上册Unit 1Unit 6What does she do?The story of rain What are you going to do?How do you go there?JobsMeans of transportationUnit 4I have a new pen palWhere is the science museum?Spare time activitiesHobbies, daily routineWater cycle, plantsLocations, directionsUnit 3Unit 5Unit 2UnitPart A traffic rule; stop; wait get to;三会: then; always名词词组四会: How do you go to school? I go to school on foot/ by bus词汇 语言材料重点句型有意义的经历介绍出行方式分析教材语料热爱祖国大好河山了解祖国和国 外的交通规则的不同PEP小学英语六年级上册 育才小学单元题目语言知识目标情感态度目标文化意识目标语言技能目标Where is the sciencemuseum?能听懂并简单表达叙述 某地所处的位置的句子正确朗读书写本单元的四会 单词和句子正确听、说、读以下单词:post office; hospital; cinema; bookstore; science museum; turn left; turn right; go straight句型:Where is the cinema? Its next to the hospital.形成良好的询问 或指明地点习惯了解生活中的 部分地点名称How can I get to the museum? Go straight for five minutes. Then turn left.PEP小学英语六年级上册 育才小学第 二 单 元PEP小学英语六年级上册 育才小学能力目标知识目标句子了解Pronunciation 部分音标能够以小组方式讨论完成 购书、导游等课堂活动能够转述他人的 行事计划能够用 where, when 替换句型 “What are you going to do?” 中的疑问词what 提问并予回答。能够用 be going to do 句型交流行事 计划情感态度学习策略文化目标了解有关文字记载 方式的知识this morning, this afternoon, this evening, next week/a:/,/,/m/,/n/ 的音标情感、策略、 文化等有关 目标单词和词组了解Story time, Good to know , Task time 等部分的内容tonight,post card, magazine, dictionary, comic book, newspaperWhat are you going to do on the weekend? Im going to visit my grandparents this weekend.吟唱Lets chant 和Lets sing关注小组合作与 交流,加强自主学习培养学生合理 安排自己的学习 与生活的能力培养学生从小 树立远大理想并为之 努力的思想意识Lets read第 三 单 元PEP小学英语六年级上册 育才小学能力目标知识目标三会单词和句子了解Pronunciation 部分音标能够给别人写一封 信,介绍自己的爱好 和学习、工作情况能够用一般现在时的 一般疑问句形式询问他人的 住处、工作等情况并作答。能够询问和简单 描述自己的兴趣爱好情感态度学习策略文化目标了解一些英语书信 的基本知识Whats your hobby? I like Does she teach English? No, she doesnt.等/l/,/r/等 的音标情感、策略、 文化等有关 目标单词的ing形式了解Story time, Good to know , Task time 等部分的内容collecting stamps, riding a bike, diving, playing the violin, making kites理解并会 吟唱Lets chant积极运用所学语言进行表达与交流, 加强合作,共同 完成学习任务。鼓励学生发展 广泛的兴趣与爱好, 培养学生乐于与人 交往的性格第四单元能力目标句型 four-skilledwordsphrasessinger,write r TV reporteractor,artist actressengineer,cleaner accountantpolicemansalesman1.Be able to introduce jobs. 2. Use sentences to ask the work of others, and to give answers.词汇work with numbers work in a banklike doing sth find ones wayhelp sb.do sth. design carsWhat does 第三人称单数主语do? HeShe is aan职业名词Where does 第三人称单数 主 语work? He She works in a an 地 点名词How does 第三人称单数主 语go to work? He She goes to work by 交 通工具PEP小学英语六上Unit 5 育才小学第 五 单 元vocabluaryabilitiesdrillsWhere does come from? It comes from.How do you do that? First, put inWhat should you do then?1.Tell how water cycles. 2. Describe the process of plant cultivationrain,cloud,sun, seed stream, soil, sproutshine,drop,fall,put, get,down,feel,potcome from, wake up , come out, make sure, PEP小学英语六上Unit 6 育才小学pronounciation/ts/,/dz/,/tr/,/dr/第六单元让学生在生动具体的情境中学习英语新课标的重要理念提高教学有效性策略精心创设教学情境理想的英语课堂高质量、高效率的课堂结 束 语
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