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开放性胫腓骨骨折的二期处理 唐坚上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院 骨科上海市骨科内植物重点实验室开放性骨折定义骨折部位皮肤或粘膜破裂骨折与外界相通流行病学开放性骨折全部肢体骨折的3%21.3/100,000/年30% 为多发伤胫骨最多见(24%)严重程度(III度)百分比主要损伤机制引言上世纪:长骨开放性骨折 高死亡率WWI:股骨开放性骨折死亡率70%主流:早期截肢以挽救生命“closed treatment of war fractures”主流转向:开放伤口清创,石膏固定Trueta(1939)引言影响:大大降低开放性骨折感染率主流转向:延期闭合伤口在伤后47天,关闭伤口合并广泛软组织缺损者,二期处理1943,青霉素Hampton(1955)Hampton OP Jr: Basic principles in management of open fractures; JAMA 1955; 159:417-419紧急处置A.气道(Airway) B.呼吸与通气(Breathing) C.循环(Circulation)D.神经功能评价(Disability) E.充分暴露,避免遗漏隐匿损伤(Exposure)二期处理只要病人“稳定”,马上开始!重复全身体格检查!治疗方向转变抢救生命,挽救肢体Open tibial fractures with associated vascular injuries: prognosis for limb salvage. Lange RH, Bach AW, Hansen ST Jr, Johansen KH. J Trauma. 1985 Mar;25(3):203-8. Ali AM, McMaster JM, Noyes D, Brent AJ, Cogswell LK. Experience of managing open fractures of the lower limb at a major trauma centre. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2015 May;97(4):287-90.保存功能,预防并发症开放性骨折二期处理原则保护软组织n保护血供n防止坏死n防止感染损伤控制n损伤控制 可以理解为双重含义n既控制原发损伤造成的严重后果 出血和污染使之不再发展n又控制手术本身带来的损伤,保存软组织的活力,为后续治疗创造条件治疗目的 预防感染 获得骨折愈合 重建软组织覆盖 早期活动、功能锻炼Open tibial fractures with associated vascular injuries: prognosis for limb salvage. Lange RH, Bach AW, Hansen ST Jr, Johansen KH. J Trauma. 1985 Mar;25(3):203-8. Ali AM, McMaster JM, Noyes D, Brent AJ, Cogswell LK. Experience of managing open fractures of the lower limb at a major trauma centre. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2015 May;97(4):287-90.治疗目的 预防感染 获得骨折愈合 重建软组织覆盖 早期活动、功能锻炼Open tibial fractures with associated vascular injuries: prognosis for limb salvage. Lange RH, Bach AW, Hansen ST Jr, Johansen KH. J Trauma. 1985 Mar;25(3):203-8. Ali AM, McMaster JM, Noyes D, Brent AJ, Cogswell LK. Experience of managing open fractures of the lower limb at a major trauma centre. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2015 May;97(4):287-90.预防感染,重中之重!预 防 感 染预 防 感 染院前评价:ABCDE预 防 感 染Oestern-Tscherne损伤分类 * 注:* 适用于开放性和闭合性骨折AO分类 注:IO: 体被开放Gustilo-Anderson分类 1976以胫骨为模型,但可用于所有骨折1,025例开放骨折分类根据:伤口的大小1984,改良强调:软组织损伤程度污染程度Gustilo-Anderson I 度低能量损伤损伤方向:内外污染程度:清洁损伤程度:轻微骨折粉碎程度:简单骨膜剥脱:无至轻度Gustilo-Anderson II度低至中等能量损伤损伤方向:外内污染程度:中度损伤程度:中度,部分肌坏死骨折粉碎程度:简单至中度粉碎骨膜剥脱:中度Gustilo-Anderson IIIa度高能量损伤损伤方向:外内损伤程度:重度,广泛肌坏死骨膜剥脱:广泛骨折粉碎程度:粉碎仍保留良好的软组织覆盖高能量损伤损伤方向:外内损伤程度:重度,广泛肌坏死骨膜剥脱:广泛骨折粉碎程度:粉碎仍保留良好的软组织覆盖Gustilo-Anderson IIIa度高能量损伤损伤方向:外内损伤程度:重度,广泛肌坏死,骨折粉碎软组织缺损,需皮/肌瓣覆盖骨膜剥脱:广泛Gustilo-Anderson IIIb度软组织缺损,外固定架临时固定损伤程度:重度,广泛肌坏死,骨折粉碎软组织缺损,需皮/肌瓣覆盖比目鱼肌瓣覆盖骨折部位Gustilo-Anderson IIIb度植皮覆盖创面Gustilo-Anderson IIIb度损伤程度:重度,广泛肌坏死,骨折粉碎软组织缺损,需皮/肌瓣覆盖高能量损伤截肢、感染风险增加III 型损伤 + 需要修复的主要血管损伤Gustilo-Anderson IIIc度软组织损伤程度与感染发生率相关Gustilo-Anderson分类的重要性Gustilo et al. Current Concepts Review The Management of Open Fractures. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 1990;72:299-304.软组织损伤程度与感染发生率相关软组织损伤程度与骨折愈合时间相关Gustilo-Anderson分类的重要性Gustilo et al. Current Concepts Review The Management of Open Fractures. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 1990;72:299-304.Grade123A3B3CInfection Rates0-2%2-7%10-25%10-50%25-50%Fracture Healing (weeks)21-2828-2830-3530-35Amputation Rate50%软组织损伤程度与骨折愈合时间相关Gustilo-Anderson分类的重要性Gustilo et al. Current Concepts Review The Management of Open Fractures. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 1990;72:299-304.软组织损伤程度与感染发生率相关软组织损伤程度与骨折愈合时间相关Gustilo-Anderson分类的重要性Gustilo et al. Current Concepts Review The Management of Open Fractures. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 1990;72:299-304.Grade123A3B3CInfection Rates0-2%2-7%10-25%10-50%25-50%Fracture Healing (weeks)21-2828-2830-3530-35Amputation Rate50%预 防 感 染前瞻性、双盲、随机对照研究感染率13.9% 安慰剂组9.7% 青霉素 56:532-541.应用何种抗生素?1代头孢氨基糖甙类青霉素I度II度+/- III度+/-农场伤/战伤Gustilo et al. Current Concepts Review The Management of Open Fractures. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 1990;72:299- 304. Tsukayama DT, Gustilo RB. Antibiotic management of open fractures. In: Greene W, ed. AAOS Instructional Course Lectures. Park Ridge: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 1990:487-490. Patzakis MJ, Bains RS, Lee J, Shepherd L, Singer G, Ressler R, Harvey F, Holtom P: Prospective, randomized, double-blind study comparing single antibiotic therapy, ciprofloxacin, to combo antibiotic therapy in open fracture wounds. J Orthop Trauma. 2000 Nov;14(8):529-33. Okike K, Bhattacharyya T: Trends in the management of open fractures. A critical analysis. J Bone Joint Surg. 2006 Dec;88(12):2739-48. Olszewski D, Streubel PN, Stucken C, Ricci WM, Hoffmann MF, Jones CB, Sietsema DL, Tornetta P 3rd.The Fate of Patients with a “Surprise“ Positive Culture After Nonunion Surgery. J Orthop Trauma. 2015 Aug 8.1104例,开放性骨折结果:伤后3小时内应用抗生素显著降低感染率感染率:4.7% 伤后3小时内,应用抗生素7.4% 伤后3小时,应用抗生素预防性应用抗生素的时机Patzakis et al. 1989Patzakis et al. Factors influencing infection rate in open fracture wounds. Clin Orthop. 1989;243:36-40.1000多例开放性骨折结果:伤后3小时内应用抗生素显著降低感染率感染率:4.7% 伤后3小时内,应用抗生素7.4% 伤后3小时,应用抗生素预防性应用抗生素的时机Patzakis et al. 1989Patzakis et al. Factors influencing infection rate in open fracture wounds. Clin Orthop. 1989;243:36-40.尽早应用 抗生素目前尚无定论伤后应用抗生素 1天 VS. 5天无显著性差异抗生素
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