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Unit 8 Result, Discussion and Conclusion Topical Highlights Section of Results: general functions and contents of results, writing requirements for results, examples and some useful expressions Section of Discussion: general functions and main elements of discussion, writing requirements for discussion Section of Conclusion: general functions and main elements of conclusion, requirements for writing a conclusion, samples for conclusion and useful expressions in writing a conclusion Special Attention: conciseness (1) using non- finites, using replacement of attributes, using adverbs Section of Results General Functions and Contents of Results Lies in the value of its final results and the authors interpretation of the results To bring about a solid foundation on which the whole paper rests To present the essential results and data and then generalize them to a theoretical height Full presentation of the specific data of the work and detailed analysis of the resultsSection of Results Writing Requirements for Results Any data shown in this section must be meaningful. Only those that affect the reaction or the conclusion can become the terminating data. While those with no meaningful functions should never appear in this section. The fool collects facts; the wise man selects them. (Dr. Jolin Powell)Section of Results Writing Requirements for Results The presentation of results should be short without verbiage and be of crystal clarity. It is clearly shown in Table 1 that the information desire grows with the development of industry. The information desire grows with the development of industry (Table 1).Section of Results Writing Requirements for Results Although the presentation of results is the most important part of a paper, it is often the shortest section. Particularly if it is preceded by a well-written part of Experiment or Materials and Methods, and followed by a well-written part of Analysis, Discussion, Summary or Conclusion. Sometimes, the result may possibly have just one sentence: “The results are shown in Table 1 (or Figure 1) Section of Results Ex. 8-1 The results of the identification function for the nasal consonants, /n/and/m, that were increased in duration are illustrated in Figure 1 and 2 respectively. The vertical axis indicates the percentage of identification of a moraic and a non- moraic nasal. The horizontal axis indicates the rates of increased nasal duration (rate 1.0= the original onset nasal duration in /nata/ and /mapa/). Figure 1: Identification functions for a nasal consonant /n/ that is increased in duration. (omitted) Figure 2: Identification functions for a nasal consonant /m/ that is increased in duration. (omitted) As can be seen from Figure 1, when the rate reached 1.4, a moraic nasal began to be recognized. When it exceeded 2.4, it was always recognized. Although the rates were different, the same result was observed in Figure 2. Section of Results Writing Requirements for Results Listed below are some useful expressions frequently encountered in the section of result. The research we have done suggests an increase in As a result of our experiments we concluded that The direct outcome was then reported in Sufficient result for has been observed with the new method This work did provideSection of Results Writing Requirements for Results Our experimental data are briefly summarized as follows This fruitful work gives an explanation of Figure 3 shows the results obtained from studies of Table 5 presents the data provided by the experiments on This table summarized the data collected during the experiment of Most recent experiments to the same effect have led the authors to believe that Section of Discussion The most difficult section to write Many submitted papers are rejected by the editors because of a faulty discussion, even though the data of the paper might be both valid and interesting. The true meaning of the data in a paper may be completely obscured by the interpretation presented in the discussion, again resulting in rejection. Section of Discussion General Functions and Main Elements of Discussion To expound the interrelations among the observed facts To show the relationship between the facts, their underlying causes, their effects, and their theoretical implications To explain the facts denoted by symbols or signs of mathematics Section of Discussion General Functions and Main Elements of Discussion Analyzing the Data Try to present the basic principles, factual relationships, and successful generalizations of the results. Bear in mind that, in a good discussion, what you need to do is to discuss but not reulate the results. Pointing out Doubts Point out any exceptions or any lack of correlation, and define unsettled points or doubts, the limitations, failures, as well as points for attention, if any. Section of Discussion General Functions and Main Elements o
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