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Sustainable Intensification of Cereal- Legume Farming Systems in the Sudano-Sahelian Savanna Zone of GhanaA.Y Kamara Systems Agronomist IITA-KanoSustainable Intensification of Cereal-based Farming Systems in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa: Project Design Workshop, Tamale, Ghana, 9-12 January 2012Introduction The northern Regions of Ghana are characterized by small land holdings of low input-output farming systems This adversely impact food security in terms of availability, access and quality The crops in the Ghana savannas are often produced in production systems in which soil natural resources are steadily depleted Effects of continous monocropping decreasing soil organic matter contents increasing populations of chronic parasitic weeds (eg. Striga spp.) reduced soil biological diversity enhanced risk of erosion, and annual nutrient losses Average on-farm maize yields (1-2t/ha) are well below on-station yields (6-8t/ha) Highlights of biophysical constraintsStriga effect on sorghumStriga effect on maizeStriga effect on cowpeaStriga effect on riceHighlights of biophysical constraintsAlectra effect on cowpeaStriga effect on cowpeaDrought effect on maizeDrought effect on soybeanHighlights of biophysical constraintsHighlights of biophysical constraintsPoor soil fertilityEffects of continous monocropping The poverty profile also depicts the three northern regions as the most poverty stricken and hunger spots in Ghana Gender inequalities are also apparent in these regions where women have less access to resources and capacity to generate income Infrastructure development in marketing and transport, access to social services, such as education and health are poor in the three northern regions Drivers of Food insecurity in northern Ghana Erratic rainfall distribution and recurrent drought, Floods and crop failures leading to poor yields, High post-harvest losses, Lack of improved storage structures and market for farm produce, Limited access to productive resources such as land, irrigable land, labour, Poor access to improved livestock breeds and crop varieties, Inadequate water for dry season irrigated agriculture Inadequate human resource for development and transfer of agricultural technologies. General Objective of the Project Increase productivity of maize-legume and crop/tree/livestock systems in the Sudan savanna zone of GhanaSpecific Objectives Promote and strengthen partnerships for implementing sustainable initiatives in the maize-legume systems of northern Ghana Improve land, water, and natural resource management for increased systems productivity Develop and improve the adoption of productive and resilient agronomic practices and local innovation systems for system intensification Improve rural incomes through improved market linkages for rural farmers Improve nutritional status of populations improved through increased nutritional awareness interventions and promotion of dietary diversity Geographical Focus Northern Region- Karaga, Cheroponi, and Tolon-Kumbungu Upper West Region-Kassena-Nankana and Bawku West Upper East Region-Wa East and NadowliProject outputsFunctional innovation platform (IPs) operating with capacity of partners strengthened at different levels to resolve community problems Land, water, and natural resource management technologies identified and promoted Improved cropping systems for sustainable agricultural productivity identified and promoted among smallholder farmers Improved rural incomes through improved input-output marketing for smallholder farmers Nutritional status of populations improved through increased nutritional awareness interventions and promotion of dietary diversityFunctional innovation platform (IPs) operating with capacity of partners strengthened at different levels to resolve community problems Identification of districts and communities to participate in project activities Identification of potential IP partners Workshops to agree modalities, procedures, responsibilities, tasks and interaction among IP members Undertake community and livelihood analysis to identify and priortize constraints and opportunities Monitor IP activities and review protocols Identify training needs of project stakeholders and conduct training as needed Provide graduate training for members of research institutions participating in the projectLand, water, and natural resource management technologies identified and promotedEvaluate impacts of soil and water conservation strategies on system productivity compared to traditional cultural practices Assess the performance of tree crops with fertilizer rations, fodder and fruit tree species Generate information on soil health and the key tree crops for food security and CDM projects Develop knowledge and options for growth resources sharing between annual and perennial components in agroforestry systems Assess the potential of surface and groundwater pump
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