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中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/www.edudown.net Module 11 PopulationUnit 1 Its the biggest city in China.【教学目标】掌握本单元生词,能听懂对话,并且能用大数字谈论人口问题。 【预习导航】你了解世界人口吗? 你知道人口问题已成为世界一大难题了吗? 预习单词,会读并联想其词形变化。 1. crowd (形容词) 2. increasing(动词) 3. pollute(名词) 4. environment(形容词) 5. compete(名词) 6. present(动词 预习对话,找出下列短语。 1. 太多人 2. 足够的空间 3. 太多的车辆、噪音和污染 4. 跟在一起 5. 学校的颁奖活动 6. 发生,出现 7. 由于,因为,归功于 8. 环境问题 9. 交通问题 10. 查阅一些资料 11. 世界人口的 20% 12. 北京最佳新校刊 14. 朝.走来 理解对话,并完成下列句子。 1. 北京人口是多少?_ _the _ _Beijing? 2. 中国的人口大约为 13 亿。The _ _China _ _. 3. 人口太多,空间不够。There are_ _people and there is not _ _. 4. 增长的人口是很多国家的环境问题。An _ _is an_ _in many _. 5. 和校长的见面怎么样?How was your_ _ the head teacher? 【听力训练】 听录音,选择答案。 1. Did Betty go shopping last week? _ A. No, she didnt. B. No, she did. C.Yes, she did. 2. And so_people create so_traffic and pollution. A. much, much B. much, many C. many, much 3. Which is the biggest city in China? A. Beijing B. Chongqing C.Shanghai 4. The population of Chongqing is _larger than that of Beijing. A. 15,000,000 B. 12,000,000 C. 13,000,000 再听一遍,填上所缺的单词。 Betty:I _ _ in the city centre with my _ last week. Tony: Did you have a good time? Betty:Yes, I did, but the_ were terrible.There are _ _ people and theres not enough_.It was impossible to _. Tony: And so many people create so much _and _. Lingling: Well, Beijing is a huge city. It has _ _ _more than 15,000,00. Betty:Is it the biggest city in China? Tony: No, Chongqing is the biggest. The population of Chongqing _more than 27,000,000. Betty:Really? Thats a lot of people. 听课文对话,连线下列问题。中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/www.edudown.net 1. Babies born every minute A. 1,300,000,000 2. Babies born every year B. 6,500,000,000 3. Population of China C. 259 4. Population of the world D. 136,130,400 【课堂练习】 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。 1. We can read 1 330 000 as_. 2. It is said that about 50 p_ of the worlds population live in Asia. 3. I have an a_ with my friend at 5;00. 4. He pushed his way through the c_. 5. Most of the area has been p_ by people. 6. The population of China _(be)1 300 000 000, two thirds of it_(be)farmers. 7. Its too c_here. Could you please make some r_for me?-Sure. 8. Dont make n_here. The baby is sleeping. 单项选择 1. - _ the population of China? _ over 1,300,000,000. A.How many are, They are B. Hows, Its C.Whats, Its D.How much is , Its 2 .The population of India is larger than _ of America. A. that B. ones C. those D. it 3 .We all elected (推选)Lin Hui _ monitor of our class. A. / B. the C. a D. an 4 .About 40 percent of the doctors _ women in the hospital. A. is B. was C. are D. have 5 .There are _ students playing on the playground. The number of students _ over 300.A. the number of, are B. a number of, is C. a number of, are D. number of, is 6.Thanks to the growing population, government need _ more home A. to build B. to building C.build D. built 7.There is no _ in our flat for another person. A.place B. rooms C. space D. places 8 .We must protect him from _things. A. steal B. to steal C. stealing D. steals 9. 20 percent of the water in the lake _ polluted.A. have B. have been C. has D. has been 10.You know the school prize-givings_ next week.A. come up B. came up C. coming up 句型转换。 1. There are three million people in the small city.(同义句) The small city _ _ _ _ three million. The _ _ the small city_ three million. 2. Jack is the tallest student in his class.(同义句Jack is _ than _ _ student in his class. 3. The population of Chongqing is more than 27,000,000.(划线提问)_ _ the population of Chongqing?中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/www.edudown.net
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