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必修部分 必修5Unit 1 Great scientistsv 真题呈现 v2013湖南高考请以下列单词为 关键词 , 写一篇英语短文。vmatch winner loser resultv内容:v1. 自己或他人的一次经历 ;v2你的感受。v注意:1. 必须使用4个关键词 ;v2. 不少于120词;v3. 不能提供真实姓名和学校名称。 v素材储备v好 词v1. go on 进行v2. at first 一开始v3. lose heart 灰心v4. try ones best 尽最大努力v5. feel regret 感到遗憾v6. in a word 总之v好 句v1. On the one hand, we think that friendship comes first, and match comes second. 一方 面,我们认为 友谊第一,比赛第二。v2On the other hand,since we all tried our best, we had no regret. 另一方面,因为我们 尽了最大努力,我们不觉得遗憾。v3In our life we may meet many failures, as long as we try our best, theres no need to feel regret for the result. 在我们的生活中,我 们可能遭遇很多失败,但只要我们尽了最大 努力,就没有必要为结 果感到遗憾。v审题 要点v审体裁:v从四个关键词 的限制来看,这是一篇记叙文 。v审人称和时态 :v本篇短文要求考生以第一人称的方式,记叙一 次比赛的经过 ,并发表自己的感想。对比赛 的解说或描述可以用一般现在时,也可用一 般过去时态 ;谈论 自己的感受时需要用一般 现在时态 。v审要点:v明确常见比赛的规则 和相关细节 ,注意使用 所给的四个关键词 。写作模板v给出比赛的时间 、地点等要素:vLast Monday we watched a basketball match.vLast week, a football match was held between Class One and Class Two.v审要点:v明确常见比赛的规则 和相关细节 ,注意使用 所给的四个关键词 。写作模板v给出比赛的时间 、地点等要素:vLast Monday we watched a basketball match.vLast week, a football match was held between Class One and Class Two.v比赛的过程,尤其是胜负 情况:vIn the first half, we were ahead for the time being.vThe crowd cheered, and.vThe first part of the match was pretty smooth.vThe players from both sides are all excellent basketball players. v作者的感受:vWhile watching the match, I came to understand.vBut the most important thing that I learnt was.vIn a word, success is important, so is failure, because. 01 基础回顾感悟v1. vt. conclusion 2. challenge; challengerv3. suspect; suspicion; suspicious 4. foresee; foretell; forecast 5. pollute; pollution 6. construct; constructionv7. contribute; contribution 8. reject; rejectionv1. 提出_v2. 得出结论 _v3. 使显露;暴露 _v4. 应受责备 _v5. 调查 ;研究 _v6. 将和联系或连接起来 _v7. 除之外;此外 _v8. 对严格的 _v9. 讲得通;有意义 _v10. 有时 _v答案v1. put forward 2. draw a conclusion 3. expose.tov4. be to blame 5. look into 6. link.to. 7. apart from 8. (be) strict with. 9. make sense 10. at timesv1. Neither its cause nor its cure was understood.人们既不知道它的病源,也不了 解对它的治疗。v句式分析:neither.nor.既不也不v句式仿写:父亲和孩子们对这 部电影都不感 兴趣。v_are interested in the film.v2. So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.每次爆发霍 乱时,都有大批惊恐的老百姓病死。v句式分析:every time意为“每当”,引 导一个时间 状语从句,相当于whenever。v句式仿写:每次我去看她,她都在看书。v_, she was reading books.v3. He knew that cholera would never be controlled until its cause was found.他知道, 在找到病源之前,霍乱疫情是无法控制的。v句式分析:never/not.until.意为“直到 才”,强调动 作的开始。v句式仿写:读了你的来信,我才知道真实的 情况。v_ _v4. To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined.为防止这种 情况再度发生,约翰斯诺建议所有水源都 要经过检测 。v句式分析:suggest (to sb.) that.意为“(向某 人)建议”;此时that从句中的谓语动词 要用“should动词 原形”形式,should可以 省略。v句式仿写:他向我们建议应 在学校里建一座 实验 室。vHe_that a lab_in school.v答案v1. Neither the father nor the children 2. Every time I went to see her 3. I didnt know the fact until I read your letter.v4. suggested to us; (should) be built02 考点分层细 解考点 1conclude vt. absorbedv解析:句意:当我走进房间时 我发现 父亲坐 在沙发上全神贯注读一本杂志。seated为过 去分词表状态,第二个动词 absorb与father之 间是被动关系,即父亲被杂志所吸引,故用 过去分词。考点6blame vt. 责备责备 ;谴责谴责 ;归归咎于;n. 过过失;责备责备高考 典句Still others lay the blame on the Americans, complaining that pounds have piled on thanks to eating too much American style fast food.摘录于2013湖北高考 阅读 理解C 然而,有些人把责任归咎于美国人 ,抱怨长肉是因为吃了太多美国 式的快餐食品。v归纳 拓展 v(1)blame sb. for (doing)sth. 因(做)而责 备某人vblame sth. on sb. 把某事归咎于某人vbe to blame (for.) 应承担责任;该受责备 ( 用主动形式表被动意义)v(2) accept/bear/take the blame for.v 对某事负责 ;承担责任vput/lay the blame for sth. on sb.v 把责任推到身上v语境助记 vDont go trying to blame it on me!别想赖 我!vYou should take the blame for not finishing the work on time. v未能按时完成工作,你应该 承担责任。v新题型演练 vThe light was on all night long.vYes. It seemed that Mike_ _ _(blame)He was the last one to leave the office.v答案:was to blamev解析:be to blame 表示“应受责备 ”,是主 动形式表达被动含义。v归纳 拓展 v(1)contribute sth. to. 把捐献给; 给投稿vcontribute to 为做出贡献;有助于;导 致v(2)contribution n. 捐献;贡献;投稿vmake a contribution/contributions tov 对做出贡献v语境助记 vWe hope your suggestion will contribute to solving the problem.v我们希望你的建议有助于解决问题。vEveryone is willing to contribute food and clothes to the homeless people.v每个人都愿意为无家可归的人捐献食物和衣服 。vEveryone should make contributions to protecting the environment.v每个人都应当为保护环境做贡献。v新题型演练 vEveryone is encouraged to _something _ those who suffered a great deal in the earth quake.(contribute)v答案:contribute; tov解析:句意:每个人都被鼓励为遭遇地震灾 难的那些人捐献点什么。contribute“捐献; 捐赠”,contribute sth. to “把捐给 ”。v归纳 拓展 vput aside 节省;储蓄;储存;留出vput away 放好;积蓄vput off 延期;推迟vput out 熄灭;生产vput up 举起;张贴 ;公布;挂起; 建造v语境助记 v
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