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- 1 -平遥中学平遥中学 2016-20172016-2017 学年第二学期高二期中考试学年第二学期高二期中考试英语试题英语试题( (文理科文理科) )本试卷满分本试卷满分 150150 分分 考试时间考试时间 100100 分钟分钟 第第 I I 卷卷第一部分第一部分 英语知识运用英语知识运用 (共三节,满分(共三节,满分 100100 分)分)第一节第一节 阅读理解(共四篇,共阅读理解(共四篇,共 1515 小题;每小题小题;每小题 3 3 分,满分分,满分 4545 分分A A Land Art, sometimes referred to as Earth Art or Earthworks, is a form of art which involves using physical landscapes to create art, taking art out of the museum and into the outside world. Modern Land Art movement really got going in the 1960s when American artists began creating Land Art on a large scale. Today, works of modern Land Art can be seen all over the world, sometimes right alongside much older pieces of Land Art created by people who lived thousands of years ago.Land Art, which is not necessarily unchangeable, can take a number of forms. For examples, in 1970 Robert Smithson created the Spiral Jetty(螺旋状防波堤), made of a collection of stones and mud, in the Great Salt Lake. The American artist made a large jetty in a spiral shape which sticks out into the waters of the lake.Reshaping the landscape is a common characteristic of Land Art, which can be created by moving parts around. People can also add things to the environment to create Land Art, like salt, which is added to the Spiral Jetty. It is possible to use plants. In all cases, Land Art is immovable.Land Art is designed to gradually form, change, and eventually decay(衰落). Thats one of the biggest differences between Land Art and most of the art one sees in the museums. Some works of art can exist only for a few hours or days. Others are exposed to rain and wind so that they develop and decay over time, which is part of the attractiveness in the eyes of the artists.1. What do we know about Robert Smithson?A. He is a great creative artist. B. He lives near the Great Salt Lake.C. He made the most famous Land Art. D. He was a pioneer in creating Land Art.2. One of the unique characteristics of Land Art lies in _. - 2 -A. it shows the extreme beauty of nature B. it develops and decays gradually over timeC. it combines the landscapes around completely D. it offers the artists a chance to get close to nature3. What is the passage mainly about?A. Works of Land Art. B. History of Land Art.C. Changes of Land Art. D. Introduction of Land Art. B BIf you have a chance to go to Finland, you will probably be surprised to find how “foolish” the Finnish people are.Take the taxi drivers for example. Taxis in Finland are mostly high-class Benz(奔驰)with a fare of two US dollars a kilometer. You can go anywhere in one, tell the driver to drop you at any place, say that you have some business to attend to, and then walk off without paying your fare. The driver would not show the least sign of anxiety.The dining rooms in all big hotels not only serve their guests, but also serve outside diners. Hotel guests have their meals free, so they naturally go to the free dining rooms to have their meals. The most they would do to show their good faith is to wave their registration card to the waiter. With such a loose check, you can easily use any old registration card to take a couple of friends to dine free of charge.The Finnish workers are paid by the hour. They are very much on their own as soon as they have agreed with the boss on the rate(价钱). From then on they just say how many hours they have worked and they will be paid accordingly(相应地).With so many loopholes(漏洞)in everyday life, surely Finland must be a heaven to those who love to take “petty advantages”. But the strange thing is, all the taxi passengers would always come back to pay their fare after they have attended to their business; not a single outsider has ever been found in the free hotel dining rooms. And workers always give an honest account of the - 3 -exact hours they put in. As the Finns always act on good faith in everything they do, living in such a society has turned everyone into a real “gentleman”.In a society of such high moral practice, what need is there for people to be on guard against others? 4. While taking a taxi in Finland, _.A. a passenger can never be turned down by the taxi driver wherever he wants to go B. a passenger pays two US dollars for a taxi rideC. a passenger can go anywhere without having to pay the driverD. a passenger needs to provide good faith demonstration before they leave without paying5. We know from the passage that big hotels in Finland _.A. provide meals for only those who live in the hotelsB. provide meals for any dinersC. provide free wine and charge for foodD. are mostly poorly managed6. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. The workers in Finland are paid by the hour.B. The bosses in Finland are too busy to check the working hours of their employees.C. The workers are always honest with their working hours.D. The workers and their bosses will make an agreement in advance about the pay.7. It can be
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