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Antonymy 反义关系6.4 Antonymy6.4 AntonymyTypes of antonymsAntonyms may be classified on the basis of semantic contrast and of morphological structure. on the basis of morphological structure. 1). Root antonyms 词根反义词 2). Derivational antonyms 派生反义词 happy polite productive sad rude destructive unhappy impolite unproductiveExistence,possible, loyal, prewar, code, harmful6.4 AntonymyTypes of antonymsAntonyms may be classified on the basis of semantic contrast and of morphological structure. on the basis of semantic contrastComplementaries 互补反义词Contraries 相对反义词Conversives 逆反反义词6.4 Antonymy Contraries(相对反义词/两极反义词)Gradable antonyms/oppositesAntonyms of this type are best viewed in terms of a scale running between two poles or extremes. big-small rich-poor love-hateFeatures:1. gradable adjectives; -er, -est; adv.The existence of one is in relation to the other.gradation of wealth , rich, richer, richest , very/extremely rich 2. There are intermediate terms between two oppositeslove hate Big smallOld youngrich poor3. expressed by gradable a. n. v. adv. attachment liking indifference antipathymedium middle-age well-to-do, well off, moderately wealthy, comfortable off, hard up6.4 AntonymyComplementaries(绝对反义词/互补反义词)binary antonyms, contradictories, either/or contrastRepresent a type of binary semantic oppositiondead-alive, present-absent, male-female, true-false, single-marriedFeatures:1. absolute contrast; mutually exclusive The denial of one means the acceptation/assertion of the other or vice versa.2. nongradable No comparative degree, not modified by adverbs3. no intermediate terms6.4 AntonymyConverses(换位反义词/关系反义词)relational oppositesexhibit the reversal of a relationship between items.Social opposites: Husband-wife, employer-employee, debtor-creditor Spatial opposites:Above-below, in front of-behind, right-left Reciprocal opposites:Buy-sell, give-receive, go-come, gain-loseIf A lends $10 to B, then B borrow $10 from A.Interdependence of meaning;one member of the pair presupposes the other member. The characteristics of contrary terms include : A non-gradable B mutually exclusive C semantic relativity D relational E gradable F reversal relationship G semantic polarity The characteristics of contradictory terms include: A non-gradable B mutually exclusive C semantic relativity D relational E gradable F reversal relationship G semantic polarity The characteristics of relative terms include: A non-gradable B mutually exclusive C semantic relativity D relational E gradable F reversal relationship G semantic polarity 6.4.2. Features of Antonyms1). Marked and unmarked members 有标记项与无标记项 antonyms differ in semantic inclusion She is the greatest author of the age.She is the greatest authoress of the age.Sense relationsUnmarked Common quality Larger termsMarked Having particular implicationmanwoman authorauthoress lionlioness6.4.2. features of AntonymsAdjectives like: old-young heavy-light tall-short fast-slow big-small thick-thin wide-narrow far-close/near “How old is the Zhao Wei?“He is taller than the girl.How young is Liu Yifei?Wang Baoqiang is shorter than the girl.Sense relationsage heightYoungshort.6.4.2. features of Antonyms2). Different antonyms under different circumstancesFresh bread- breadFresh air- airFresh flowers- flowersFresh look- lookstalestuffyfadedtired6.4.2. features of Antonyms3). Some words without antonyms Almost every word in English has one or more synonyms, but not all words have antonyms. house, window, book, power, magazine, coal, eat, drink, readSense relations6.4.2. features of Antonyms “I am sorry to inform you that we are not at all satisfied with your sister. We are very much dissatisfied with her.” -by Charles Dickens4. lexical antonym is often stronger than syntactic negation. 6.4.3. Use of antonymsStylistic purpose of the use of antonymsTo achieve emphasis by putting contrasting ideas together, to express economically the opposite of a particular thought.Antithesis: 对偶“Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing.“ (Goethe)United we stand, divided we fall.合即力,分即垮 团结则存,分裂则亡 Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.Age, I do abhor thee; youth I do adore thee.Man proposes, God disposes. Give everyman thy ear, but few thy voice. Oxymoron矛盾修饰法: Visible darkness, a victorious defeat, a clever fool, an open secret, painful pleasure, cruel kindness.6.
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