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应用文范例之一:再铸酒都辉煌Recast Brilliance over the Fenjiu Distilleryn【概述】这是一篇有关汾酒事业的企业推介。企业推介的 最大特点就是告诉读者一些实质性的信息:企业的经营性 质,注册资金,从业人员,产品介绍,厂房占地面积,获 奖情况等。本篇简介言简意赅,结构紧凑,条理明晰。文 章开宗明义的指出对汾酒企业产生重大影响的两个关键时 期:改革开放十五年和现代企业制度建立后。紧接着回顾 改革开放十五年间企业所取得的巨大成就,然后展望现代 企业制度建立后企业的未来,从企业的产品质量,经营策 略和职工队伍方面展示了必胜的信念。企业推介以信息功 能为主导,翻译时应以传达信息为主。本文因涉及具有中 国特色的一些社会现象,译者应考虑译文读者的可接受性 ,把握原文的主要内容,采取灵活多样的翻译方法。n 如果说改革开 放十五年是汾酒 事业发展史上的 一次重大的飞跃 ,那么,现代企 业制度的建立则 又为汾酒事业腾 飞展现了更为广 阔的天地。n The fifteen-year period since the policy of reformation and opening beginning to be carried out in China in 1979 has provided the Fenjiu distilment with a chance to make a great leap forward. Moreover, the establishment of the modern enterprise system has brought still greater prospects to the Fenjiu distilment.n 回顾过去,我们感 到无比自豪和骄傲 。改革开放十五年 ,我们不仅为社会 创造了巨大的物质 财富,而且也创造 了巨大的精神财富 。十五年间,企业 累计创利税17.89亿 元,是改革前 30年 总和的近20倍; nLooking back upon our past, we feel so proud. In the last fifteen years of reformation and opening, we have made contributions to the society not only in material wealth but also in spiritual civilization. In the last fifteen years, our enterprise has created an accumulated profit and tax of 1,798 million yuan, nearly 20 times that of the 30 years before 1979, n为国家上缴利税 12.29亿元,相当于 45年国家投资总额 的4倍,连续5年被 评为国家500家经济 效益最佳企业6,并 创造了许许多多的 全国第一。十五年 间,企业始终站在 改革开放的前沿, 为改革开放、开拓 前进,积累了宝贵 的经验。n nand we have delivered to the state a total profit and tax of 1,229 million yuan, 4 times as much as the total investment of the state on the Fenjiu Distillery in the last 45 years. Also in the last fifteen years, our enterprise has won in succession the honour of one of the top 500 profitable enterprises in China, and has won the first place in many items at the national level. Our enterprise has always been one of the pioneers in the reformation and opening in the last fifteen years and, therefore, accumulated precious experience for the further development in the reformation and opening.n 展望未来,我们对企 业前途充满必胜的信 念。n 党的十四届三中 全会作出了关于建立 社会主义市场经济体 制若干问题的决定, 预示着社会主义经济 体制的重大变革,预 示着企业作为社会经 济实体全面进入市场 竞争。 n Looking into the future, we have tremendous confidence in the success of our enterprise.n The Third Plenary Session of the Fourteenth Central Committee of the CPC has made The Decision on Certain Issues in establishing the Socialist Market Economic System, which foretells vital changes in the socialist economic system and indicates that all the enterprises will go into full-scale competition of the market as economic entities of the society. n市场经济是冷酷的 ,冷酷的竞争需要 极大的热情去投入 ,我坚信我们的企 业既然有辉煌的过 去,也必将有辉煌 的将来。第一,我 们生产具有一千五 百年的传统历史名 酒,在商品质量的 竞争中,我们居于 优势; nMarket economy is unfeeling and grim, and the unfeeling and grim competition calls for great enthusiasm of the participants. I believe that the brilliant past of our enterprise will bring a brilliant future. Firstly, we are producing a famous white spirit with a long history of 1,500 years and, therefore, we have an advantage in the competition of the commodity quality. n第二,以酒业 为主,多种经 营,我们已初 步实现了多领 域、多触角的 经营策略转移 ,并初步取得 了一定的经济 效益; nSecondly, we have primarily realized the shift onto a multifield and multidimensional management strategy, with distilment as our major item and diversified production as a complement, and we have gained certain economic revenues. n第三,股份制的 改造,使我们的 企业实现经营机 制的转换,从体 制的先进性上具 备了竞争实力; nThirdly, the reform on the share- holding system had enabled our enterprise to realize the shift in the management system with the result that it has now the competitive power in superiority of system. n第四,我们有团 结向上、顽强拼 搏的领导集体, 有乐于奉献,有 理想,有文化, 有纪律,有道德 的职工队伍,从 企业的整体素质 上具有竞争实力 。 n Fourthly, we have a unified and enterprising leading body with the spirit of working with all its might on one hand and dedicated, motivated, educated, disciplined and upright staff and workers on the other hand, with the result that we have competitive power in the overall quality of the enterprise. n因此,我有充分的 理由相信,在市场 经济的大潮中,我 们的企业会立于不 败之地,会在激烈 的竞争中,开创美 好未来。nWe warmly welcome friends from all walks of life both at home and abroad to Xinghuacun, the base of our Fenjiu Distillery. And we sincerely hope that people of all circles give us great support in our future work.n
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