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名词复数学A Revision Class for the Pupils of Grade FourLets sing:Try to rememberGame:Try to rememberGame:1 2 3574869Try to rememberGame:2 3574869Try to rememberGame:3574869Try to rememberGame:574869Try to rememberGame:57869Try to rememberGame:7869Try to rememberGame:789Try to rememberGame:89Try to rememberGame:9Try to rememberGame:Game:applesbusespolicemengeesebabiesfishsheep childrenmiceapplebuspolicemangoosebabyfishsheepchildmouse名词变复数名词变复数Chinese,fish,sheep出现,单复数同形不用变。单数变复数,s来帮助。s,x加es要记住。 man改成men。 oo要往ee变。 辅音+y,y变 i,后面es紧跟来。child变children,mouse变mice。Ready, ready?Go!Go!Go!Three little rabbits jumping on the bed.One fell off ,oh,yes,yes,yes!Two little rabbits jumping on the bed.One fell off ,oh,yes,yes,yes!One little rabbit jumping on the bed.One fell off ,oh,yes,yes,yes!(child,sheep,mouse,baby,fireman,duck)Three little _jumping on the bed.One fell off ,oh,yes,yes,yes!Two little _jumping on the bed.One fell off ,oh,yes,yes,yes!One little _ jumping on the bed.One fell off ,oh,yes,yes,yes!sheep mousegoosesheepMr.Sheep, How many sheep are there in your family?There are two sheep.Mr.Mouse, How many mice are there in your family?mouseThere are six mice.gooseMiss.goose, How many geese are therein your family?There are ten geese.Assessment:(1)*I can say out some plural nouns.*I know the rules of the plurals nouns.*I can make sentences by the plurals nouns.*I can do the exercises.*I can sing the songs and say the chants.I think:My partner:My groupmatesAssessment:(2)Homework: You must do:Recite the rules of the plurals nouns with your classmates.You can try to do:To find more plural nouns in your spare time.
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