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Supply Chain Logistics Management Chapter 1 21st-Century Supply Chains The Supply Chain Revolution Why Integration Creates Value Generalized Supply Chain Model Integrative Management and Supply Chain Processes Responsiveness Financial Sophistication Globalization2010-03-012Donald版本双语PPTIntroduction 1990s The average time to receive items was lengthy. 依靠库存来克服订单周期长等 缺陷2010-03-013Donald版本双语PPT In the order-to-delivery process: Misplaced work order Misdirected shipment Out-of stocks and delayed deliveries, etc. 物流配送和运输 消费者需求多元化 信息技术革命Phenomena2010-03-014Donald版本双语PPTThe appearance of SCM The information or digital age The global productions and transportations Zero defect called six-sigma performance 完美订单模式 5R2010-03-015Donald版本双语PPTRight goodsRight locationRight timeRight conditionRight customer2010-03-016Donald版本双语PPTWarehousingWarehousingTransportationTransportationVendors/plants/ports TransportationFactoryTransportationCustomersInformation flowsThe Immediate Supply Chain for an Individual FirmCR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.1-22010-03-017Donald版本双语PPTReality of SC Scope2010-03-018Donald版本双语PPT1.1 The Supply Chain Revolution -what is supply chain? Supply chain consists of firms collaborating to leverage strategic positioning and to improve operating efficiency. T The differences between he differences between supply chain and logisticssupply chain and logistics 供应链与物流的联系与区别2010-03-019Donald版本双语PPT A supply chain strategy is a channel and business organizational arrangement based on acknowledged dependency and collaboration. 物流是对供应链各环节上库存的移动和 存放定位的运作 本书关注的焦点是一体化物流管理To be continued2010-03-0110Donald版本双语PPTHistory of supply chain A vague concept、Confusion Basic definition, structure needed For managers 没有一家企业能真正做到完全 的自给自足,企业间存在公认 的相互依存关系 回顾 Second War 太平洋生死战2010-03-0111Donald版本双语PPTDistribution or marketing channels 早期,根据企业在分销流程中 充当的角色来分类安排 领导者的作用、分销取得渠道 成员共同协作的承诺、解决冲 突的方法均必不可少 Channel integration2010-03-0112Donald版本双语PPT1.2 why integration creates value Traditional perspective : economic value Market value便利的产品/服务 和诸多的选择 Relevancy: customization of value-adding services 关联价值的体现关联价值的体现2010-03-0113Donald版本双语PPT1.3 Generalized Supply Chain Model -the research tools of supply chain The context of an integrated supply chain is multi-firm collaboration within a framework of key resource flows and constraints.2010-03-0114Donald版本双语PPT2010-03-0115Donald版本双语PPTExplain the figure1.1 多企业间协同合作 关键资源运作流程与限制下 分销网络 供应商网络 企业与客户的相互链接 丰田召回事件2010-03-0116Donald版本双语PPTTo be continued -what the five flows mean? F Five ive critical flowscritical flows: Information flows, product flows, service flows (logistics flows), financial flows, and knowledge flows. 本书关注的重点在于,物流一 体化的优点和效率2010-03-0117Donald版本双语PPTTo be continued 供应链一体化整合的目标在于 将传统的、相互独立的、彼此 从事买卖交易的分销格局,改 变成运用科学管理来实现协同 合作的整体,从而提高市场影 响力,提高整体效率。 The basic unit of competition Confront loyalty issues碟战2010-03-0118Donald版本双语PPTTo be continued Why is SC so complicated? Firstly, SC value results from the synergy among all of SC members; Secondly, the integrated value-creation process must be aligned and managed; Thirdly, many complexities such as loyalty issues and potential conflict of interest; Fourthly, the high degree of mobility and change Finally, information technology (Financial sophistication)2010-03-0119Donald版本双语PPT1.4 Integrative Management and supply chain processes Obstacles: Functional Specialization The Fundamental Challenge of integrated management is to redirect traditional emphasis on functionality to focus on process achievement. 职能部门化关注单位生产成本最低,单 位运输成本最低2010-03-0120Donald版本双语PPT The Focus of integrated management is lowest total process cost. 一体化管理的实质,是通过实现部 门间的平衡来使得总成本达到最低 ,是致力于整个流程总成本的最低 。Tradition vs. Integrated2010-03-0121Donald版本双语PPT three important facets of integrated management, Such as:2010-03-0122Donald版本双语PPT Collaboration: shared, synergistic, solidify SC; Enterprise Extension: increased efficiency, effectiveness, sharing information, planning, and operational specialization; ISP: redefine and expand the scope of specialized services to facilitate SCM2010-03-0123Donald版本双语PPTCollaboration The increasing importance of collaboration has positioned the supply chain as a primary unit of competition. 举例:供应链联盟 对抗风险,分享收益2010-03-0124Donald版本双语PPTEnterprise Extension one of collaboration modes 基本观点:企业的协同合作行为将 使客户的影响力达到最大,降低总 体风险 Two basic paradigms: information sharing and process specialization 2010-03-0125Donald版本双语PPTTo be continued- the implications of two paradigms Firstly, information sharing 需要供 应链成员自愿地共享运作信息并 共同规划战略 Secondly, the process specialization 致力于协同合作,共同规划,以 便剔除供应链中企业非生产性的 或无增值作用的运作环节2010-03-0126Donald版本双语PPTIntegrated Service Providers Public warehouses Integrated service providers Value-added services Third-party(拥有自己的运输设备 和仓库并进行管理和运
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