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Unit 10Can you play the guitar?I can speak English.Can you speak English/Chinese?Yes,I can./we can.No,I cant./we cant.danceswimsingShe can dance. They can swim.He can sing. Can she dance? Yes,she can. No,she cantCan they swim? Yes,they can. No,they cant.Can he sing? Yes,he can. No,he cant.play chesspaintplay the guitarHe can play chess.He can paint.He can play the guitar.Can he play chess?paint? play the guitar?Yes,he can.No,he cant.1.dance _ 2.swim _ 3.sing _ 4.play chess _ 5.paint _ 6.speak English_ 7.play the guitar _Section A 1a What can these people do? Match the words and the people.a e f b d c gI want to join the art clubthe English club.the chess club.the music club. the swimming club.1b listen and number the conversation1-3( ) A:Can you swim? B:No,I cant.( ) A:I want to join the art club.B:Can you paint?A: Yes,I can.( )A: I want to join the music club.B:Oh,can you sing?A:Yes,I can. 2 31What club do you want to join?I want to jointhe music club. the art club. the English club. the swimming club.the chess club. Can you _?Yes, I can. /No, I cant.2a listen to these two conversations and circle the clubs you hear. a. English clubb. art clubc. music clubd. chess clube. swimming club 2b. listening and complete the conversation Mario:What club_ you want_join? Lisa:We _to join the chess_. Mario:Can you _ chess? Lisa:No,I _. Juan:I can.doto wantclub playcant2c. Groupwork Practice the conversation above.Then make your own conversation3a.Put this conversation in order_ I dont know. _ What can you do? _ What club do you want to join? _ I can play the guitar2 3 143b.Ask three students what they can do. Make a list and tell your class Example: A:Can you play the guitar? B:Yes,I can. A:Can you play it well? B:No, I cant.4.Groupwork Job Interview look at the ad.Take turns interviewing your classmates for the jobHelp wantedAre you good with kids? We need help for our Beidaiheschool trip Can you help with: Sports Music ComputerCome and join us夏季工作Can 的用法小结:Can是情态动词 表示能力,“能”、“会”结构:主语+ can+动词原形.I You He She We TheyItcan sing.1)肯 定 句2)否定句:直接在can后面加not 结构:主语+cant(can not) +动词原形 I cant sing.3)一般疑问句:直接把can提前到句首。 Can you sing? Yes,I can./No,I cant.What can you do?I can speak English. 对划线部分提问. He can singThey can play basketball.She can play the guitar.Amy can dance.Tom can paint.What can he do?What can they do?What can she do?What can Amy do?What can Tom do?按要求转换下列句型:1.I can play chess.(变成一般疑问句) _ you_ chess? 2.She can play the guitar.(变成一般疑问句) _ she_ the guitar? 3.They can play basketball.(变为否定句) They _ _ basketball. 4.He can dance.(否定句) He_ dance. 5.We can speak English.(提问) _ _ you _? 6.I want to join the art club.(提问) _ _ _ you want to join? 7.Can he paint?(否定回答) _ , he_. 8.I can sing .(提问)_ _ you _?Can playCanplaycant playcantWhat candoWhat club do Nocant What candoviolinpianodrumstrumpetplay the violin./piano/drums/trumpet.play basketball.play +the +乐器名称play+ 球类/棋类名称play chess drums_ piano_ guitar_ trumpet_ violin_ Section B 1a Match the words with the pictures314 522a Listen and circle the words you hearviolin sing dance trumpet drums piano paint 2b Listen and fill in the chart with the words in the box play the guitar sing play the drums play the piano sing or dance can cantBill singJenni ferVictorplay the guitarsing and play the drumsplay the pianoplay the pianodance and sing3a Are you a musician? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums, or the guitar?Then you can be in our school music festival. Please call Zhang Heng at 622-6033. Musicians Wanted for School Music Festival3b Complete the following poster with the words in the boxguitar can play can drums sing can playMusicians Wanted for Rock BandWe want two good musicians for our rock band. _ you _ the _? _ you _?_ you_the _?Please call Liz at 790-4230(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)Can playguitarCan singCan playdrums摇滚乐队4 GROUPWORK School Show What can your group do in the talent show. Make a listSchool ShowSunday 6:00 pm.In the music room.What can you do? Come and show usNamewhat can you doLiXinChinese Kong Fu Self Check Read the conversation and fill in the card A:Hi,can I help you? B:Yes,please. I want to join the art club. A:Good. May I know your name? B:Jones. A:Whats your first name? B:Cindy. A:How old are you? B:Twelve. A: Can you draw? B: Yes, a little. I want to learn about art. A: Do you have an e-mail address? B:Yes, its cindyjpep.com.cn. A: Great. Thanks a lot. B:Thank youName _ Age _ E-mail address: _ What can you do? _ Why do you want to join the club? _Cindy Jones 12cindyjpep.com.cnI can draw a little.I want to learn about art.句型转换1.My new friend can 2. He wants to join club.3. My father and I
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