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2011届高考英语总复习(课件+实战演练),.重点单词1. adj.文化的 n文化;文明2. adj.稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的 adv.罕有;很少;不常3. adj.贵重的;有价值的 n价值 adj.无法估量的;非常贵重的 adj.无价值的;极其贵重的4. vi.幸免;幸存;生还 n幸存;生还 n生还者,cultural,culture,rare,rarely,valuable,value,invaluable/priceless,valueless/worthless,survive,survival,survivor,5. vt.使吃惊;惊讶 adj.感到惊讶的 adj.令人吃惊的 n惊讶6. vt.挑选;选择 n选择7. n设计;图案;构思;vt.设计;计划;构思 n设计者8. adj.奇特的;异样的;vt.想象;设想;爱好9. v装饰;装修 n装饰;装修,amaze,amazed,amazing,amazement,select,selection,design,designer,fancy,decorate,decoration,10. nC珠宝;宝石 nU珠宝;首饰11. n接待;招待会;接收 v接待;接受;收到12. vi.移动;搬开 n移动;迁移13. n&vt.怀疑;疑惑14. adj.古值钱的;prep.值得的 n知名人士;重要人物15. n根据;证据 adj.明显的,显而易见的,jewel,jewellery/jewelry,reception,receive,remove,removal,doubt,worth,worthy,evidence,evident,.重点短语1.in search 搜寻;寻找 2.belong 属于3. return 作为报答;回报4. war 处于交战状态5. than 少于6. apart 拆开;拆卸7.think of 看重;器重,of,to,in,at,less,take,highly,.重点句型Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, never that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an history.普鲁士国王威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。2. This was a time the two countries were .这是在两国交战的时期。,could,have,imagined,amazing,when,at,war,.语篇练习根据课文In Search Of The Amber Room完成下列短文。The Amber Room, one of the great wonders of the world, was a great work that took ten years_1_. In 1716 ,the Amber Room was given to the Russian people_2_a gift of friendship by Frederick William I, who loved best soldiers_3_than the Amber Room_4_.In Russia, the room first served_5_a small reception hall for important visitors and later moved and_6_(design)by Catherine,._7_(fortune), the Amber Room disappeared when the Nazi Germany and Russia were at war and now nobody knows_8_happened to it. In the spring of 2003, however, a new Amber Room, built by the Russians and Germans on the_9_(base) of old photos,was ready for the people of St Petersburg_10_(celebrate) the 300th birthday of their city.答案1. to make2. as3. more4. itself5. as6. redesigned7. Unfortunately8. what9. basis10. to celebrate,.重点词汇及短语1doubt v怀疑,疑惑,不相信;n.怀疑,疑惑There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for K nigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.(回归课本P2),要点导航beyond/out of doubt毫无疑问地;确实地in doubt不肯定的;不确定的no doubt无疑地;很可能without (a) doubt无疑地;确实地I dont doubt that.我确信I doubt whether (if).我怀疑,注意:doubt在肯定句中用whether或if引导从句,但在疑问句和否定句中用that引导从句。,完成句子(1)毫无疑问,姚明是我们国家最好的篮球运动员。 Yao Ming is the best basketball player in our country.(2)如果你拿不准是否应该进行这种锻炼,咨询一下医生好了。If you are you should be doing these exercise,consult your doctor.,There is no doubt that,In any doubt as to whether,(3)他是否是做这项工作的最佳人选还值得怀疑。he is the best man for the job.(4)似乎没有理由怀疑她的故事。There seems no reason to (5)我不敢肯定这个新的是否会好些。the new one will be any better.,There is some doubt whether,doubt her story.,I doubt whether/if,2survive vt.比活得长;(经过)活(保存)下来;vi.活下来;幸存;残留Is it enough to have for a long time?(回归课本P1)要点导航(1)survive sth.在之后仍然生存;从中逃生survive sb.(by.)比活得长(几年)survive on sth. 靠存活下来survive from. 从存活下来;流传下来,survived,(2)survivor n生还者survival nU存活,幸存nC过去时代留存下来的人、物、风俗、信仰等;遗迹;遗风;旧风俗;旧思想完成句子(1)由于孟祥斌及时的救援,那位年轻女子免于被淹死。The young lady because of Meng Xiangbins timely rescue.,survived the drowning,(2)战后,汤姆比他的朋友多活了十年。Tom after the war.(3)我每周收入30英镑难以生存。I 30 a week.(4)有许多奇怪的风俗从古代沿袭下来。Many strange customs,survived his friend by 10 years,cant survive on,have survived from earlier times,3fancy adj.奇特的,异样的;vt.想像;设想;爱好The design of the room was in the style opular in those days.(回归课本P1),fancy,要点导航fancythatclause以为fancy (ones) doing sth.想像(某人)做某事fancy sb.(to be).认为某人fancy sb.as.认为某人是have a fancy for爱好,迷恋catch/take sb.s fancy 合某人的心意;吸引某人take a fancy to sb./sth.喜欢上,爱上某人/物fancy dress聚会时所穿的奇装异服fancy oneself (as sth.)自命不凡,自负,完成句子(1)She is good at (花样滑冰)(2) (别以为) you can succeed without hard work.(3)I cant fancy (他做这样的事)(4)I fancied him (已经死了)(5)He (自以为是) a good writer.(6) (没想到) your talking like that!,fancy skating,Don t fancy that,his doing such a thing,(to be) dead,fancies himself (as),Fancy,4remove v移动;搬开;脱掉;去掉;免职Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace,the Russians were able to some furniture.(回归课本P2),remove,要点导航remove.from/to.移动,搬开remove ones hand from ones shoulder把手从肩上放下来remove ones coat脱下衣服remove (get rid of) all doubts消除怀疑remove sb.from ones position as chairman撤去某人的主席职务,归纳辨析move,remove两个词都可表示“移动,搬开”之意。当表示“搬家,搬家具”时,它们意思相当。但表示“(其他)移动”时二者有区别:(1)move是一般用语,指由一地移到另一地的意思。(2)remove特别强调“除掉”或“撤去”的含义,去掉的方式不限。,
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