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Unit 6 Its raining . Section AIts windy .Hows the weather ?Whats the weather like ? Its sunny / fine.Its cloudy .Its raining/rainy.Its snowing/snowy.Read the new words rain v. 下雨 windy adj. 有风的;多风的 cloudy adj. 多云的;阴天的sunny adj. 阳光充足的snow v. 下雪weather n. 天气How is the weather ?Whats the weather like ?提 问 天 气BeijingIts sunny.BostonIts snowing .TorontoIts raining .MoscowIts windy .ShanghaiIts cloudy .宋英杰How is the weather in ? Its .rainy then sunny1a Match 1 raining _2 windy_ 3 cloudy_4 sunny_ 5 snowing_aedcb1b Listen and writeBeijingShanghaiBostonMoscowTorontocloudysnowingsunnywindyrainingBeijing MoscowTorontoBostonShanghai playing computer gamescookingeating dinnerplaying basketballsleeping2a Listen and numberScottLucy12342b Listen and match12341 _Uncle Joe a. is playing computer games. 2 _Jeff b. Is cooking . 3 _Mary c. is playing basketball . 4 _Aunt Sarah d. is watching TV .c a d b按要求及提示写单词1.You cant go out , because it _ (rain) now . 2. How is the w_ today . 3. It is c_ today . 4.The weather is _(晴朗的). 5.Beijing is _(下雪)now .is rainingeather loudy sunnysnowing句型转换 1.I am watching TV.(否定句)2.Shes running now.(一般疑问句)3.The boys are playing balls . (划线提 问)4. 今天天气怎么样? (汉译英)I am not watching TV .Is she running now?What are the boys doing?How is the weather today ?谈论天气就像中国人见面时,彼此之间通过拉家常来互致问题一样,英 美人,特别是英国人见面时会很自然地说上一句“Whats the weather like today?”或“How is the weather today?”或“Its fine today, isnt it?”。形成这种习惯的主要原因,一方面是英国的天气 变化无常,更为重要的原因是英国人不喜欢在别人面前谈论诸如年 龄、个人收入、家庭等私人琐事,不也愿涉及当地的政治事务,这 样不会引起他人误解,也不会招致不必要的麻烦。英美人在谈论天气时,可谓花样繁多。他们可以对天气作一般 性的评论,也可以谈论气温、将来的天气或反常的气候现象。他们 不仅仅说明天气的状况,而且在讲话时常常注入个人的感情或评论 。事实上,英美人并非为谈论天气而谈天气。同陌生人在一起,比 如在火车上、候机室、候车室等,为了摆脱彼此的尴尬局面,他们 便不约而同地谈论起天气,进而引出许多其他的话题,谈论天气也 就起到活跃气氛、打破冷场的作用。既然英美人士这么爱谈天气,所以初次和他们接触时,最保险 的话题莫过于谈论天气了。开开眼界异国习俗展示记忆风采What can you get from this class ?这节课你的收获有多少?Homework: 1 做同步学习Section A.2 预习P33 .
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