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Period 1 Do you know these signs(图标) of traffic rules(交通规则)?Turn right.Dont turn right.Walk. Dont walk.1.祈使句是表示命令、叮嘱、号召等 的句子, 2.是动词原形开头的句子,有时候会 有please在句首或句尾。 4.祈使句有肯定和否定两种: Come in, please! 请进! Please sit down. 请坐。 Turn right. Walk. 否定肯定Dont turn right.Dont walk.祈使句肯定祈使句 否定祈使句1. Sit down. 2. Come in. 3. Be quiet.4. Listen to music.5. Do your homework at school.Dont sit down. Dont come in .Dont be quiet.Dont listen to music.Dont do your homework at school.Do you have rules (规则)at school?What are the school rules?rule:规则school rules 学校规定traffic rules 交通规则break the rules 违反规则Do you have rules (规则)at school?What are the school rules?Are they breaking rules?Which rules are they breaking?Dont eat in the classrooms.Dont listen to music in the classrooms.Dont run in the hallways.(走廊,过道 )hallwaySorry, Ms Clark.Dont arrive late for class.7:15arrive:到达arrive at+小地方;arrive in+大地方arrive late for = be late for :迟到 We cant arrive late for class.Dont arrive late for class.7:15Dont fight .We cant fight.fight:打架,争吵fight with sb.和某人打架,争吵SCHOOL RULES 1.Dont eat in the classrooms. 2.Dont listen to music in the classrooms. 3.Dont run in the hallways. 4.Dont arrive late for class. 5.Dont fight.1 13 3 4 45 52 21a1aWrite the number of the rule next to the students.Can we eat in the classrooms?No, we cant.Dont eat in the classrooms.What do you say to them?Dont listen to music in the classrooms.Can we listen to music in the classrooms?No, we cant. What do you say to them?Dont run in the hallways.Can we run in the hallways?No, we cant.What are the rules at our school?We cant (Dont) arrive late for class.Dont arrive late for class.7:15Can we arrive late for class?No. we cantDont fight ./ We cant fight.Can we fight ?No, we cant.What are the rules?Can we drink in the classrooms?No, we cant.What are the rules at our school?Dont drink in the classrooms./ We cant drink in the classroomsCan we dance in the classrooms?No, we cant.What are the rules at our school?Dont dance in the classrooms./ We cant dance in the classrooms.Example:A: Can we fight? B: No, we cant. A: Can we fight? B: No, we cant. A: What are the rules? A: What are the rules? B: we cant fight./Dont fightB: we cant fight./Dont fight1c1cPairworkListen. What rules are these students breaking? Write the numbers below the names.NamePeterSelinaNick rule2342b2b Listen Listen again.Canagain.Can Alex and Alex and Christina do these activities? Christina do these activities? Circle “can” or “cant” aboveCircle “can” or “cant” above2a2aListen again. Can Alex and Cindy do these activities? Circle “can” or “cant” above.ActivityActivity1._ listen to music in the classrooms or 1._ listen to music in the classrooms or hallwayshallwayscancancantcant2._ eat in the classrooms2._ eat in the classroomscancancantcant 3._ wear a hat3._ wear a hatcancancantcant 4._ listen to music 4._ listen to music outsideoutside cancancantcant 5._ fight5._ fightcancancantcant 6._ listen to music in the music room6._ listen to music in the music roomcancancantcant 7._ eat in the 7._ eat in the dining halldining hallcancancantcant 8._ eat outside8._ eat outsidecancancantcant2b2bListen. Check( )the activities Alex and Cindy Listen. Check( )the activities Alex and Cindy talk about.talk about.Summary祈使句 肯定祈使句 否定祈使句 1.Sit down. 2.Come in. 3.Listen to music.情态动词Can的用法: Can we eat in the classrooms? Yes,we can./No,we cant. We can eat in the dining hall. We cant eat in the classrooms.Dont sit down.Dont come in .Dont listen to music.SCHOOL RULES:Summary1.Dont arrive late for class. 2.Dont run in the hallways. 3.Dont eat in the classrooms. 4.Dont listen to music in the classrooms. 5.Dont fight.What are the rules at our school?We cant arrive late for class./ Dont arrive late for class.School rules:School rules:1. _ arrive late for class/school.2. Dont eat _. 3. _ fight.4. _ run in the _.5. _ _ music in theclassrooms/hallways.6. DontDont in the classrooms Dont Dont hallwaysDont listen to试试 你准行Please say we cant 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.上课不要迟到。Dont _ _ _ class. 2.不要打架。Dont _. 3. 我们在餐厅吃饭。We have dinner in the _ _. 4. 咱们听音乐吧。Lets _ _ the _. 5. 他喜欢戴帽子。He likes _ _.arrive latefor fightdinning hall listen tomusic wearing hats1. 熟记所学单词和句型。 2. 完成练习册。
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