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Teaching and Learning with TechnologyDesigning and Planning Technology Enhanced Instruction (多媒体教学的设计) 郑州大学教育学院教育系 赵江涛Teaching and Learning with TechnologyTeaching and Learning with Technology 能够准确无误地列举动态教学模式(DID Model)的步骤 能够列举出学生的学习特点(learning styles) 能够准确无误地对DID每一步骤做出解释。 能够利用DID 模版进行相关领域的课程设计 能够利用Blooms Taxonomy科学地制定教学 目标Objectives (教学目标)Teaching and Learning with Technology 动态教学模式(DID Model) Blooms Taxonomy布卢姆认知 目标分类法 学生的学习特点(learning styles)重点Teaching and Learning with Technology Blooms Taxonomy布卢姆认知目 标分类法 利用DID 模版进行相关领域的课程 设计 教学目标4要素及其的完整表述难点Teaching and Learning with Technology主要内容 The learning environment学习环境 Instructional planning课程的规划 The DESIGN phase (DID model)设 计阶段 The PLAN phase准备阶段 The ACT phase实施阶段Teaching and Learning with Technology学习环境 It includes all conditions that impact the learner对学生有影响的所有条件 Physical space and its characteristics can impact learning (lighting, seating, etc.)实物 空间及其特点(教室的硬件及环境) 研究表明:教室的硬件及环境应适应不同的 学习风格Teaching and Learning with Technology学习环境 Non physical aspects of the learning environment include: 非物质环境 Teaching strategies 教学策略 Technologies selected to support instruction 选择教育技术支持教学 Plan for interaction among students教学互动 Assessment strategies评价策略 Attitude and role of the teacher in the learning process 教师的态度和角色Teaching and Learning with Technology计划的重要性 To build the best possible learning environment建立更好的学习环境 A systems approach to planning calls for a step-by-step process that designs, creates, evaluates and revises all aspects of instruction系统的计划需要分步实施 The Design-Plan-Act! (D-P-A) system ensures all necessary steps are addressed Teaching and Learning with Technology授课准备The DESIGN Phase 设计阶段 通盘考虑所有的步骤 选用一种设计模式以确保不漏掉任何一 个步骤。 The Dynamic Instructional Design (DID) model will assist you in creating your design动态教学模式Teaching and Learning with TechnologyThe DID Model动态教学模 式Teaching and Learning with Technology动态教学模式 (DID) 了解学生特点 明确教学目标 创建教学环境 确定合适教法 选择教育技术 评价总结修订Teaching and Learning with TechnologyStep 1.了解学生特点 General Characteristics共性: Number / Age / Gender Cultural or language backgrounds Current Skills技能: Students skills and knowledge base How the learners similar and different: Learning Styles学习风格:通过何种手段学得更好Teaching and Learning with TechnologyLearning Styles 四种风格 Visual视觉 Auditory听觉 Kinesthetic (movement)运动 Tactile (touch)触觉 VARK inventory is popular: Visual, Auditory, Read/write, Kinesthetic Dual coding theory (Paivio) suggests we should tap into more than one of theseTeaching and Learning with TechnologyStep 2.明确教学目标 Objectives that specify that the learner will be able to do when the instructional event concludes学生会做什么 Performance expected of the STUDENT as a result of the instruction, NOT the performance of the teacher Keep the instructional design focused Help teachers stay centered on outcomesTeaching and Learning with Technology教学目标的4个元素1. 主干: 学生能够 2. 要完成的动作: 辨别出主语和谓语 3. 测量的条件给出任一句子 4. 成功的标准 100Teaching and Learning with Technology完整的教学目标给出任一句子,学生能够100 地辨别出主语和谓语。Teaching and Learning with Technology找出4个元素学生能够在郑州大学的平面图上准确无误地找出 北教学楼的任一教室的位置 主干: 学生能够 2. 要完成的动作: 找出北教学楼的任一教室的位置 3. 测量的条件 在郑州大学的平面图上 4. 成功的标准 准确无误地Teaching and Learning with TechnologyWhats wrong?1. 主干: 学生能够 2. 要完成的动作: 了解我国基础教育课程改革的国际背景 3. 测量的条件用300字 4. 成功的标准 100描述Teaching and Learning with TechnologyWhats wrong?1. 主干: 学生能够 2. 要完成的动作: 掌握DID模式六个步骤 3. 测量的条件不用任何参考资料 4. 成功的标准 100列举Teaching and Learning with Technology知识 (描述,列举,命名、背诵 )理解 (解释, 连线, 图示)应用 (解决,计算,使用 )分析 (比较,对比,分析,鉴定,区别 )整合 (组成,设计,重新安排,计划 )布卢姆分类法 Objectives should address different levels of thinking评价(评价, 评论)Bloom, Benjamin (1956)Teaching and Learning with TechnologyStep 3.创建教学环境 Adjust the physical space to support learners调整物质空间 Encourage and support a positive climate that includes a feeling of safety, confidence, and positive attitude创造一个积极向上的氛 围 Prepare to keep learners active and engaged调动学生的积极性Teaching and Learning with TechnologyStep 4 确定合适教法Decide upon the methods that are most likely to help the stated objectives The steps of the Pedagogical Cycle include Providing pre-organizers告知欲讲内容 Using motivators调动积极性 Bridging to past knowledge联系已有的知 识 Sharing objectives and expectations目标Teaching and Learning with TechnologyStep 4 确定合适教法 Lecture 讲课 Discussion讨论 Demonstration演示 Combination 综合Teaching and Learning with TechnologyStep 5 选择教育技术主要媒介: 幻灯 投影 录音、录像 电脑 电子白板 文档相机Teaching and Learning with Technology选择教育技术 除了操作,还必须对媒介特性有全面了解从 而为选择和应用媒介做准备: 媒介结构和功能、 媒介呈现信息的特点、 媒介的教学特点等。 结合教学内容、学习者特点、学习环境等恰 当地选择和使用媒介,才能达到较好的教学 效果。 教师全面了解各种媒介的特点和功能,还能 够避免若干种电教教法的重复使用,减少干 扰。Teaching and Learning with TechnologyStep 6 评价总结修订 反馈信息是在授课过程中学生对该课程 的评价 Using the feedback from this final evaluation, revise the design to make it even better根据反馈信息修订有关步 骤Teaching and Learning with TechnologyInstructional PlanningThe PLAN Phase 安排阶段 Readying the Learners让学生做准备 根据目标备课 Prepare th
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