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中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/www.edudown.net Unit 1 My names Gina Language functions: Introduce themselves, greet people, ask for and give telephone. Goals: Use Hello, Hi. Introduce themselves. The number0-9. Structures: Present tense to be. What question. Possessive adjectives my, your, his, her. Vocabulary: Personal names, numbers 0-9. phone number, first name, last name, Hi, Hello Target language: Whats your name? My name is Im Gina. Nice to meet you. Whats your phone number? Its Learning strategies: Practicing. Listening for specific information.Four periodsPeriod 1Step 1 RevisionRevise the words and the sentences: Whats this in English?”Do P1-1aTeach new words and then let them read.Step 2 PairworkGreet people and introduce yourselfStep 3. Presentation1. Look at the picture P1-1a, listen to the conversations.2. Do P1-1b.3. Listen and repeat the conversations.4. Pairwork. Do P1-1c.Practise the conversations.Report: self-introductionUse: My name isI amI want to be your good friend中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/www.edudown.net Step 4 Listening1. Look at the picture p2-2a. listen to the conversations.2. Do p2-2a3. Teach the class to read the names.4. Do p2-2b.Step 5 Presentation1. Using gestures and models, help the class to understand the sentences:My name is= I amHer name isHis name is2. Pairwork Do p2-2c3. Groupwork. Do p3-4Step 6 Grammar focus1.Let the students read and ask any questions.2. Teach them how to write the sentences.HomeworkDo p2-2cPeriod 2Step 1. Revision1.Revise the words p1-p2.2.Groupwork: Play the name game,p3-43.teach the new words p3, p5step 2. PresentationI. show a photo of Cheng long. T: Who is this? S: Its Chenglong Whats his name? His name is chenglong. Whats his English name? His English name is Jacky Cheng. 2. Name First name(Given name) Last name (Family name) Cheng long Long Cheng中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/www.edudown.net Jacky Cheng Jacky Cheng 4. Cheng long. His first name is Long. His last name is Cheng. Jacky Cheng. His first name is Jacky. His last name is Cheng. II. Show a photo of mine. Who is this? My first name is My last name is III. Groupwork Whats your/his/her name? Whats your/his/her first/last name? Iv. Report: Self-introduction My name is My first name isand my last name is I want to be your good friend. Step3. book 1. Do p3-3a, 3b 2. Give yourself and English name the report My English name is My first name isand my last name is 3. Do p5-3a Step 4 Homework Make a ID card.Period 3 Step 1. Revision 1. Pairwork whats your first/last name? 2. Report Tell us your personal information Step 2 words Do p4-1a Groupwork: Read the numbers. Say your favourvite number. Step 3 Presentation 1. This is my mobile phone. My telephone number isThis is Miss Zhang. Her telephone number is Whats her telephone number? Its Whats your telephone number? Its 2.Pairwork Whats your telephone number? Its 3. Groupwork Whats your/his/her telephone number? Its Do p4-2c p5-4 Step 4 book 1. Listening Do P4-1b, 2a, 2b 2. show their ID cards中小学教育资源站(http:/www.edudown.net),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/www.edudown.net 3. Do P5-3b, 3c 4. Check their ID cards. Step 5 Homework Make a school ID cardPeriod 4 Step 1 Revision Revise the words and the sentences that they learned in this unit.Revise the numbersStep 2 Exercises1. Do 1. Ask them to check all the words they know. Find out the meanings of any words they dont know.2.Write five new words in their Vocab-builder on p108.Share their lists with other students.3 Complete the questions and answers individually for the other three situations.4 Read just for fun. Discuss where the humor comes from. Invite pairs of students to present this dialogue to the rest of the class. Step 3. Game 1. Play the name game. P3-4 2. Find the owner. P5-4 Step4 Homework Remember the words and the sentences.
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