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Unit2Unit2 DidDid youyou havehave a a nicenice holidayholiday课 题Module9 Unit2 Did you have a nice holiday?课时学科英语教学目标1.掌握单词 earth,地名 Hong Kong, the Great Wall, West Lake2.掌握句型:询问对方过去是否做了某事:Did you +动词原形+过去的时间?及对应的回答Yes,I/we+did. No,I/we +didnt.课时教学重难点Did you +动词原形+过去的时间及对应的回答 Yes,I/we+did. No,I/we +didnt.教学准备教学过程个性化设计针对上节课询问他们过去是否做了某事的句型及与上机课相关的短语进行提问T: Lingling had a nice holiday, Now they are talking about it, lets have a look.So today we will learn Unit2 Did you have a nice holiday? 以句子学单词,让学生词不离句,在记住句子的同时记住单词 X k B 1 . c o m T:出示香港 Hong Kong,并教授,同时出示问题 Did you go to Hong Kong last year?通过领读,分组读的形式进行巩固练习,肯定回答 Yes, I did. 教授 West Lake,出示汉语,让学生试着说 Did you visit the famous West Lake last year.及回答 Yes, I did. 教授 the Great Wall,给出英语 Did you visit the Great Wall last week? 让学生试着说出对应的汉语意思。并让学生说出否定回答。No, I didnt. 出示 Did you see your friend Lili in Hangzhou?让学生进一步练习否定回 答。 最后出示一张地球的图片,让学生再一次复习 Did you have a nice holiday?在此点出 you 除了你,还有你们的意思。强调此时的回答 Yes, we did. No.we didnt. 通过板书,引导学生发现规律:询问对方过去是否做了某事时 Did you +动词 原形+过去的时间? 对应的回答 Yes,I/we+did. No, I/we+didnt. 出示图片,让学生小试牛刀,以小组合作的形式展开。Here are two dialogs, one is about The ET went to the earth, and had a nice holiday. another is about Lingling went to Hangzhou and had a nice holiday, Now let s have a look 通过领读,分角色读,自由读以及带着问题读课文的形式进行学习.出示堂清.习题,针对本节课的重点词组,并讲解板书设计教学后记:
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