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1江苏省无锡市河塘中学江苏省无锡市河塘中学 2017-20182017-2018 学年七年级英语下学期学年七年级英语下学期 3 3 月月考试题月月考试题第一卷(选择题,共 65 分)一 听力测试(本大题共 20 分,每小题 1 分)A: 本部分共有 10 道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5 秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有 5 秒钟的答题时间。( )1.Where is Rickys present from?A B C ( )2.What does the boys mother do ?. .A B C ( )3.What does Tom enjoy doing? A B C( )4.When will they go to there tomorrow? A B C( )5.Where are they talking?A.In a library. B.At the doctors. C.At a post office.( )6.What does the sign mean?A.Straight on. B.No right turn. C.No left turn.( )7.What does Neil mean?A.He will come to the party this Sunday. B.He doesnt want to visit his grandparents. C.He cant go to the party.2( )8.Where does Simon live?A.Near the post office. B.In front of the post office. C.Behind the post office. ( )9.Whats the telephone number?A.74820284. B.74820824. C.78420284. ( )10.Which floor is the classroom on?A.The Sixteenth B.The sixth. C.The ninth.B. 根据你所听到的问题,选择相应的答语。( )11.A.Kind and helpful.B.Yes, he is.C.He likes reading.( )12.A.By train.B.No, its Millies.C.A doctor.( )13.A.On the fifth floor. B.I always have fun with my dog.C.Eight rooms.( )14.A.Ottawa.B.The living room.C.Not bad.( )15.A.Yes, Mr. Gao.B.An elephant is standing there.C.Is 2 p.m. OK?C.听一篇短文,回答第 16-20 小题。( )16.Where will they go?A.To a town B.To a city C.To a school( )17.How will they go there?A.By train B.By bus C.By ship( )18.How long will it take them to get there?A.Over 3 hours B.Over 4 hours C.Over 5 hours( )19.What will they take for lunch?A.Rice B.Bread C.Sandwiches( )20.What can they do after lunch?A.Go swimming B.Go shopping C.Go boating 二、单词辨音 (本大题共 5 分,每小题 0.5 分)( )21.A.machineB.balconyC.lampD.flat( )22.A.everybodyB.forestC.elderD.western( )23.A.designB.signC.knifeD.pizza( )24.A.luckyB.studyC.futureD.hundred( )25.A.jobB.problemC.operaD.notice( )26.A.roomB.neighbourhoodC.soonD.bamboo( )27.A.showerB.belowC.rowD.follow( )28.A.meatB.areaC.seaD.east( )29.A.personB.overC.managerD.worker3( )30.A.thousandB.throughC.withoutD.south3、单项选择 (本大题共 15 分,每小题 1 分)( )31.A little boy writes _“u” and _“n” on the wall.A.a; an B.a; a C.an; anD.an; a( )32.There _a class meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.are going to be B.is going to have C.is going to be D.will have( )33. Mrs. Green is _ grandmother.A. Jim and Charless B. Jim and CharlesC. Jims and Charless D. Jims and Charles( )34._of people visit this city every year.A. Million B. Millions C.Three millions D. Three million( )35.Walk_ the white building and go_ the street,then you will find the park.A.pass; cross B.past; cross C.pass; across D.past; across( )36._knows anything about the old man, because he never tells us _ about himself.A.Nobody;nothing B.Nobody;anything C.Anybody;nothing D.Anybody;anything( )37. These are _ clothes. _ are over there.A.our;Yours B.his; Our C.yours;Hers D.their;Your ( )38. The English song _great.A.hears B.hears of C.sounds D.sounds like( )39.-Would you please show me _the cinema? -Sorry,Im new here.A.how get to B.the way to C.which is the way for D.where is( )40.-Hello. Can I_to Millie? -Im sorry. Shes _with Jim now.A.talk;speaking B.speak;saying C.speak;talking D.say;speaking ( )41.-_is it from your school to your home? -It is about twenty minutes by bike.A.How far B.How long C.How often D.How soon( )42.Jim isnt very tall in our class, so he sits _our classroom.A.in front of B.in the front of C.behind D.at the back of( )43. -Mum, the cake smells _.-Keep it away from ants. They can smell things _.A. good; well B. good; good C. well; well D. well; good( )44.-I hope you and your family _ your holiday here.-Thank you so much. Im sure well have a good time here.A.to enjoy B.enjoyed C.will enjoy D.enjoying4( )45.-Hi, Daniel. How was your trip to Qingdao?-_. The beaches there are very beautiful and we also enjoyed some fresh seafood.A.Not badly B.Very much C.Very good D.So well4、完形填空 (本大题共 10 分,每小题 1 分)A group of frogs travel through the forest, and two of them fall into a pit(深坑) . The pit is very_46 and the two frogs try to _47 of it. But the other frogs tell them to stop _48 because they think that they cannot get out. Af
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