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2012-2013Intercultural CommunicationsContents vUnit 1 An introduction to Intercultural CommunicationvUnit 2 Culture and Communication vUnit 3 Daily Verbal Communication vUnit 4 Verbal CommunicationvUnit 5 Language and CulturevUnit 6 Nonverbal Communication vUnit 7 Cultural Differences vUnit 8 Intercultural Adaptationceliadan22yahoo.com.cnUnit 1 An introduction to Intercultural Communicationv1. Warm-up Exercises1) Proverbs and sayings2) Questions 3) A Comparative study Warm-up: Proverbs and sayingsvThe life which is unexamined is not worth living. - SocratesvOur most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. - John F. Kennedy vTo know anothers language and not his culture is a very way to make a fluent fool of ones self. vWe may all be members of the same village, but we are sitting at our own campfires. Warm-up Questionsva. How many of you came back by train? vb. If yes, were there any girls or ladies standing in the compartment? Development of the study: the Father of Intercultural CommunicationvEdward Hall (May 16, 1914 July 20, 2009) is considered the father of intercultural communication with his publication of The Silent Language in 1959 and his many other works. vThe 1970s showed a rapid development, reflected in the publication of numerous studies. During the 1980s the field moved toward integration and a clearer identity. By the end of the 20th century, there was as many as nineteen specific intercultural communication theories put forward. vIntercultural Communication involves communication between people of different cultures. (see details in unit 2)v概括说来,专门研究跨文化交际中的矛盾与问题,并探索 如何提高跨文化交际能力的学科就是跨文化交际学。vIt can be called Intercultural CommunicationCross-cultural CommunicationTrans-cultural Communication Definition of Intercultural Communicationv“舶来品” v“多学科性”、“跨学科性”、“交叉学科性”、“边缘学科性” v文化人类学、社会心理学、社会语言学和传播学Nature of Intercultural Communicationv研究重点: 即不同文化背景的人在交际中(包括面对面交谈,书面交流,非言语交际等)会是什么样,为什么会那样,如何避免出现消极不利的后果。 v跨文化交际学不是孤立地研究某一民族、某一群体的文化,而是专门研究文化接触、碰撞、摩擦、冲突、渗透及有效交际的策略。 v关键词:“文化”;“交际” v交际行为的多样性与同一文化圈内交际行为的相对统一性 v文化是抽象的,是一个隐性系统 v跨文化交际学从本质上讲是一门探讨文化与交际相辅相成之关系的学科。 Contents of Intercultural Communicationv从交际行为类型看,可将跨文化交际分切为言语交际与非言语交际两大块。v从人类活动范围看,可专门研究不同文化中家庭成员的关系,师生关系,雇主与雇员的关系,顾客与店主的关系,熟人、朋友之间,陌生人之间的交际方式等等。v从人际交往的语用规则看,可专门比较不同文化在称呼、问候、致谢、道歉、称赞、请求、告别等方面的差异。Significance of the study of Intercultural CommunicationvOur mobility increased contact among cultures, and required that we develop communication skills and abilities. The increased contact between peoples from different cultures makes it imperative for us to understand people who may be greatly different from ourselves. In order to minimize misunderstandings when we communicate with people from other cultures, we need to understand the process of intercultural communication, and we need to understand people of other cultures and their patterns of communication. Key Points of the Study va. What : What differences are there in the behaviors of people from different cultural backgrounds? vb. Why: Why do the differences exist? vc. How: How should the communicators deal with the differences so as to communicate with each other effectively or successfully? v影响跨文化交际的三个变项:v一是观察事物过程:其中包括信念、价值观念、态度、 世界观及社会组织。v二是语言过程:其中包括语言及思维模式。v三是非语言过程:包括非语言行为、时间的观念及空间 的使用。Barriers to Intercultural CommunicationvvAssumption of similarities: EthnocentrismAssumption of similarities: EthnocentrismvvLanguage differences: Language as a barrierLanguage differences: Language as a barriervvNonverbal misinterpretations: Nonverbal Nonverbal misinterpretations: Nonverbal Communication as a BarrierCommunication as a BarriervvPreconceptions and stereotypes Preconceptions and stereotypes vvHigh anxietyHigh anxietyv3. Terms that We Have to Know 1) Globalization 2) Global village 3) Melting pot 4) Stereotypes 5) Ethnocentrism vvGlobalizationGlobalization va. (from economic perspective): It is conceived as a process of increasing involvement in international business operations. vb. (from sociological perspective): It occurs when the constraints of geography on social and cultural arrangement recede as people around the world become increasingly aware that they are receding.vThis term has already become a commonplace word throughout the world in the last two decades or so. Websters New World College Dictionary (1996) defines the word “globalize” as to organize or establish worldwide. In a sense, globalization refers to the establishment of a world economy, in which national borders are becoming less and less important as transnational corporations, existing everywhere and nowhere, do business in a global market. vvGlobal villageGlobal village vMarshall Mcluhan in Understanding Media:The Extensuins of Man (1962) v“The planet Earth is not shrinking, but time and space are shrinking.
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