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Cinderella :Prince:Stepmother :Sister(Jerry):Fairy:Aside:Aside: Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Cinderella, her mother was dead, and her father loved her very much.很久很久以前,有一个名叫仙仙的 白富美。她的妈妈去世了,爸爸很 爱她。Aside: But one day, her father married a new wife and died unfortunately. Look, her stepmother and her new sisters are COMING. 但是有一天,小仙仙的爸爸给小 仙仙找了个后妈以后,他爸爸不 幸去世了。看,她的继母和她的 新姐姐来了。Jerry: Who are you?! Mum, who is she?! Stepmother: She is your little sister. But it doesnt matter. Now! Cinderella, go, clean the room and then cook for us. RIGHT NOW! 洁洁 :妈妈这 个丑八怪是谁?! 后妈:她是你的小妹妹啦,不过不用管她。 小仙仙!快去打扫房间然后煮饭给 我们吃! 现在!马上!Cinderella: Why? Im not your servant!Stepmother: Yeah. But from NOW ON you are our servant!仙仙:为什么?我又不是你的仆人! 后妈:没错,但是从现在起,你就是 我们的仆人!Aside: After that, Cinderella had to be their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night. She had no room to live and she had to sleep in sofa, she had no good food to eat and no good clothes to wear. 从那以后,小仙仙变成了她们的仆人。她 日夜工作,没有自己的房间,不得不睡在 沙发上,她不能任性地吃吃吃,也不能买 买买了。Stepmother :Good news! There will be a big dancing party in the palace! The Prince will select a queen among the young girls in the city! Jerry: Yeah! Ill be the queen! 后妈:好消息!皇宫里要准备一场大型的舞 会,王纸将在城里的众多女孩中挑选一位当 皇后! 洁洁:耶!我会成为皇后的!Cinderella: I want to go to the party, too. Jerry: YOU?! Look at yourself, so dirty and so ugly. Stepmother: Jerry, put on your most beautiful dress and make up immediately! Cinderella, Do your housework first! 仙仙:我也想去趴体 洁洁:就你?!你看看你自己吧,又脏又丑 ! 后妈:小洁洁,赶快穿上最漂亮的裙子,化 上最美的妆容!小仙仙,你还是留在家里做 家务吧! Cinderella: Mum, please, can I Stepmother: Jerry, are you ready? Lets go. Cinderella, NO WAY!仙仙:母亲,求你了, 我可以 后妈:小洁洁,你准备好了吗?我们出发吧 !小仙仙,没门!I really want to goFairy: Poor girl, let me help you. You need a carriage, you need a coachman, you need some horses, and you need a beautiful dress.仙女:可怜的女孩,让我来帮助你吧。你需 要一辆马车,需要一个车夫,需要几匹马, 最重要的是,你还需要一条美丽的舞裙。Fairy: Now, Cinderella,go tothe party and dance with the prince.But they will disappear after 12 oclock. Remember you must come back before 12 oclock. Cinderella: Wow, how beautiful 仙仙:天哪,太美了!仙女:仙仙,现在你可以奔赴舞会尽情和王子跳舞啦。但是魔法会在12点以后消失,记住,12点之前你必须回来。Aside: In the palace, Cinderella has attracted the attention of all the people. The prince went up to her, invited her to dance. Beautiful Cinderella and handsome Prince are dancing. They fall in love.在皇宫里,仙仙的出现吸 引了所有人的眼球。王子向她走去,邀请她跳起了舞。美丽的仙仙和帅气的王纸 翩翩起舞,坠入爱河。The clock striked. Its 12 oclock.Cinderella: Oh! Its time to go home. I must go now. I am sorry that I cannot dance with you any more. 仙仙:噢不!时间到 了,我得回家了。王 子,很抱歉不能再和 你跳舞了。Prince: Wait,miss, please wait! Pretty girl , why are you leaving? Where are you? Where are you? I must find you! 王子:等等,小姐,请你等等!可爱 的女孩儿,你为什么离我而去?你在 哪里?在哪里?我一定要找到你!Aside: The prince ran out of the palace and down the stairs. He caught up with Cinderella. 王子跑出皇宫,奔下楼梯,追上了 离开的仙仙。Prince: Oh, my dearest princess, I love you,go with me andbe my queen, OK?王子:我挚爱 的公主,我爱 你,跟我走吧 ,做我的皇后 ,好吗? Cinderella:ButBut actually I have nothing at allI just an ordinary girl, Do you still love me, my prince?仙仙:但是其实我一无 所有,我只是一个平凡的 女孩, 亲爱的王子,即便这样, 你仍然爱我吗?Prince: To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, I will love you, I will cherish you forever. 王子:而今而后,不论境遇好坏,家境贫富, 生病与否,我都会永远爱你,珍惜你。The story finished. The prince and Cinderella lived happily together.
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