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敬启者: 你方第333号订单项下12000打莲花牌牛仔裤 的6288号信用证已收到,谢谢! 在详阅后,我们发现不允许装船和分批装运, 由于到你方港口的直达船稀少,在大多数情况下 ,货物必须在香港转运。至于分批装运问题,如 果我们能立即装运目前已备好的货物,而不必等 到整批货物备妥后在装运,这将对你我双方都是 有利的。因此我们认为有必要请你方将信用证修 改为“允许装船和分批装运”。否则,交货势必被 延误。 请从速办理此事,我们不胜感激。 谨上 Gentleman: We thank you for your L/C No. 6288 covering your Order No. 333 for 12,000 dozen Lotus Brand Jeans. On perusal, we find that transshipment and partial shipment are not allowed. As direct steamers to your port are few and far between, in most cases, goods have to be transshipped from Hongkong. As to partial shipment, it would be to our mutual benefit if we could ship immediately whatever is ready instead of waiting for the whole shipment to be completed. Therefore, we find it necessary to request you to amend your L/C as allowing transshipment and partial shipment, failing which the delivery of this order will by force be delayed. Your prompt attention to the matter will be much appreciated. Yours faithfully, Supplementary exercises: 1. 我方发现在贵方的信用证条款中,有如下两点 与有关合同不一致: (1)贵方信用证要求有生产厂家证明书,而合 同条款中并无此规定。 (2) 合同号码03/1245改为04/1245 2. 贵方信用证中只容我方半个月时间交货。但 在签定合同时我们已达成协议,在收到信用证后 一个月交货。 3、关于包装,合同规定是用纸箱包装,外用尼 龙带加固,而贵方信用证中要求用金属带加固。 我方认为应按合同规定进行包装。 4、特请贵方将装船期和有效期分别延至9月15 日和30日,修改包装条款。 1. Among the clauses specified in your Credit we find that the following two points do not conform to the relative contract: (1) Your Credit calls for Manufacturers Certificate, which is not included in the Contract. (2) The Contract number is 04/1245 instead of 03/1245 2. Your L/C allows us only half a month to effect delivery. But when we signed the contract we have agreed that the delivery should be made within one month upon receipt of the Letter of Credit.3.As to packing, the contract stipulates that the goods should be packed in cartons and reinforced with nylon straps outside, but your L/C required metal straps instead. We think we should arrange the packing according to the contract. 4.You are kindly requested to extend the shipment and validity ot September 15 and 30 respectively, as well as amend the term of packing. 第六章 英汉短文互译 1 汉英句法差异汉语的一个句子可有好几个短句组成,它们 之间靠意义联系起来,而英语句子往往要求用关 系代词或关系副词将句子成分连成一个意义与形 式吻合一致的整体。因此,对于不太长的、结构 比较松散的句子,英译时要用各种手段将各部分 组合在一起。有时一个英语句子即使写得较长, 带有较多的短语和从句,结构复杂,但只要表达 得当,层次分明,就不失为一个好句子。 例:我方准备在四月中旬开始做生意,希望能在本 月底送来必需的信息。如能办到,将不胜感激。 可译成: We would appreciate it very much if you could help us with some necessary information by the end of this month since we are planning to open our business in the middle of April.原文有三个小句,译文是带有两个从句的一个复 杂长句,充分体现了两种语言句法的不同特点。 由此可见,翻译时可根据需要改变其原有的句子 结构,对原句中的各种成分也不必拘泥,而要灵 活掌握,译成更加符合目标语言习惯的句子。 2在否定句上的差异 英语常用否定句型分三类:一类是对否定的对象 作全部否定;一类是对否定对象作部分否定;另 一类叫双重否定。 (1)全部否定 1) 核桃和花生都无货供应。Neither walnuts nor peanuts are available for supply. 2) 来函所询商品都不是我公司经营的。None of the items inquired for in your letter are handled by this Corp.(2) 部分否定 1)五月份不是每艘船都按期到达装运港。In May every vessel did not arrive at the port of loading according to schedule. 2)高密度和低密度聚乙烯不是都有货可供。Both high-density polyethlene and low-density polyethylene are not available for supply. 3)来函所询的商品不都是ABC公司出售的。 All the articles inquired for in your letter are not sold by ABC Corp.(3) 双重否定 )经济不增长,供应也无法保障Without economic growth, supplies cannot be ensured. 2)要我们在今年下半年再供贵方一船原油并不是不可能的事情 I t will not be impossible for us to sell another cargo of crude oil to you in the second half of this year. 3. 对翻译句子进行重复、省略、增补的处理 在外贸业务的翻译中,我们经常碰到词、句重复或 省略的现象,需要我们根据英、汉两种语言的特 点妥善处理。有些在汉语中需要重复的词、句, 在英译时必须根据英语的表达习惯予以避免。有 些在汉语中并未出现的重复。在英译时为了表达 清楚却要将之补出。另外,翻译时只有增补一些 词才能使译文符合原有语言的语法规则,增补是 句子内容完整、通顺。 试看下面例子:1)贵方电报通知的数量,船代理提供的装船数量,舱单的 数量经常不一致。Discrepancies were often found among the figures showing the quantities of the goods stated in your cables, indicated in the manifests and in the original and duplicate bills of lading. (避免了quantities的多次重复,将stated和indicated引导 的定于连在一起,均修饰先行词) 2)货物品质与合同规定不符。 The quality of the goods is found not in conformity with that as stipulated in the contract.(这句汉语原文在形式上并无重复现象,但含有重复的因 素,即货物品质与合同规定的品质不符。补用that一词 ,即译出了原意,又避免了重复。) 3)来函所询的商品,请与我上海分公司联系。 Please approach our shanghai branch for offers for the items inquired for in your letter.(补充介词“for”) 4 汉译英中的步骤和诀窍(1) 理结构 英语句子按期结构形式可分为简单句、并列句和符合句三 种。五种基本举行结构: 1)SV 2) SVP 3)SVO 4) SVOi+Od 5)SVOC若你方在本月底前下订单,我方保证在收到订单后两周 内交货。 (2)确定时态 1)掌握各种时态的基本概念和基本结构。 2)掌握各种时态的基本用法 3)对易混淆的时态加以区别 4)时态呼应。在时间状语从句中或条件状语从句中,如 果主句是一般将来时,从句常用一般现在时表示将来的 动作;在宾语从句中,如果主句是一般现在时或一般将 来时,从句可用所需要的任何时态;如果主句是一般过 去时,从句常用过去时范围内的某种形式等。5)要注意汉语句子的某些壮语。比如利用汉语中的某些副 词、介词、或助词来判断英语译文的时态。 6)利用逻辑推理。有些汉语句子,既无时间状语,又无上 述那些浮词、介词和助词,译成英语是要利用逻辑推理 的办法来选择时态。 7)在无上下文的情况下,有些句子由于译者强调点不同 而可以利用不同时态,这时要看强调点。(3)确定语态 1)句中有“被、受、挨、遭、由”等表被动的字眼。 2)有“人们、有人、据说”等词语。据说这家公司不再生 产此产品了。It is said that the company doesnt manufacture the product any longer. 3)句中有“是+动词+.的结构,如:这张订单是上周下 的。This order is made last week. 4) 用地点来当主语。如:
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