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Junior English for China Students Book 3Unit 8 Lesson 30 (Christmas Day)教材分析:本单元围绕庆贺节日的话题展开各项语言活动 并继续学习动词不定式的用法。语法项目有:动词 不定式,还有在复习动词时态用法的基础上,理解 完成时态have/has been to 和have/has gone to在意义 上的差别,并能在听说读写活动中准确地运用。本 单元的主要交际功能项目为:圣诞节和新年的节日 问候。教学大纲中要求学生掌握的表达祝福及应答 (good wishes and responese )的日常交际用语大部 分在本单元都有所体现。本单元的中心话题是“圣 诞节”,通过Jim和Lin Tao的对话及阅读材料介绍 圣诞节的起源和西方人是如何过圣诞节的。(一)课程理念w 1、注重全体学生的发展。 w 2、从生活走向英语学习,从英语走向社会。 w 3、注重科学探究,提倡学习方式多样化。(二)教学目标通过阅读课(Christmas Day),介绍圣诞节的庆祝活动。另外通过介绍圣诞 老人的故事,让学生用自己的话进行复述,以加深对圣诞精神的理解。然后讨论 思考,并写出如何过春节,培养学生学习英语的积极性及探究精神。 A.知识目标: 词汇:eve stocking pet as well kind-hearted chimney single base base on read shy hang fireplace dry though even though live on relative 句型:1、During the Christmas season friends get together and go from house to house singing Christmas songs.2、They do this for us and to bring the spirit of Christmas to the people in each house.3、He then fills the stocking with Christmas presents.4、Even though Father Christmas is no longer living, his spirit of generosity lives on today. B.日常交际用语:Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! C.德育目标:培养学生对节日活动的祝愿及应答的感受,提高审美观。学唱圣诞歌, 感受圣诞精神(三)教材的重点和难点:通过上面的分析可以看出重点就是词汇 句型、节日的日常交际用语。难点是文中 出现的动词的现在分词作伴随状语(如: 1.During the Christmas season friends get together and go from house to house singing Christmas songs.2.They wake up their parents, calling:”Merry Christmas!”) (四)教具录音机、圣诞歌带、礼物、圣诞帽 、图画w 教学方法:观察、演示、暗示教学法。w 学生学法:学生阅读讨论、思考、扮演。One Pre -readFour Five Two PresentationThree RewritePlayPracticeSix Consolidation Seven Sum -upEight Homework Step 1.Pre-read1.Yesterday we learned that Lin Tao had come to England for his holiday.Do you know when Christmas is? 2. Show a picture to the students:Discuss the picture:What holiday is celebrated? What is the date? What can you see in the picture? 3.Give them another two questions, they discuss:Do you celebrate Christmas? If so, what do you do? What holiday is your favourite? Why?Step2.Presentation1.Play the tape for the students and let them read the text after the tape. 2.Read the passage again on Page 37 and answer the questions in Ex1 orally one by one. 3.Explain the language points.1)get together (聚集)2)on Christmas Eve (在圣诞前夕)3)go to sleep= fall asleep (睡觉)4)in a single night (在一天晚上)5)It is said that (据说)= They said that 6)He didnt know what to do. =He didnt know what he should do.7) wake up sb. (唤醒某人)/ sb wake (s) up (某人自己醒来)8)Merry Christmas! (圣诞快乐!)Step 3、Rewrite the passage1.Ask the students to complete the passage in Ex2.2.Check their answers.3.Read the short passage aloud together.Step 4、Play a game1.Sing a Christmas song with the whole class.2.Ask a student to act as a Father Christmas, standing in the front of the classroom. Then all some students say something about the Father Christmas and Christmas Day. If who can say, then give them some gifts.Step 5 Practice:1.Talk about something about what they usually do to celebrate the Spring Festival in China. 2.Write the main note down into a short passage.Step 6 Consilidation:1.选择填空:( )1.We must help and learn from_ other.A. every B. one C. each D. all( )2.Dont put the radio_ the TV set.A. On the top of B. in top of C. at top of D. over top of ( )3.The No.1 Hospital is _this street.A. in the end B. by the end of C. on the end of D. at the end of ( )4.Chridren _in new clothes on Childrens Day.A. wear B. dress C. put on D. are dressed2.同义句转换:1.It took me two hours to get everything ready for the dinner.I_ two hours _ everything ready for the dinner.2.Mary opened the present at once.Mary couldnt _ _ _ the present.3.James doesnt live in that town any longer.James _ _ _ in that town.4.They arrived have two years ago.They _ _ here for two years.Step7、Sum-upAsk a student sum-up the lesson 30Step8、Homework; http:/www.juxing69.com/ 聚星平台 vcg49wfv 到她手里,无限自责地说:“早教给你吹笛子就好了,吹个曲儿挺好玩儿的。俺今儿个教你吹一个简单的哇。这个笛子留给你 ,你以后好自己学着吹。”秀儿终于哭出声来。她把笛子塞回给耿正,用双手紧紧地捂住脸,哭得上气不接下气的样子。耿正 吓坏了,赶快站起身来弯腰抓住秀儿的肩膀不断地摇着,着急地说:“秀儿,秀儿,你怎么了?你别吓俺好不好!”秀儿哭着 说不出一句话来,耿正只好拍着她的背,很伤感地说:“你如果实在想哭,哭一哭也好。可你老是哭,俺们哪里还有时间说话 啊?俺还想教你吹响这个笛子呢。”见秀儿老是哭不够的样子,耿正的心里更难受了。他难过地说:“秀儿,你以为俺不想哭 吗?可哭又有什么用呢!俺娘从小就给俺们兄妹几个说:人的眼里要冒火星,而不能流泪水!俺们离家外出闯荡世界是为 了咱们,还有咱们镇子上的所有人,以后能够过得更好啊!你这个样子,你叫俺怎么”好一会儿,秀儿终于抽泣着止住了哭声 ,接过耿正递过来的笛子。耿正耐心地告诉秀儿怎么拿笛子,怎么吹气,怎么压眼儿终于,秀儿好不容易集中气息吹进了笛眼 儿里,笛子颤微微地发出了声音。耿正开心地笑了,要继续教她吹一首非常简单的曲子,但秀儿却说什么也不愿意再学了。她 抽泣着从怀里拿出一块儿乳白色的丝绸手帕,展开了说:“正哥哥你看,这一对燕子是俺背着娘绣的,你带上她,就好像俺们 还没有分开!”耿正双手接过手帕说:“你放心,俺一定会不离身得带着的;但你也要答应俺,不要老是哭,哭多了人会变老 变丑的!”秀儿继续抽泣着点点头。想到从明日开始的长久分离,也为了让秀儿快乐起来,耿正说:“俺吹一个刚跟爹学的曲 子给你听哇!爹说,这个曲子的名字是”“是什么?”“算啦,等俺以后再说给你哇。反正这个曲子挺好听呢,比俺以前吹给 你听的哪一个曲儿都好听!”秀儿松开紧攥着笛子的手,耿正神色凝重地拿起笛子放在嘴边,上唇微微突出向下送气,一首无 限美妙而又缠绵哀婉的曲子响了起来,飞到秀儿的心里,飞到这皎洁月光下美丽的乡镇原野上,也飞向繁星闪烁的天空耿老爹 和耿正装车时,大壮就站在自家的门道里。听爹的话,他没敢去开门。一直听到外面耿英说:“爹,这是月饼!”耿老爹说: “放这里。你上车哇,和弟弟坐里边!”少顷,耿老爹轻轻的一声:“驾!”咣当咣当,声音越来越远大壮正要伸手开门,突 然听到隔壁耿老爹家的院儿门开了,又听到了婶子和耿兰的对话,就犹豫着缩回了手。后来,听到隔壁的院儿门又掩上了。而 此时,“咣当咣当”的声音一点儿也听不到了。大壮猛地打开门发疯似的向南跑去。当他知道一切都是徒劳时,无力地捶打着 自己的脑袋在原地转了几圈。仰天长叹一声,大壮伸
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