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How to give an excellent self-introduction in English?Generally speaking, self-introduction is the first step that a job hunter will communicate with the interviewer.通常情况下,自我介绍是求职者跟面试 官 开始交流的第一步。The English self-introduction is a necessity in many enterprises recruitment especially the foreign companies and the native ones which involve international transactions. 很多企业尤其是外企或者有涉外业务的 本土企业在招聘时都会要求英语的自我介 绍。To make a good self-introduction, you must know about yourself very much first, or you even cant speak out in your mother language.要做一个好的自我介绍,你首先要非常 了 解自己,否则就是用母语你也说不出来 。If you have known about yourself, you should then think about a logical and clear structure to show the self- introduction. 了解自己之后,就要想一个符合逻辑并 且 思路清晰的框架来呈现你自我介绍的内 容。 Basic information(基本信息)Name (姓名) Age (年龄) Address (住址) Hometown (家乡) College(毕业院校) Major (专业) Previous job (if you have) (上一份工作)Name: My name is. I am. is my name. Age: Imyears old. I will benext month/in September. My age is.Address: I live in.注意地址的表达要从小到大,如: I live in South China Normal University, Zhongshan Revenue, Tianhe district, Guangzhou city, Canton, China. Hometown: I come/am from My hometown is My native place isI am a native of(当你是本地人时, 可以用这句)College: I graduated from (former graduate 往届生) I will graduate from (fresh graduate 应届生 ) Major: My major is I am majored inPrevious job: I worked forfrom 20 to 2012. My position is .(我的岗位是)I worked asin. (我在做职位)2. Personality and Hobbies (性格与爱好) I think I am a person. I feel Im very. My biggest personality isI like to doin my spare time. My favorite hobby is I spend most of my free time on.3. Career plan(职业规划)At first, I hope to find a job as a,and during 3 to 5 years, I try my best to master the skill and knowledge of this position. My next goal is to get a post of supervisor or manager.首先,我希望获得一份的工作,在三到五年 的时间里,尽力去掌握该岗位要求的技能和知 识;我下一个目标就是主管/经理The three steps below is just a general structure for the self-introduction. More details should be added by yourself. For example, you can tell a story to certify one of your good characters.以上三步只是自我介绍的一个大致框架,更多 的 细节需要你自己去添加和完善。比如,你可以 讲 一个故事来证明你的某个优秀品格。Thank you!谢谢大家!
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