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六级考前名师抢分班听力(1)北京新东方学校 曹倩12现阶段考生常见的问题单词没背 完不会审题,以至于影响听原文题型技巧不清楚考前恐慌不淡定(语速会不会跟不上?音频出问题怎么办?紧张的前一天睡不着?)关于审题看选项的一些小窍门从此开始,事半功倍4关于审选项的一些小窍门审题到底有多久时间审题不用每个词翻译提高阅读速度学会划重点词先竖看再横看 2000-6-11A. To find out whether they take music lessons in their spare time. B. To find out whether they can name four different musical instruments.C. To find out whether they enjoy playing musical instruments in school.D. To find out whether they differ in preference for musical instruments.划重点是为了简化选项2007-6-20A. It can reduce the number of passenger complaints.B. It can make air travel more entertaining.C. It can cut down the expenses for air travel.D. It can lessen the discomfort caused by air travel.划重点是为了简化选项2004-6-P1-11A) He set up the first university in America.B) He was one of the earliest settlers in America.C) He can best represent the spirit of early America.D) He was the most distinguished diplomat in American history.划重点是为了简化选项2004-6-P1-12A) He provided Washington with a lot of money. B) He persuaded France to support Washington.C) He served as a general in Washingtons army.D) He represented Washington in negotiations with Britain.划重点是为了简化选项2004-6-P1-13A) As one of the greatest American scholars.B) As one of Americas most ingenious inventors.C) As one of the founding fathers of the United States.D) As one of the most famous activists for human rights.审题可以带来优先选项: 2006-6-33. A) Hed like some coffee.B) Hed like a piece of pie.C) Hes just had dinner with his friends.D) Hed rather stay in the warm room.优先选项: 2005-12-3A.Peaches are in season now.B.Peaches are not at their best now. C.The woman didnt know how to bargain.D.The woman helped the man choose the fruit. 辅助地位的选项逻辑: 2002-12-9A.Hed rather not go to the lecture.B.Hes going to attend the lecture.C.Hell give a lecture on drawing.D.He doesnt mind if the woman goes to the lecture.选项逻辑: 2002-1-8A.By going on a diet. B.By having fewer meals.C.By doing physical exercise. D.By eating fruit and vegetables.选项逻辑: 2002-1-10A.It looks quite new. B.It needs to be repaired.C.It looks old, but it runs well. D.Its engine needs to be painted.是不是只有短对话才可以蒙答案呢当然不只是短对话162009-6-P117蒙题有风险,蒙时需谨慎2009-6-P1-26A. To help young people improve their driving skills.B. To alert teenagers to the dangers of reckless driving.C. To teach young people road manners through videotapes.D. To show teens the penalties imposed on careless drivers.蒙题有风险,蒙时需谨慎2009-6-P1-27A. Road accidents.B. Street violence. C. Drug abuse.D. Lung cancer.2006-6-P120蒙题有风险,蒙时需谨慎2006-6-P1-13A.To set up an institution for the handicapped.B.To get the funding for the hospitals.C.To help the disabled children there.D.To train therapists for the children there.蒙题有风险,蒙时需谨慎2006-6-P1-11A.Special education. B.Social work.C.Applied physics. D.Medical care.2003-12-P323蒙题有风险,蒙时需谨慎03-12-P3-17A) A visit to a prison.B) The influence of his father.C) A talk with some miserable slaves.D) His experience in the war between France and Austria.蒙题有风险,蒙时需谨慎03-12-P3-18A) He sent surgeons to serve in the army.B) He provided soldiers with medical supplies.C) He recruited volunteers to care for the wounded.D) He helped to free the prisoners of war.蒙题有风险,蒙时需谨慎03-12-P3-19A) All men are created equal.B) The wounded and dying should be treated for free.C) A wounded soldier should surrender before he receives any medical treatment.D) A suffering person is entitled to help regardless of race, religion or political beliefs.蒙题有风险,蒙时需谨慎03-12-P3-20A) To honor Swiss heroes who died in the war.B) To show Switzerland was neutral.C) To pay tribute to Switzerland.D) To show gratitude to the Swiss government for its financial support.2005-1-P1能简单蒙出答案的题绝不等于听起来也简单的28听不出来只能蒙2005-1-P1-11A) Boss and secretary.B) PR representative and client.C) Classmates.D) Colleagues.听不出来只能蒙2005-1-P1-12A) He thought the boss was unfair to him.B) His clients complained about his service.C) He felt his assignment was tougher than Sues.D) His boss was always finding fault with his work.听不出来只能蒙2005-1-P1-13A) She complains about her bad luck.B) She always accepts them cheerfully.C) She is unwilling to undertake them.D) She takes them on, though reluctantly.听不出来只能蒙2005-1-P1-14A) John had to quit his job.B) Both John and Sue got a raise.C) Sue failed to complete her project.D) Sue got promoted.为什么会听不出来呢那些我们向原文前进中的拦路虎33为什么会听不出来呢根深蒂固在大脑中的是该单词的错误发音Register, admirable, commerce发音现象难以有效运用于听力考试中Prime Minister, sit down, approach her, twenty, mountain, sentence, coordination奇葩发音难以接受05-1, 11-12迈出我们胜利之旅的第一步短对话原来我们的短对话都能够通过选项知道问的是什么,你知不知道352013年12月六级真题(第一套)1.A) Weather conditions. B) Labor problems.C) An error in the order. D) Misplacing of goods.2013年12月六级真题(第一套)2. A) What the woman says makes a lot of sense.B) The rich are opposed to social welfare.C) He agrees with Mr. Johnsons views.D) He is sympathetic with poor people.2013年12月六级真题(第一套)3. A) He has work to finish in time. B) He has a tough problem to solve.C) He will be practicing soccer.D) He w
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