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卫华集团有限公司简介卫华集团有限公司始建于 1988 年 6 月,是一家以研发、生产起重机械、港口机械、建筑塔机、减速机等产品为主的大型企业集团。经过 20 多年的努力拼搏,现已发展成为我国起重行业产销量最大、品牌影响力最强的企业集团之一,主导产品产销量全国第一。下辖 22 家控股子公司,员工 6000 余人,其中大专以上学历人员 1600 余人。注册资金 1.66 亿元,总资产33 亿元,占地面积 190 万平方米。具备千吨级桥、门式起重机制造水平,企业产品源源不断进入机械制造、钢铁冶金、石油化工、矿山采掘、能源交通、港口物流、汽车及船舶制造等领域。产品畅销全国各地并远销英国、美国、俄罗斯、土耳其、巴西、越南、泰国、印度、伊朗、巴基斯坦、阿曼等二十多个国家。2010 年销售收入达 36.2 亿元。2012 年销售收入达 50 亿元。Weihua Group started from a humble operation in June 1988 and grew to a sizable enterprise group specializing in researching, developing and producing lifting machinery, port machinery, construction-purpose tower crane, reducer, etc. After over 20 years of hard working, the company has become one of size enterprise group with the largest production and sales volume and the most influential brand in Chinas crane industry. The production and sales volume of leading product ranks first. There are 22 subsidiaries with more than 6000 employees within the group. Among them, there are more than 1600 staffs with college degree or above. Weihua occupy a total production area of more than 1,900,000 square meters, the total asset is about 3.3 billion RMB, register capital 166 million RMB. With the kiloton overhead and gantry crane manufacturing capacity, an increasing number of crane are serving in machinery manufacturing, metallurgy, petrochemical industry, mining, energy and transportation, port logistics, automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding and other fields. Hundreds of cranes have been exported to more than 20 countries like Great Britain, America, Russia, Turkey, Brazil, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Iran, Pakistan, and Oman and so on. In FY2010, our total sales reached a history-high 3.62 billion RMB. In 2012 its already reached 5billion RMB.企业先后获得“中国机械百强企业”、 “全国守合同重信用企业”、“全国质量管理先进企业”等 300 多项殊荣。卫华牌桥、门式起重机获得“中国名牌产品 ”称号,“卫华牌”商标被评为“中国驰名商标”。卫华集团是中国重型机械工业协会副理事长单位、桥式起重机分会副理事长单位和中国物料搬运协会副理事长单位。Weihua Group has been honored with more than 300 awards like Machine 100 China, National Creditable Enterprise, National Quality Management Advanced Enterprise etc. Our overhead traveling crane and gantry crane are awarded China Top Brand , Weihua trademark was awarded China Famous Brand Weihua Group also serves the Heavy Machine Industry Association, Material-Handling Machine Association and Bridge Crane Sub-association of China as Deputy Chief Director.卫华集团拥有河南省唯一一家起重机械装备工程技术研究中心,国家授权专利 76 项。2007 年,“卫华集团技术检验测试中心”获得中国合格评定国家认可委员会实验室认可;2008 年,卫华集团被评为“河南省创新型试点企业”和“河南省知识产权优势企业”;2009年,卫华集团被评为“河南高新技术企业”、“中国 100 最佳雇主 ”;2010 年,被评为“国家认定企业技术中心”、“博士后科研工作站”,研发创新能力不断提升。Weihua Group owns the only crane R&D center in Henan Province and 76 patents. In 2007, Weihua Testing and Inspection Center was awarded National Laboratory, 2008, Weihua Group was named “innovative pilot enterprises in Henan Province” and “National Intellectual Property Pilot Unit”; 2009, Weihua Group was named National High-tech Enterprise , “Top 100 Best Chinese Employer”; 2010, Weihua Group was regarded as “national technology center” and “Postdoctor R&D station. Weihua will keep on improving the R&D and innovation capacity.卫华集团以“成为中国起重设备行业的领袖企业、国际著名的起重设备品牌企业”为己任,不懈努力,加快发展,不断提高企业核心竞争力,继续谱写起重机制造史上的新篇章。Weihua Group is committed to Becoming the leader in China lifting equipment companies & international famous brand” and open a new chapter in the history of crane production with its continuous efforts and in pursuit of greater core competitiveness.
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