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Unit 10Where did you go on vacation?Section B 1a-2cGuess: What did I do last weekend? Did you go shopping/go to the library? Yes, I did. No, I didnt.I went to the mountains.Guess: What did I do last weekend? Did you go shopping/go to the library? Yes, I did. No, I didnt.I went to the movies.Guess: What did I do last weekend? Did you go shopping/go to the library? Yes, I did. No, I didnt.I talked on the phone.A: Where did you go on vacation ? B: I .the beach a school trip went to the movies stayed at home New York CityA: Did you go to on vacation?B: Yes ,I did. / No, I didnt.went to summer campFill in the blanks in the conversation. Use “was” or “were”.Example: It was rainy. The mountains were beautiful.Amy: How was your vacation, Lin? Amy: How the weather?Lin: It pretty good.Lin: It hot and humid.Amy: How the beaches?Amy: How the people?Lin: They fantastic.Lin: They unfriendly.waswaswaswerewerewerewereWhere did you go on vacation? How was the weather? How were the people? How was the food?Make some conversations about yourvacation.A: Did you go to on vacation ? / where did you go on vacation ? B: . A: How was your vacation / the park / the weather /? B: . A: How were ? B: .How was her bus trip ?How was the museum ? How was the food ?How were the beaches?It was relaxing .They were beautiful .It was boring .It was awful .What did the people think of their vacations ?How was the strawberry? It was delicious. 美味的How was the orange? It was awful. 极坏的How was the bus? It was crowded. 拥挤How was the shop? It was not crowded .How were the apples? They were expensive. 50$How were the bananas?They were cheap.廉价的,便宜的1$New languagedeliciousawfulexpensivecheapcrowdeduncrowdedWhat do you think of the food?deliciou sawfulWhat do you think of the stores?expensivecheapWhat do you think of the bus trip/football game?crowdedunfriendly_ _ _ _ _ _ _deliciouscheapuncrowdedawfulexpensivecrowded1b Write words on the left . Write words on the right. Listen to Vera talking about her vacation. Answer these questions.1. Where did Vera go on vacation?2. Did Vera like her vacation?She went to Tokyo with her family.Yes, she did.What does Vera think of:her vacation_ the people_the museums_ the food _the stores_ Listen again and fill in chart.greatfriendlyexpensiveinterestingcrowdeddeliciousRole playOne is Veras friend. The other is Vera. Talk about Veras vacation. Use the information in the chart above.Where did? What did? Did you? How was? How were?Task 调查你的几位好朋友,谈论他们最 难忘的假期,并选其中的一位作汇报. Where did you go on vacation? When did you go? What did you do? Did you ? How?name when where what howFor example :Last summer my friend Jim went to the beach . His vacation was pretty good . He went there by bus and his bus trip was relaxing . The beach was very beautiful . It was sunny, cool and humid .The people were friendly and the food was delicious .He enjoyed his vacation very much and he hopes to go there again .HomeworkMake a survey调查自己家人和朋友的一次难忘的假期,并 收集他们的相关照片建立“Vacation Album”.name when where what howLets do ourhomework.Lets do ourhomework.假设你现在在机场接旅行回来的朋 友,向他(她)询问度假情况,如: 所旅行的地方,对天气、食物等的 感受。根据这个情景编个会话.Task 1利用相片汇报自己家人或朋友的难忘 的假期,并谈谈他们度假时的体会。Task 2My father/mother/friend went toIt was interesting/boring/fun/relaxing
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