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克拉玛依市第三中学 英语组 李艳丽I.目标展示:1.分析一模考试本班成绩。2.解决试卷中出错率较高的题。3.分析一模试卷中的考点。4. 进一步巩固考点内容。初三(7)班成绩(满分 150)最高分:145 最低分:52平均分:122优秀率:47.22%140分以上:7人127.5分-140分:10人120分以上:11人100分-120分: 3人100分以下: 5人I. 听力理解:8人 (平均分:27分,满分30分)II. 单项选择:4人 (平均分:11.75分,满分15分)III.情景交际:全对 (满分5分)IV.完型填空:5人 (平均分:7.89分,满分10分)V. 阅读理解:7人 (平均分:26.22分,满分30分)VI.单词:4人 (平均分:10.5分,满分15分)VII.情景提示:7人 (平均分:6.22分,满分10分)VIII.补全对话:5人 (平均分:5.72分,满分10分)IX.短文填空:25人 (平均分:9分,满分10分)自学检测单项选择22. _ mothers couldnt go to the meeting, because they have gone to Chengdu.A. Li Lei and Lucys B. Li Leis and Lucys C. Li Lei and Lucy D. Li Leis and Lucy24. Now let me try _.A. the third times B. third times C. a third time D. this third timeBC28. -May I do the rest of the work tomorrow? -Yes, of course. You _ finish it today. 1.A. must B. mustnt 2.C. neednt D. need32. Mrs Green didnt know _. 1.A. when her son comes home 2.B. when did her son come home C. where do her students live D. why they were lateCD单词和词组的考查: 67. France is one of the liveliest countries in E_. 68. We are s_ to arrive at 7:00 pm. 69. Mr. Hu spends lots of time _ (解 释) things to us. 70. Please take a map of Australia with you while _ (旅行). 71. Every people should continue _ (study) after finishing school. 72. Alarm clock is one of _ (helpful) inventions in the world.urope upposed explainingtraveling studyingthe most helpful根据情景提示,用恰当的短语或句子填空。 81. 你问朋友他最喜欢的科目是什么,你该 怎么说? 82你想问别人他通常何时起床,你可以 这样说: 83. 你是店员,你告诉顾客这件上衣50块钱 。你可以这样说: 84. 你对你的老师说你想参加学校的音乐俱 乐部,你可以说: 85. 班上新近换了一位科学老师,你问同学 换的老师是谁,你可以这样说:81. What is your favorite subject?82. When/ What time do you usually get up?83. The coat is 50 yuan.84. I want to join the school music club.85. Who is our new science teacher?根据对话内容,用适当的单词或句子补全对话。Kate: Hello, 8032567. Jim: Hello. May I speak to Lucy, please? Kate: _ on for a moment, please. Lucy: Hello. Jim: Hi, Lucy. _ is Jim. Would you like to go to the park tomorrow? Lucy: _ you. Id like to go with you. I havent been there for a long time. By the way, _? Jim: The radio says it will be a fine day tomorrow. Lucy: Great. _ shall we meet? Jim: At 6:30 and Ill wait at the No. 5 bus stop. See you tomorrow. Goodbye! Lucy: See you, bye!Hold ThisThankWhats the weather like tomorrow? / Hows the weather tomorrow?When and wherePaul is a worker. One of his feet is bigger than _.A. otherB. anotherC. the otherD. thers“Why _43_ you go to _44_ shoemaker? A good shoemaker can make you the _45_ shoes.” _46_ Paul goes to the shoemaker near Dicks home.44. A. a B. an C. the D. /45. A. right B. good C. wrong D. beautiful总结检测I)单词和词组的考查: 1. She was the _ (十九) to arrive here. 2. I havent _ (收到) a letter from my brother yet. 3. We have to spend a lot of time in _ (explain) the plan. 4. Would you mind _ (turn) down the music, your father is sleeping. 5. The Yellow River is one of _ (long) rivers in the world. 6. My little sister is going to t_ all over the world.nineteenthreceivedexplainingturningthe longestravelII) 单项选择: 7. -Can you tell me _? -By doing more speaking. 1.A. how I can improve my English 2.B. which way can I choose C. how do I deal with my English D. whats wrong with my English 8. These picture will show you _. 1.A. what does our hometown look like 2.B. what our hometown looks like C. how does our hometown look like D. how our hometown looks likeAB9. It is five years since we began to enjoy a _ spring holiday each year. 1.A. ten-day B. ten day 2.C. ten days D. ten-days 10. You _ play with the knife, or you _ hurt yourself.A. may not; may B. cant; need C. neednt; must D. mustnt; mayAD11. -Good news! Bill won _ medal in the long jump just now. - Really? Thats his _ one at our sports meeting. A. a; four B. an; fourth C. a; fourth D. a; forthCIII) 根据情景提示,用恰当的短语或句子填空 。 1. 你不知道该怎样拼一个单词,你问同学:2你想问别人他通常怎样上学,你可以这样 说:Can you spell it?/ How do you spell it?How do you usually go/ get to school?3. 你想问店员一件红色体恤衫的价格 。你可以这样说:4. 你想邀请你的朋友参加你的派对, 你可以说:5. 你不知道橡皮用英语怎么说,你问 同学:How much is the red T-shirt?Would you like to come to my party?Whats “橡皮” in English?IV) 根据对话内容,用适当的单词或句子补全对话。 A: Hello! _ Mary? B: Hold on for a moment, please. (A moment later) Im sorry she is not here right now. _? A: Thats very kind of you. Next Sunday we are going to help the farmers with their work in the West Hill Farm. Were going to meet at the school gate at seven in the morning. Well go there by bus. Do tell her to come in old clothes. B: _
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