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经典的电影台词Forrest Gump TwilightTitanicOral English1. Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you are going to get.2. Death is just a part of life, something were all destined to do.死亡是我们生命的一部分,是我们注定要完成的。3. It made me look like a duck in water. 得心应手 Study is just a part of life, something were all destined to do. Love is just a part of life, something were all destined to do. etc. Playing badminton made me look like a duck in water. etc.4. Jenny and I was like peas and carrots. Jenny和我形影不离u Jenny and I was like coffee and coffee-mate.etc.1. Id never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go.我从未认真想过,我会如何. 但是.似乎也不错。2. When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, its not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end. 当生活给予你一个远远超过你期待的美梦,那么当一切都结束的时候,就再也没 有理由去伤心了。3. Forks was literally my personal hell on earth.对我而言简直就是一座地狱。4.He grinned his crooked smile at me, stopping my breath and my heart. I couldnt imagine how an angel could be any more attractive. There was nothing about him that could be improved upon. 他冲我狡黠地笑着,我不由得停住了呼吸,心跳也停了。我实在想像不出来一个天使 怎么可能比他更加迷人,他已经是漂亮得无以复加了。 1.Do me this honor. Promise me that you will survive, that you wont give up. No matter what happens, no matter how hopeless, promise me now, and never let go of your promise. Never let go. 你答应我一定要活下去。无论发生什么事,无论有多绝望,答应我,永 远都不可以放弃。2. They have nothing to do but wait, wait to live, wait to die, wait for the absolution, but which will never come. 他们无能为力,就除了等。等待生存,等待死亡,等待永远不会到来的救赎。3.To make each day count. 把每一天都活得有价值。不要过来,站在那里。不然我会跳下去的。4.Dont come any closer, stay where you are. Ill let go.5.Rose is not pleased. Rose 不开心了。你不是我的对手。 You are not stand in my way.别偷看 Look awayWe are like a shampoo and a conditioner.Sucks 真差劲I have a sad announcement.我有个坏消息要宣布大家是怎么看movie的呢?Echo 是这样看的: 第一次隐藏掉字幕,尽量去猜电影是讲什么的(大第一次隐藏掉字幕,尽量去猜电影是讲什么的(大 概看概看2 2遍)遍) 第二次打开英文字幕,把基本意思理解一下。把还第二次打开英文字幕,把基本意思理解一下。把还 是不懂地方记起来之余还要把我们平时可以用到的是不懂地方记起来之余还要把我们平时可以用到的 句型什么的记起来(句型什么的记起来(5 5遍左右)遍左右) 第三次打开中文字幕,解除之前不懂的地方。(第三次打开中文字幕,解除之前不懂的地方。(1 1遍遍 ) 最后,把所有的字幕都隐藏起来再看最后,把所有的字幕都隐藏起来再看1 1次。次。movie推荐p Employee of the month p Pretty woman pStar Wars pMozart pGhost pThe Graduate
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