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中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/www.edudown.net Module2 Highlights of My Senior Year -reading Learning aim:(让学生明确本节课学习的目标)To enable the students get a general understanding of reading passage.To describe school life with useful expressions and sentences.To learn about the activities in American schools and cultivate optimistic attitudes towards senior high school life.Teaching procedures:Step1 Pre-reading:(利用课本中提供的材料为阅读服务)( Preview the new words and expressions)Go over the word list for this module, paying attention to the pronunciation of the words, the relationship between its pronunciation and its spelling.Step2 Fast-reading (具体展开阅读环节)(具体展开阅读环节)Tips:Dont worry about the new words. They wont prevent you from getting the main idea of the passage! 速读技巧:观其大略、不求甚解、宏观把握! Task 1 What is the passage mainly about?A. Its about Joannas senior year.中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/www.edudown.net B. Its about the wonderful things in Joannas senior year.C. Its about Joannas successes.D. Its about Joannas senior prom.Task 2 Match the paragraphs with their main ideas:Para main idea1 a. Im looking back at my senior year. 2 b. My school life is almost over. 3 c. three other things Im pleased about4 d. We had fun skiing on the Rocky Mountains.5 e. I was elected prom queen and we had great fun on the coast.6 f. Working as an arts editor is a success for me. 7 g. I enjoyed working as a peer mediator.8 h. The highlight of the year was the senior prom.Step3 Careful-reading (辨认事物发展顺序)(辨认事物发展顺序)Tips: We dont need to read every sentence. Its better to go through the passage quickly to look for the information we really need. 带着问题读课文,根据需要灵活地调节阅读速度!Task 1 Read the text carefully and tell whether the following statements are true or false? If not, correct the false ones.1. Her first plan after leaving school is to go skiing. 2. When school began, they were given training in how to be an arts 中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/www.edudown.net editor. 3. She had a wonderful trip on the Rocky Mountains. 4. She got good grades on her mid-term exams, and received the senior prize for French Literature. 5. She tried to become a journalist, and working on this paper is the first experience for her. 6. The most wonderful highlight of the year was that she was elected to the student council. Task 2 Please answer the questions:1.Which paragraph describes Joannas feeling about graduation from high school? A. para1 B. para2 C. para3 D. the last paragraph2.Which part describes Joannas highlight of senior year? A. Para1 Its very important to.;It would be very difficult to; If would be much better if中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/www.edudown.net Possible joining words:表补充递进关系:whats more, besides, moreover, in addition, as well表因果关系: because, because of, as a result( of), so 表转折关系: but, however, 表并列关系:and
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