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Period4 Using LanguageUnit 3 Under the seaHow many creatures do you know live under the sea? coral Sea Anemoneanemone fishparrotfishsea-starsea-slugFrench angelfishturtleeelclamreef sharkUnit3 Using LanguageA NewDimension of Life3. Skim the passage and number the paragraph topics. Topic Paragraph numbercolors and shapesdangersreflectingthe reefs edgea final thoughtsome see creatures2 41563主旨大意1. In the diary, the author mainly wants to tell us that_. A. what he saw in the seaB. how the fish eat in the seaC. the vivid colors in the seaD. all the plants in the sea are poisonousAScanning 1. How many creatures are mentioned in this diary?2. What are they?Coral, anemone, anemone fish, parrotfish, sea-star, sea-slug, angelfish, turtle, eel, clam and reef shark.Eleven . Detailed reading Fill in the blanks with information from the text. CreaturesDescription coralsea anemoneanemone fishparrotfishsea-slugshaped like fans, plates,brains, lace, mushrooms, lettuces, branches, horns poisonous tentacleslittle orange and whiteyellow and green with hard bird-like mouth, hanging upside downyellow-spotted redCreatures Description sea-starangelfishturtleeelClam Reef sharkblue orange and blue-stripedlarge wise-looking with strong sharp teethgiantTwo grey, one and a halfmeters longSuppose you are snorkeling now, list your delights and dangers Delights dangers1. Seeing such extraordinarybeauty under the waves2. Seeing so many different Kinds of fish.3.Exploring small cavesunder the sea1. Poisonous fish2. Getting lost in Small caves3.Being attacked by sharks1. reflect (vt. vi.) “反射,映射,思考”After _ for a time , he decided not to go there .The mountains _ in the lake were very beautiful . reflect on (upon) “仔细考虑, 思考”我要思考一下下一步该怎么做.I will reflect on what to do next . be/ become (well) aware of / that对知道,明白; 意识到 “我希望在情况影响你前,你能察觉到。“ I want you to be aware of the situation before it affects you. 我很清楚他就是我要求助的人。 I am well aware that he is the one I should turn to.reflectingreflected upside down “上下颠倒的(地),乱七八糟的(地)”The office is being decorated, so _.你把那张图片给弄颠倒了. You have got _ 不要把那个盒子倒着拿. Dont hold_. inside out “(穿)反了,倒悬,乱七八糟地” Look , Jacks jacket_.everything is upside downthe picture upside done.the box upside doneis inside out6. scare n. v.sb be scared to death 某人吓死了”I felt _when I knew how dangerous I was.当我听到那可怕的声音时, 我都快吓死了 _ (hear) the terrible sound , I would be scared to death .1) be scared to do sth /of doing sth “ 害怕干某事”2) scare sb. to death “ 吓死某人了”You scare me to death. 你吓死我了。她不敢(害怕)坐飞机. She _in a plane .Hearingscared to deathis scared to fly7.but where the reef ended, there was a sharp drop to the sandy ocean floor.在本句中where 引导的是状语从句。 1.A cinema is a building where film is shown . 电影院是放电影的馆所。 2.You shall put it up where we all can see it. 你该把它挂在我们大家都能见到的地方。wake upa new dimension of lifeall kinds ofin and aroundseem to do mind doinglook straight at sblook down intofeel exposedreflect on (upon) be/become (well) aware of/that upside down inside out sb be scared to death scare sb. to death be scared to do sth /of doing sth醒来崭新的生活空间各种各样的在四周似乎做某事介意做某事直盯着某人往下看感到暴光“仔细考虑, 思考”对知道,明白;意识到 上下颠倒的(地),乱七八糟的(地)” “(穿)反了,倒悬,乱七八糟地某人吓死了吓死某人了害怕干某事ahead of in the meantime help out be/become aware of upside down (be) scared to death sort out feed on 1.Everything in my room is _. 2.The manager went abroad last week , _ we made Mr Wang in chargeof our company . 3. When I first saw a real snake , I _ _ . 4. He often _ in his fathers shop when things are busy . 5. He said that the manager _the problem .upside down in the meantime scared to death helps out was aware of was 1. They are leaving in 3days-_ _ _,next Friday.(换句话说)2. she _ _ _ _ her new job.(她很快 就适应了她的新工作.)3. It happened in my _.(这事发生在我没在的 时候.)4. I cant drink as _ _ _ _.(我不能喝那 么甜的咖啡.)5. _ _ _ _ that she should refuse to accept this suggestion.(真遗憾她拒绝了这个建议.)6. _ _ _ that so many passengers were unhurt in the accident?(在这次事故中,那么多乘客没受伤, 这是不是很令人惊讶?)in other wordsadapted herself quickly toabsencesweet coffee as thatIt is a pityIs it surprising7. He said he had nothing to _ _ _.(他说他 什么都不怕.)8. its time for us to _ _ our differences and work together for a common purpose.(放下)9. She is very upset. _ _ _ for a few minutes.(让她安静几分钟)10. Did you _ the accident?(亲眼看到这个意外吗 ?)11. Im just _ _ the papers that can be thrown away.(我正在整理可能扔掉的文件.)12. _ _ _ was a big river.(我们面前有一条 大河.)be afraid ofset asideLeave her alonewitnesssorting outAhead of us13. The conference will begin in an hour; _ _ _ , lets have a coffee.(会议一小时后开始, 在此期间,我们喝杯咖啡吧)14. Many people were killed by the weapons _ _ the Japa
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