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【精品精品】Unit 4 RevisionLesson13(练习及解析)(练习及解析)北京课改版北京课改版-五年级英语下五年级英语下一、看图, 连一连。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a. playing football b. playing chess c. playing basketball d. playing ping-pong e. playing baseball6. 7. 8. 9. 10. f. riding a bike g. making a model h. playing the violin i. cooking j. playing the piano【答案】1.d 2. b 3.c 4. e 5. a 6. f 7. h 8.i 9.j 10.g【解析】1. 注意观察图片,这是正在打乒乓球,英语表达为 playing ping-pong。2. 注意观察图片,这是正在下棋,英语表达为 playing chess。3. 注意观察图片,这是正在打篮球,英语表达为 playing basketball。4. 注意观察图片,这是正在打棒球,英语表达为 playing baseball。5. 注意观察图片,这是正在踢足球,英语表达为 playing football。6. 注意观察图片,这是正在骑自行车,英语表达为 riding a bike。7 注意观察图片,这是正在拉小提琴,英语表达为 playing the violin。8. 注意观察图片,这是正在做饭,英语表达为 cooking。9. 注意观察图片,这是正在弹钢琴,英语表达为 playing the piano。10. 注意观察图片,这是正在做模型,英语表达为 making a model。二、补全单词并写出汉语意思。1.ch _ss ( ) 2. ba_eball ( ) 3.da_k ( ) 4. tr_ ( )5.s_il ( )【答案】1.e 国际象棋 2. s 棒球 3. r 黑夜 4.y 尝试 5. o 土壤【解析】1.国际象棋是 chess。2.棒球是 baseball。3.黑夜是 dark。4.尝试是 try。5 土壤是 soil。三、根据句意和图片,判断对 (T)错(F) 。( ) 1. He is playing the computer. ( ) 2.He is watching TV. ( ) 3. He is making a model.( ) 4.He is dancing.【答案】1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 【解析】1. He is playing the computer.他正在玩电脑,与图片意思一样,正确。2. He is watching TV. 他正在看电视,而图片是正在看电视,错误。3. He is making a model. 他正在做一个模型,与图片相符,正确。4. He is dancing. 他正在跳舞,图片是正在练武术,错误。四、连一连1. A. He is going fishing.2. B. He is playing the computer. 3. C. She is drawing a picture.4. D. He is watching TV.【答案】1. A. He is going fishing.2. B. He is playing the computer. 3. C. She is drawing a picture.4. D. He is watching TV.【解析】1. 第一幅图正在玩电脑,即 He is playing the computer. B 正确. 2.女孩正在画画,即 She is drawing a picture. C 正确。 3. 看见老人正在看电视,即 He is watching TV.4. 图片是在钓鱼,即 He is going fishing.
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