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杨珍杨珍 Yang ZhenYang Zhen前 程 无 限 Starting Starting Business EnglishBusiness English步 入 商 界English Mottos上 页Leisure Time Life is a leaf of paper white, there on each of us may write his word or two. 生活就像一张白纸,每个人都可以在其上写上 自己的一两句话. On earth there is nothing great but man; in the man there is nothing great but mind. 地球上最伟大生物是人,人身上最伟大的东西 是心灵.休 闲 时 刻Unit 11Analyzing your competitors分析竞争对手 Starting Business English步 入 商 界 Teaching ObjectivesUnit FocusUnit 1 Introducing Yourself自我介绍WordcheckVideo EpisodesAssignmentStarting Business English步 入 商 界Teaching ObjectivesIn this unit, the learners are required to In this unit, the learners are required to learn how tolearn how to:Asking Questions About CompetitorsAsking Questions About Competitors 询问竟争对手的情况询问竟争对手的情况 Describing SimilarityDescribing Similarity 描述相似性描述相似性 Expressing PossibilityExpressing Possibility 表达可能性表达可能性 上 页Starting Business English步 入 商 界WordcheckConceptnPower source nDrive 驱动nReliability 可靠性 nWeakness 缺点/不足nTest 测试nFind out 了解/找到nExact 准确的nExactly 确实nBudget 预算上 页步 入 商 界Starting Business EnglishWordcheck上 页Starting Business EnglishAdvertising Campaign Spend 花销 Packaging 包装 Selling price 卖方出价 Retail price 零售价 Unit cost 单位成本 Production run 产量 Produce 生产 Have a chat 聊一聊步 入 商 界Wordcheck上 页Consultant Do a consultancy work 做咨询/顾问工作 Specialist 专家 Partnership 合伙关系 Deal 达成一致 Confidential 机密的 Secret 秘密 Compromise 连累/妥协 Give a lift 搭便车步 入 商 界Starting Business EnglishBackground上 页 In this unit Don, Kate, Derek and Edward have a meeting to discuss Dealer Dan. Clive gives an old friend a lift. He asks some questions and gets some new information about Dealer Dan.步 入 商 界Starting Business EnglishVideo Program Unit 11上 页Starting Business English步 入 商 界上 页Language Summary (1)步 入 商 界Describing similar products I have never seen two products which are so similar. Dealer Dan is very like a new toy we have developed. The technology is the same as ours. In concept and design, there are no basic differences.Starting Business EnglishLanguage Summary (2)上 页Expressing possibility Dealer Dan could hurt us badly. I might need a consultantwell, perhaps Will it affect their sales? Not much in the first six weeks, I suppose.步 入 商 界Starting Business English上 页Language Summary (5)步 入 商 界Saying what you havent done I havent completed the tests yet. I havent retired yet. I havent found out the exact date yet.Starting Business English上 页Language Summary (3)步 入 商 界Defining things The XR590 is the power source which drives Dealer Dan. EGNC is the company that they always use.Starting Business English上 页Language Summary (3)步 入 商 界Defining things The XR590 is the power source which drives Dealer Dan. EGNC is the company that they always use.Starting Business English上 页Unit Focus步 入 商 界 Conducting a SWOT Analysis A SWOT Analysis takes is a method for examining the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats facing a business. It can give you insight into your companys position in the competitive arena. Starting Business English上 页Assignment步 入 商 界Starting Business English
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