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HPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.系统概述HyPerformanceHyPerformance PlasmaPlasmaHPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.2系统说明系统说明说明 (HPR130 and HPR260*) 30, 45, 80 and 130, 200* and 260* A切割电流 HyDefinition 干式等离子 LongLife 氧气等离子 碳钢, 不修钢 和铝的切割工艺 100% 占载率贯穿整个切割范围材料 生产性的切割范围 碳钢HPR 130 - (.8 to 19 mm) *HPR 260 - (.8 to 32 mm) 不锈钢(.8 to 32 mm) 铝(1.2 to 25 mm)Whats new?HPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.3LongLife LongLife 长寿命技术长寿命技术Hypertherm 通过控制电流 和气体的渐升和渐降来改 善电极的寿命. LongLife 长寿命技术减少 了铪芯在每一次的起弧和 断弧中的损耗. HPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.4等离子电源标准系统元件标准系统元件HPR130 等离子电源带有一个 130 A, 19.5 kW 的斩波器,用来产 生恒定的直流输出, 其范围从15 A 到130 A.HPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.5等离子电源标准系统元件标准系统元件System LayoutHPR260 等离子电源带有二个 130 A, 19.5 kW 的斩波器,用来产 生恒定的直流输出, 其范围从15 A 到260 A.Whats new?HPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.6标准系统元件标准系统元件HPR 割枪 水冷. 260 A 能力. O2/Air, O2/O2,N2/N2, H35/N2, 和 F5/N2 切割工艺. HyDefinition 部件. 划线和切割可用同一套易损件.System LayoutHPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.7标准系统元件标准系统元件System Layout开关阀组件 控制等离子气/保护气 的预流/切割流. 同气体控制器相连. 设置在离割枪(1.8 M) 之内.HPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.8手动气体控制器和用户操作界面标准系统元件标准系统元件 系统电源开关. 出错灯和代码. 气体选择和流量设定. 切割电流设定.System LayoutHPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.9手动气体控制器标准系统元件标准系统元件 进气连接. 等离子气/保护气的预流/切割 流. 压力传感器检测背压System LayoutWhats new?HPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.10 自动气体控制器自动气体控制器标准系统元件标准系统元件System Layout流量控制器选择气体控制器Whats new?HPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.1111选择气体控制器的内部选择气体控制器的内部继电器板 Motorized metering valves 电源分配板压力传感器控制板马达混合阀 电磁阀组HPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.12流量控制器内部流量控制器内部控制板比例阀组电源分配板压力传感器电磁阀 (通 风)HPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.13标准系统元件标准系统元件外置高频箱(RHF) System Layout 冷却液连接. 割枪连接. 高频起动电路. 安装在离割枪(15 M) 之内.Whats new?HPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.14可选的系统组件可选的系统组件割枪高度调节装置(C-THC) 割枪高度自动控制. 在切割过程中设定穿孔高度很切割高. 包括机械传动和相应的控制. CNC 可以通过RS422口来串行通讯.HPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.15基本系统的布线图表基本系统的布线图表电源割枪开关 阀组气体控制器O2 INN2 INAir INF4 INH35 IN等离子气保护气预流气冷却液控制电缆(-)负极线(+) 工作电缆割枪电缆引弧线CNC控制器RHF 外置 高频切割台 EndHPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.16新的新的 F5 F5 不锈钢切割工艺不锈钢切割工艺45 和 80 A 不锈钢切割工艺 较好的切割面质量, 尤其对(6 mm)及以下 较好的切割角度 较好的切割面颜色 较少的挂渣45 A F5 不锈钢薄板切割工艺是目前最好的.HPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.17等离子电源较少的组件较少的组件 只有HT2000一半的组件数. 系统组件的改进性 HPR 系列 串行接口通讯 多重控制.CNC 控制器HPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.18气体控制调节器调节控制取代了计量控制调节控制取代了计量控制 通过保持割枪和电缆中的恒 定压力来达到维持割枪上的 恒定流量. 尽管进气口的压力波动在 10 psi (.7 bar)以上,后端的 压力依然能保持恒定.Feed-back loop pressure controlFeed-back loop pressure controlH5H35F5CH4O2AirN2MV1MV2P1P2V1P3P4P5P6P7P8V3V2V5V4V6V7V8V9V10V11V12V13V14V16选择气体 控制器流量气体 控制器马达计量阀电磁阀压力传感器比例阀通风等离子气B1B2B3B4保护气混合 计量 路经HPR130 System Overview Rev. 0 Copyright, 2004 Hypertherm, Inc.These materials cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of Hypertherm, Inc.20点火控制的改变点火控制的改变高频箱 可更换的密封火花隙. 设计为外置
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