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人文知识英国(4)History 1. The Origins (5000 BC-1066 AD)英国的起源 (1) Celtic Tribes (凯尔特部落,5000BC-55BC) The Iberians were the first known settlers of Britain. 伊比利亚人是英国最早的居民。 About 700BC, the Celts came across the channel to the British Isles. The Celts were a great people who lived in much of western and central Europe at the time. They defeated the natives of the island and made them members of their tribes. (2) The Roman Conquest (罗马征服,55BC-410AD) In 55BC, the great Roman general Julius Caesar sailed across the English Channel with 10 000 men after he had conquered Gaul. He returned the next year with a large army and defeated some of the Celts. But he returned to Rome before long. 罗马人于公元前55年第一次入侵英国,在朱利尤斯凯撒 的领导下打败了一些凯尔特人的部落。 In 43AD, the Roman Emperor Claudius invaded Britain. In the next decades, the Romans the Celtic tribes and conquered the southern part of the island of Great Britain, including present-day England and Wales. But they were never able to completely defeat or control what is now Scotland. 公元43年,克劳迪斯大帝带兵入侵英国,他们占领了不 列颠岛的南部,但是从未完全征服苏格兰。 (3) The Anglo-Saxons (盎格鲁-撒克逊人,446-871) The northern tribes began to come to England from the continent from about the middle of the 5th century. They were the Germanic tribes日耳曼部落: the Angles, Saxons and Jutes (盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特 人). They also established the manorial system庄园制. (4) The Norman Conquest (诺曼征服,Oct. 14th, 1066) In 1066, William the Conqueror landed in England and built the Norman Empire, thus the feudal system was completely established. He established a strong monarchy in England. (1066, 征服者威廉渡海征服英格 兰,建立封建制度,并在英国建立了一个强大的君主政 体。) 2.The Shaping of the nation (1066-1381, 英国的形成) (1) The Great Charter in 1215 (1215年大宪章) The Great Charter was a statement of the feudal and legal relationship between the Crown and the barons, a guarantee of the freedom of the Church and a limitation of the powers of the king. The spirit of Great Charter was the limitation of the powers of the king, keeping them within the bounds of the feudal law of the land. (大宪章是英国于1215年订立的宪法,用 来限制英国国王的绝对权力。订立的主要原因是教皇、 当时的英王约翰King John、及封建贵族对皇室权力出 现不同的意见。大宪章要求皇室放弃部分权力及尊 重司法过程,接受王权受法律的限制。) (2) The Beginning of Parliament (议会的雏形) In 1265, Simon de Montford (西蒙德蒙特福特) summoned the Great Council (大议会) to meet at Westminster, a meeting that was the earliest parliament. The Great Council developed later into the House of Lords and the House of Commons. (3) The Hundred Years War with France (1337-1453, 英法百年战争) In 1337 Edward , the French King, declared a war that was to last for more than 100 years. England was completely defeated in the war. It greatly reduced Englands population. As a result, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of labor. 战争大大减少了英国的人口,造成劳 动力短缺,许多土地无人看管。 3. Transition to the Modern Age (1455-1830,向现代过 渡) (1) The War of Roses (玫瑰战争,1455-1485) The War of Roses was fought between the two Royal Houses: Lancaster symbolized by the red rose (以红玫 瑰为象征的兰开斯特大家族) and York symbolized by the White(以白玫瑰为象征的约克家族). The nature of the War of the Roses is a fierce struggle for the English throne between the House of Lancaster and the House of York. 玫瑰战争的本质是王权争夺。 On August 22nd, 1485, the last battle of the War of Roses was fought between Richard and Henry Tudor. Henry Tudor (Henry ) put the country under the rule of the Tudors. The war weakened the old feudal nobility. 在玫瑰战争的最后一场战役中,亨利都 铎战胜了理查德三世,建立都铎王朝。玫瑰战争削弱了 旧封建贵族的势力。 (2) The Civil Wars (1642-1651, 英国内战) On August 22nd, 1642, King Charles gained the support of the north and west of the country and Wales. Parliament, on the other hand, derived its strong support from southeast England and London. In 1646, Charles gave himself up. 英国第一次内战发生在 1642年至1646年,是英国国王查尔斯和议会之间的战 役。查尔斯得到了北部、西部和威尔士的支持,议会得 到了东南部的支持。最终以查尔斯失败而告终。 In 1648, induced by Charles who escaped from the army, the Scots rose under Hamilton and invaded England, but were defeated by Cromwell 克伦威尔. King Charles was executed in 1649; Oliver Cromwell and the “Rump”(残余国会) declared England a Commonwealth (英伦三岛共和国1649-1660, no king and no House of Lord). In December 1653, Cromwell became Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England. 英国第二次内战发生在1648年,最终克伦威 尔战胜查尔斯,建立英伦三岛共和国,成为英格兰共和 国护国公。 (3) The Restoration (王朝复辟,1660) When Oliver Cromwell died in 1658 and was succeeded by his son Richard, the regime began to collapse. The parliament was elected in 1660 and resolved the crisis by asking the late Kings son King Charles to return from his long exile in France. It was called The Restoration. 克伦威尔去世,他的儿子理查德即 位后,政权逐渐衰落,国会于1660年决定让已 故的查尔斯国王的儿子查尔斯二世继位,这一事 件被称为王朝复辟。 (4) The Glorious Revolution (光荣革命,1688) William of Orange 奥兰治王室landed at Torbay and marched upon London in 1688. The takeover was smooth, with neither bloodshed, nor any execution of the king, which became known as the Glorious Revolution. 查理二世去 世后,由其弟詹姆士二世继位,詹姆士二世是天 主教徒,英国政客呼吁信奉新教的国王,于是奥 兰治
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