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1.Have you ever seen grass growing high as a treeeven a tall tree?你曾见过哪种草长得和大树一样高吗?growing high asa tree是现在分词后置作定语,与其修饰的名词之间存在主动关系(主谓关系)或表达进行意义,此句中growing high as a tree是现在分 词短语作定语,相当于定语从句which grows high as a tree。The taxi taking(=which took)us to the airort broke down 载我们去机场的出租车抛锚了。Can you think of the name of a flower beginning (=which begins) with“t”? 你能想到“t”开头的花名吗?【扩展】V-ed,to do也能作后置定语,但意义有所不同:1) V-ed作后置定语,强调与其修饰的名词之间存在的被动关系(动宾关系)或表达完成意义。The experience gained( which has been gained) will be of great value for us.获得的经验会对我们有很大的价值。Some of the people invited( who have been invited) to the party cant come.有些受到邀请的人没有来参加聚会。2) to do作后置定语,侧重表达不定式的动作稍后发生。There are many trees to plant. 有许多树要种。Would you like something to eat? 你想吃点什么吗?2.It grows up straight and thin,with branches at the top它笔直修长,顶端长着枝叶。(1) grow up1)(指人或动物)长大、成年、成熟Shes growing up quickly. 她长得很快。The tree planted by the president has grown up 总统阁下植下的树已经长大了。2)发展A close friendship gradually grew up between them. 他们之间的友谊日益亲密。【辨析】grow up/grow up to be/grow into/grow fromgrow up(指人或动物)长大、成年、成熟He turned writer when he grew up. 长大后他成为了一名律师。grow up to be长成The small tree has grown up to be a big tree. 小树苗已长成了参天大树。The little boy has grown up to be a young fellow. 小男孩已长成了小伙子。(2) grow into 渐淅成为变得;长大得以适合于(衣 服);变得习惯于(新工作、角色或活动) Shes growing into a beautiful young woman. 她已渐渐出落成美丽的姑娘。The coat is too big for him now, but he will grow into it.这上衣他现在穿还太大,等他再大些再穿就合适了。(3) grow from. 生长;发育(尤指成熟或成年) Plants grow from seeds. 植物是由种子发育而成的。1) straight and thin形容词短语作状语。Now she was back,eager to see her friends. 现在她回来了,急盼看到她的朋友。The boy nodded,pale and scared. 男孩点点头,脸色苍白又十分惊恐。2) with branches at the top with的复合结构作状语。with复合结构的形式为:with+ n. +adj.He lay in bed,with his eyes wide open.他躺在床上,眼睛睁得大大的。with+ n.+adv.He fell asleep with the light on.灯还开着他就睡着了。with+ n.+prep. phraseHis wife came down the stairs,with her baby in her arms.他妻子抱着宝宝走下楼来。with+ n.+现在分词The day was light,with a fresh breeze blowing.天气晴朗,吹着一股清风。with+n.+不定式With so much work to do,I cant go to the movie,有这么多事要做,我不能去看电影。with+n.+过去分词All the afternoon he worked with the door locked.整个下午他锁着门在室内工作。3.It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaclung to touch something.长长的竹叶在风中摇摆,就好像伸出纤细的手指去触摸什么。(1)此句中that sway in the wind like.为定语从句,修饰 leaves;reaching to touch something为现在分词短语 后置作定语,修饰fingers,相当于定语从that/which reach to touch something。(2) reach1) vt,够到;伸出或展开来触摸或抓住The ladder is too short to reach the window. 样子太短,够不着窗户。The small boy cant reach the books on the self. 那小男孩够不着书架上的书。2) vi伸手(常与out,for连用)The snake charmer reached out gingerly to touch the snake in his basket.耍蛇人小心翼翼地伸手去摸他筐子里的那条蛇。I cant reach for the box. Can you help me to get it down?我够不着那个盒子,你能把它给我拿下来吗? 4.Not all bamboo grows tall. 并不是所有的竹子都长得很高。此句所表达的意义是部分否定。其结构为“Not all. =All. not.”,可译为“并非都”。Not all of them went td see the film last night. 昨晚不是所有的人都去看了电影。= All of them did not go to see the film last night.Im not always at home on Sunday. 我并非所有的星期天都在家。【归纳】部分否定与全部否定的表达方式:1)部分否定的表达形式为:在被否定的词前面加not 或 在谓语动词前加not。All that glitters is not gold.(谚语)闪光的东西并非都是金子。Not many things are of use in the form in which they are found。许多东西并非在它们处于被发现的形式时就是有用的。2)全部否定通常采用以下形式:none of.;neither of . ; nothing;none;nobody;never; nowhere; nor, neither. nor。Nothing there is good. 那里没有一件好东西。Neither of you can go swimming. 你们俩都不能去游泳。He cant do it,nor can you. 他做不了,你也做不了。【扩展】英语句子中的否定形式很多,除了全部否定、部分否 定之外,还有双重否定、意义否定、前后缀否定等。Without honesty nothing can be accomplished in the world.(双重否定)在世界上要办成几件事,没有老老实实的态度是根本 不行的。No pains,no gains.(谚语)不劳无获。(双重否定)There is little food for us. What shall we do?我们几乎没有吃的了。该怎么办呢?(意义否定)You seldom smoke cigars,do you?你很少抽烟,是吧?(意义否定)The boy was unlucky to be caught smoking in the room by his mother.那个男孩很不走运,吸烟的时候被他妈妈当场抓获。(前缀否定)Its useless talking with him. Youd better find the manager.跟他谈没用。你最好去找经理。(后缀否定)5.There are more than 500 different kinds of bamboo in all,and some grow no higher than your ankles. 总共有500多种竹子,它们当中有些长得还不及你的脚踝。(1) more than表示“超过;不仅仅”,后接名词、形容词、副词、或从句。It never takes more than an hour. 从不会超过一个小时。The result was more than he imagined. 结果超出他的想象。He is more than our teacher; he is our friend. 他不仅仅是我们的老师;他更是我们的朋友。Her performance was more than good; it was perfect.她的表演不仅仅好,简直是完美。【辨析】more than, more. than; no more than, not more than; no more. than, not more. than1) more than 超过;不仅仅 more. than比更多;与其说,勿宁说When her son lied again, she was more sad than angry.当儿子再次撒谎的时候,与其说她愤怒不如说她悲哀。Mr. Zhang is more a scholar than a teacher.张老师与其说是个老师,不如说是个学者。2) no more than(=only)不过、仅仅 not more than(=at most,less than)顶多、不超过Its useless talking with him. Hes no more than a clerk. 跟他谈没用,他不过是个职员。There are not more than eight students on the playground. 操场上顶多有八个学生。3) no more. than和一样不;和都不not more. than不及I often make mistakes in my homework, and Mary is no more careful than I am.= as careless as I am我经常作业出错,玛丽和我一样粗心。Hearing the news, she is no more satisfied than me.= Neither of us is satisfied. 听到那个消息,她和我一样不满意。This story is
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