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睡谷的传说赏析Contents内容Background 背景Brief introduction简要介绍Appreciation欣赏Literary reputation文学声誉BackgroundThe characteristics of Romanticism moral enthusiasm faith in value of individualism and intuitive perception a presumption that the natural world was a source of goodness and mans societies a source of corruption 浪漫主义的特点道德热情个人主义和直觉感知的 价值一个假定的自然世界是善良和人类社会的来 源,腐败的根源Brief introductionCharacters人物Ichabod CraneBrom BonesKatrinaPlaceTarry Town (塔里镇)Connecticut(康涅狄格州)lovemarriedrival in lovePlot情节传说在美国独立战争时期的一次战役中,一 个骑兵的头被炮弹打飞了,他的阴魂常骑马 在夜间飞驰,去寻找他的头颅。在睡谷有位 从康涅狄格州来的教师,名叫伊卡包德克兰 ,他对那些离奇的传说笃信不疑。他看上了 当地一位殷实的荷兰农夫的独生女儿卡特琳 娜凡塔塞尔。但他有许多情敌,其中最可怕 的是一个名为布鲁姆凡布兰特的乡村小伙子 。一天晚上,伊卡包德去参加凡塔塞尔家的 晚会。 晚会后他独自骑马回家,在小河边同无头骑 士相遇,被那骑士用手中拿着的头打昏倒地 。从此伊卡包德再也没有露面。次日人们在 桥头发现了他的帽子和一个碎得稀烂的南瓜 ,以为他已死去。几年后,一个到过纽约的 老农说,伊卡包德还活着。而布鲁姆在伊卡 包德失踪后不久就和卡塔琳娜结了婚。每当 人们提起那个南瓜的事,他就捧腹大笑,使 人不能不怀疑他同那件事有瓜葛。 Appreciation(1)As one of Americas early romantic writer, Irving is focusing on the description of natural scenery, and the subjective world of personal feelings .Irving s writing is natural, fresh and elegant. “Graceful“ is the best summary of Irving style .作为美国最早的浪漫主义作家,欧文是注重自然景 物的描述,和个人情感的主观世界。欧文的写作 是自然的,清新淡雅。“优雅”是欧文风格最好的 总结 Not far from this village perhaps about two miles, there is a little valley or rather lap of land among high hills, which is one of the quietest in the whole world. a small brook glides through it ,with just murmur enough to lull one to repose; and the occasional whistle of quail or tapping of a woodpecker is almost the only sound that ever breaks in upon the uniform tranquility . 离 开这个村庄不远,大约 两英里路光景,有一个小 山谷, 或者不如说,一块 凹地,它算得上是全世界 最安静的地 方。一条小溪 穿谷而过,汩汩的水声刚 好催人入梦。Appreciation(2)Irving vividly describes the Ichabods appearance and his inner world. Although Ichabod looks funny, feudal superstition, and be greedy for money, but not disgusting. Ichabod looks funny needless to say, even the riding position also makes us laugh. Irvings writing fully reflects his humorous writing style . 欧文生动描述了伊卡博德的外表和他的内心世界。虽然他看 起来很滑稽,封建迷信,和对金钱的贪婪,但不讨厌。他 看起来很滑稽,不用说,即使是骑马的位置也使我们发笑 。欧文的作品充分体现了他幽默的写作风格。 Ichabod was a suitable figure for such a steed .He rode with short stirrups ,which brought his knees nearly up to the pommel of the saddle; his sharp elbows stuck out like grasshoppers; he carried his whip perpendicularly in his hand, like a scepter and his horse jogged on, the motion of his arms was not unlike the flapping of a pair of wings.他用的是一副短马蹬, 因此,骑了上去,只 好把膝盖抬得高高的 ,几乎碰到了鞍头; 削瘦的肘子像 蚱蜢腿似的伸出去; 他把马鞭子笔直地捧 在手里,像王 笏一样 ;等到这匹马走起来 ,他两只胳膊的动作 简直和翅膀的拍打差 不了多少。 Biography作者简介Washington Erwin (1783 - 1859) is an internationally renowned writer, one of the greatest American essayist in nineteenth Century. He 1783, was born in New York, childhood valetudinarianism, the sixteen year old dropped out of school to study law, but his favorite is literature, and read a lot of literature works. Between 1804 and one eight zero six, he went to Europe because of illness, after returning to get a lawyer qualification. Yibalingqi_nian. He and his brother William, who together founded a periodical publication “salad“, began his literary activities, revealing his humorous and witty and subtle irony to. His first important work is the “history of New York“ (1809).华盛顿欧文(17831859)是一位 享誉国际的文学家,十九世纪最伟 大的美国散文家之一。他一七八三 年生于纽约,幼年时体弱多病,十 六岁辍学学习法律,但他喜爱的是 文学,并且读了不少文学作品。一 八零四年至一八零六年间他因病赴 欧洲修养,回国后取得律师资格。 一八零七年,他和哥哥威廉等人共 同创办 一种不定期刊物杂拌, 开始了他的文学创作活动,显露出 他的幽默、风趣和含蓄的讽刺才能 。他的第一部重要作品是纽约外 史(1809)。Literary reputation(1) Irving was the forefather of the “Irving style”-a precise, simple and graceful style, which became very influential to later American writers and was very instrumental in improving American literature to be mature. He was also the first American writer of imaginative literature to gain international fame. 欧文是祖先的“欧文风格”-精确、简单和优雅的风格,成为 非常有影响力的美国作家,后来在改善美国文学走向成熟 很有帮助。他也是第一位富有想象力的文学作品,以获得 国际知名度Literary reputation(2) Irving was the first writer in the United States who built humor into the very texture of his writing, which has always been so infectious that reading him, it is rather difficult to hold back the smile and occasionally the reader may chuckle with him.欧文是第一个在美国谁建的幽默为他的 写作很有质感的作家,一直都是如此具有感染力 ,阅读他,这是住微笑相当困难和偶尔的读者可 能会笑他。Literary reputation(3)In 1999, the Hollywood master of suspense , Tim Burton adapted The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow for a movie named Sleepy Hollow (断头谷).Both in dramatic circumstances and a sense of humor ,it pushed Irvings original novel to a new height . 1999、悬念的好莱坞的主人, 提姆伯顿改编为一部电影叫断 头谷睡谷的传说(断头谷)。 在戏剧性的情节和幽默感,它 把欧文的原创小说推向了一个 新的高度。Major Characters in the story故事中的主要人物Ichabod Crane伊卡博德克雷恩Katrina Van Tassel卡翠娜凡塔赛尔Headless Horseman无头骑士There were many stories in the quiet valley-Sleepy Hollow. But the story that people believed most was about a man who was headless, rode a horse at night. He rode through the valley, looking for his lost head.安静的山 谷里有很多故事-昏昏欲睡的空洞 。但故事的人认为大多数是关于一 个男人谁是头,骑着马在晚上。他 骑着穿过山谷,寻找他失去的头颅 。Near Sleepy Hollow was a vill
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