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UNIT 5Computers and TechnologyReading One Computers of the 90s: A Brave New World The text is take from Newsweek. The author made some predictions about what people in the past thought computers would be like in the 1990s. It showed how fast computer technology has been developing. Text Structure Part I (para1): The computers of the future will be more . Part II (para2-4): Future computers can with humans directly. Part III (para5-6): Future computers will be and .user friendlycommunicatesimplersmallerIBM (International Business Machines Corporation)国际商业机器有限公司 the worlds largest computer company, based in the US, produces both hardware and software, especially for business users. IBM is sometimes informally called “Big Blue”. IBM在几乎所有的信息科技产品和概念领域做 出了卓越的贡献。 从键盘、鼠标到CPU、硬盘、内存到大型机和 数据中心,从软件到硬件到IT服务和管理咨询 。 Apple Macintosh 麦金塔电脑(Macintosh),香港俗称 Mac机,内地也称作苹果机或麦金托什 机 ,是对苹果PC中一系列产品的称谓 。首款Mac于1984年1月24日发布,是苹 果公司继Lisa后第二款具备图形界面的 PC产品。 由于苹果公司在之后的十多年将其发展 为一个复杂的产品系列,并且该系列的 商品名称中也含有Mac字母,所以我们 也常把苹果公司发布的运行Mac OS系统 的个人电脑产品统称为Mac PC。Carnegie Mellon 美国卡耐基梅隆大学 Carnegie Mellon University( CMU)是一所拥有8120名 在校学生和3,800名教职员 工及科研人员的著名学府( 2003年8月23日数据)。 其前身卡耐基技术学校是由 美国著名的实业家和慈善家 、钢铁大王安德鲁卡耐基 (Andrew Carnegie)于1900 年在匹兹堡出资建立的。 graphical interfaceQuestions 1. Why is Nick Donofrio so sure that the computers of the future will be more user friendly? Because a lot of effort, to be specific, 50% of the added power of tomorrows computers, will be put forth to ensure that computers will be easier to use. 2. What does “graphical interface” mean? Vivid symbols rather than written commands are applied to guide computer users in the process of using computers. 图形界面 3. Describe the roles that computers can play in language learning and teaching. Computers can tutor students, teach grammar, interact with students, and act just like a teacher to teach the language. 4. What changes will take place in computer hardware? Computers will be much smaller, lighter, and easier for users to carry around.envision:想象,预想to imagine something that you think might happen in the future, especially something that you think will be good I envisioned a future of educational excellence. In the future we envision a federation of companies. = envisagepopularize:普及,通俗化 To popularize something means to make a lot of people interested in it and able to enjoy it. Irving Brokaw popularized figure skating in the US.jabber: 快而含糊地说,叽叽喳喳的叫 If you say that someone is jabbering, you mean that they are talking very quickly and excitedly, and you cannot understand them. The tourists were jabbering away on the bus. After a minute or two I left them there jabbering away. drawl:满吞吞地说 If someone drawls, they speak slowly and not very clearly, with long vowel sounds. He has a deep voice and he drawls slightly. Drawl is also a noun.拉长声调说出的话 .Jacks southern drawl.拖腔拉调的南方口 音 sultry:撩人的 a woman who is sultry makes other people feel strong sexual attraction to her .a dark-haired sultry woman. Sultry weather is hot and damp. 闷热潮湿 的 例:The climax came one sultry August evening. 高潮在8月一个闷热潮湿的夜晚到来了。mimic:模仿 If you mimic the actions or voice of a person or animal, you imitate them, usually in a way that is meant to be amusing or entertaining. He could mimic anybody. = imitate At school I was a good mimic. 上学时我是一个善于模仿的人。recessed:(门或窗)置于墙内凹陷处 的; 嵌入墙里的 If something such as a door or window is recessed, it is set into the wall that surrounds it. .a wide passage, lit from one side by recessed windows. .一边有凹窗、光线可以照射进来的宽敞走廊。 n. 休息;休会;凹处 vt. 使凹进;把放在隐蔽处 vi. 休息;休假 the childrens first morning recess. 那些孩子们上午的第一次课间休息。manila:马尼拉纸 A manila envelope or folder is made from a strong paper that is usually light brown. a large manila envelope crisp:脆的;清爽的;干净挺括的 ( 纸、布等) paper or cloth that is crisp is fresh, clean, and new a crisp, new five dollar bill crisp cotton sheets. = freshcrisp:脆的;清爽的;干净挺括的 ( 纸、布等) paper or cloth that is crisp is fresh, clean, and new a crisp, new five dollar bill crisp cotton sheets. = freshbulky:大而笨重的 Something that is bulky is large and heavy. Bulky things are often difficult to move or deal with. .bulky items like lawn mowers. 割草机这样笨重的东西。cathode-ray tube:阴极射线管 A cathode-ray tube is a device in televisions and computer terminals which sends an image onto the screen. (TECHNICAL)compact:小巧的;紧凑的,紧密的 ;简洁的 Compact things are small or take up very little space. You use this word when you think this is a good quality. The compact design of the machine allows it to be stored easily. The students rooms were compact, with a desk, bed, and closet built in. A compact or a compact car 小型汽车 tablet: 手写输入板 A tablet is a small solid mass of medicine which you swallow. 药片 例:.half a tablet of aspirin. 半片阿斯匹林。 Clay tablets or stone tablets are the flat pieces of clay or stone which people used to write on before paper was invented. (黏 土或石头制的、用以铭刻文字的) 匾
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