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英语教学案例分析广西南宁市第三十一中学 黄玲鲜 Tel 13977124860课题:外延版七上 M8 Choosing presents Unit 1 I always like birthday parties.教学对象:七年级 8 班,男女比例为男生 21 人,女生 24 人,学生学习英语的积极性较高,英语基础较好。教材分析:本节课的话题是邀请朋友参加自己的生日聚会,内容涉及到中国孩子与外国孩子如何过生日。教材的重点是表达邀请。教师可以通过设置语境,让学生练习如何正确地发出邀请,还可以结合 “Around the world”了解国外的生日文化,让学生比较中西文化的不同。学生分析:“生日”是学生熟悉而又感兴趣的话题,在学习这部分知识以前学生已经积累一定的词汇,教学中我们应该充分认识到这一点,调动学生丰富的认知经验,以便更好地跟同伴交流。根据学生的年龄特点和生活经验,本节课立足于学生的发展,要紧密地联系生活实际,让学生在较为真实的环境中练习说英语。教学设计及教学过程:采用导学案课堂教学模式进行教学。导学案展示:一、学习目标: 1. 掌握下列频度副词的用法:always usually often sometimes never 2. 能听懂、读懂有关生日的对话 3. 能描述在生日晚会上人们所做的事 二、课前自主学习1、复习词汇表 P48 单词,不看书写出下列单词:总是_ 礼物_ 从不_ 唱_ 卡片_1. He _helps his sister with her English. 2. He is _late for school. He is a good student.3. I get many _ on my birthday every year, such as dolls, candy, clothes, shoes and so on. 4. These are birthday _. They are beautiful.5. On my birthday, I always the song “Happy Birthday”2、a3:对话导学(1)请通读对话,在对话中找出下列短语,下划线并翻译。1. would like to 2. at a Chinese birthday party 3. eat noodles 4. eat birthday cake 5. make a birthday cake 6. buy a special cake 7. cut the cake 8. give birthday cards 9. sing Happy Birthday 10. sing it in Chinese 11. get birthday presents (2)请大声朗读对话,将你还不明白的句子写下来: (3) 在对话中找到并画出下列句子。译成中文并努力背下来。1) I always like birthday parties. 2) What do you usually do at a Chinese birthday party?3) My mother never makes a birthday cake.4) She usually buys a special one.5) We sometimes give birthday cards.6) Do you usually sing Happy Birthday?7) Daming always gets birthday presents!8) Would you like to come to my birthday party? Yes, Id like to. When is it? 9) What would you like for your birthday?10) Great! 11) Its a secret.(4)语言点导学- Would you like to come to my birthday party? - Yes, ld love to.would like 意为“ 想,想要” ,与 want 意义相同,但语气更委婉。 would like 可与任何人称连用,没有人称和数的变化,肯定句中 would 常在主语后面缩写为d。肯定句:主语 + would like 否定句:主语 + would not like 一般疑问句:Would + 主语 + like ? 特殊疑问句:疑问词 + would + 主语 + like ? 基本用法: 1. would like sth. 想要某物。如: Would you like a cup of tea? Yes, please. / No, thanks.2. would like to do sth. 想要做某事。如: Would you like to go shopping with me? Yes, Id like to. / Id like to, but I have to do my homework.3. would like sb to do sth 想要某人做某事。如: Jim would like Tom to help him with his English.I always like birthday parties. 本模块出现了大量的表示不确定时间的副词:often, always, never, usually 等, 1、这些副词表示频度,在句中位置:在 be 动词、情态动词或助动词之后,行为动词之前。如:He is always late for school. The girl often helps others. You must never tell him about it.2、对频度副词提问用 how often。如:He usually plays football on Saturday. _ _ does he play football on Saturday?Daming always gets birthday presents! get 作及物动词时, 意为“收到;得到”, 后可接名词或代词作宾语。如: On my birthday I get many presents. 过生日时我收到了许多礼物。拓展 与 get 有关的固定搭配有 : get up 起床,起立 get to 到达 get down=write down 下来,写下 get in=come in 进来 get sth. for sb 为某人弄到/ 买某物 (5)语音学习:活动 6听磁带,大声地跟录音机朗读,特别注意红色字母或字母组合的发音。请把本模块单词含有这几个音素的单词抄到其后。三、课堂学习过程1、预习情况交流:1)与同学交流自主学习情况 2)小组提问,同学或老师解答;2、学习策略培养:(1)口语练习,引入课堂内容:Talk about the picture: What can you see? What are they doing? Review some words about birthday party. Learn the new words and expressions (2)听力练习: 听 a2 的对话,给你听到的词标序号;之后回答问题:Who are the birthday present and the birthday card for? They are for .Listen to the dialogue in a3 and then choose the best answers.1. Damings birthday is on _. A. Sunday B. Friday C. Saturday2. Tony likes _. A. cards B. birthday parties C. flowers3. Damings mother never makes _. A. jiaozi B. a birthday cake C. noodles4. Lingling _ gets birthday presents. A. always B. sometimes C. never(3)朗读对话,完成其后的正误判断(a3) 、选词(a4) 和填空练习 (a5) (到对话中去找答案,写在书上)(4)教师检查语言点导学自学部分。之后完成导学案当堂反馈练习。(5)学习成果展示(a7): Work in pairs. Ask and answer. 组长记录并汇报。A: What do you always/usually/often/-do on your birthday?B: I always/usually/often/- on my birthday.In our group, when we are on birthday, we always sing Happy Birthday. Xiao Ming usually eats noodles. 四、当堂反馈练习:I. 将括号内的副词放到句中的适当位置1. I go to the cinema.(often)_2. He plays football on Saturday.(usually)_3. She gets up at 7:00am.(always)_4. They eat chocolate at home.( sometimes)_5. She is late for school.(never)_. 单项选择题1. I get a birthday card _ Daming on his bir
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