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Unit 4 ExtraterrestrialsExtraterrestrials from outside the earth What is the image of an extraterrestrial in your imagination? Antenna Hair Face Body Extraterrestrial Life: life forms that may have evolved on other planets. There is no hard evidence at present that life exists other than on the Earth. Most UFOs have been satisfactorily explained as being natural or man-made. Nevertheless, searches have been and are being made for signs that life has arisen in other parts of the universe. Certain knowledge either that life is confined to planet Earth or has been found elsewhere would have the profoundest philosophical implications for mankind.E.T.flying saucer invasionadvanced alienUFOweirdabductionuniverse flying discouter spaceMartian galaxyThink of as many words and phrases as possible about Extraterrestrials (E.T.) pessimistic: of, relating to, or characterized by pessimisim Most doctors were pessimistic that a cure could be found. The film gives a very pessimistic view of human nature. He has an extremely negative and pessimistic attitude. Synonyms: bearish, despairing, hopeless Antonyms: hopeful, optimisticLanguage Pointson account of: (fml) because of The house is not suitable for an old person on account of all those stairs. He failed to show up when the time is due on account of his illness.deputy: someone whose job is to help a sheriff in the U.S; the second most important person in a particular organization. After serious years hard work he was promoted to deputy manager.“副”字的常用表达方法以“副”字的表示副职的行政职务头衔,可用 vice、 deputy 表达。如: 副总统 vice president 副主席 vice chairman 副总理 vice minister/premier 副秘书长 deputy secretary-general 副书记 depety secretary 副市长 deputy mayor 学术头衔的“副”职称,常用 associate 表示 。如: 副教授 associate professor 副研究员 associate research fellow 副审判长 associate presiding judge 副主任医师 associate chief physician work up: spend time and effort preparing; produce or develop gradually. Lets go for a walk to work up an appetite.(to make ourselves hungry) Our plan is to further work up custom for our product.pension: an amount of money paid regularly to someone who can no longer earn money by working. He has been receiving pensions for six months.disable: make a person unable to use his/her body properly. The disabled in the army deserve our genuine respect. Nowadays there is a bias against the disabled persons. veteran: person with much or long experience, especially as a soldier. By 1955, more than 2 million veterans of World War Two had used the government financial aid to go to college.complicated: difficult to understand or deal with. The problem is too complicated to understand for a nine-year-old. The new computer is even complicated for an expert to handle.knock off: (informal) stop working, usu, at the end of a day. When do you knock off for supper? Ill knock off early today because I have to pick up my son from school.hit the sack: (informal) go to bed. Guys ,time to hit the sack; lights out! He was worn out today so he hit the sack right after supper.curse: swear The tourists who were delayed by the annoying weather cursed it silently.go over: examines the details of; check; study carefully. I hastily went over my lessons last night for the exam. Let go over the whole process of the accident in detail.column: a series of numbers arranged one after the other; a tall pillar. Fill in the blanks in the left column and then line them with appropriate ones in the right column. The roof of the temple was held up by a row of stone columns.rocket: a tube-like device containing material that burns rapidly and propels the tube through the air. American Robert H. Goddard was one of the first scientists to experiment with rocket propulsion systems.bug: open wide, cause to stick out ;annoy somebody. His eyes bugged with horrors. Dont bug me with silly questions.alike: similar, in the same manner. People, natives and foreigners alike, hope to have a safe and secure living condition. The twins look extremely alike. Teachers are required to treat all their students alike.observation: the act of watching attentively. The injured was put under close observation despite his constant protest. Observation is very important for a chemical student.locality: a particular place ,the position of something. This is the very locality of the accident.isolate: set apart; cut off from others. When I am angry, I find it best to isolate myself from others for a while. The persons who was suspected to have got the disease was isolated from others for the sake of prevention.adopt: take over and use as ones own; take into ones family and make legal son or daughter. The old maid adopted a home-less boy as her son. Some immigr
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