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Review lTranslation consists in reproducing in _ the closest natural equivalent of _, first in terms of _ and secondly in terms of _.lthe receptor languagel the source language message lmeaning lstyleTasks lI. Text Translation AnalysislII. Translation skills: translating proper nameslIII Practice I.Text Translation AnalysisMaya: Away from Crowdsl远离人群去玛雅英语因可前可后,汉语先因 后果;lAluminum is used as engineering material for planes and spaceships since it is light and tough. lA. 铝作为工程材料,用来制造飞机、宇宙飞船 等,因为它既轻又硬 lB.铝既轻又硬,可以作为制造飞机、宇宙飞船等 的工程材料。 lThis glorious achievement represents the principle of self-reliance. lA.这个光辉成就体现了自力更生的方针。 lB. 坚持自力更生的原则,才取得了这一光辉成就 。因果句l标准因果句lThe rotation of the earth on its axis causes the change from day to night. l 地球绕轴自转,产生了白昼和黑夜的变化。l准因果句 lThe lowering clouds presage the storm. l 乌云低垂,暴风雨就要来临lHis involving of a murder led to his arrest. l 他因涉嫌谋杀案而被捕。lDecentralization allowed each subsystem to have its own control. l 由于实行分散控制,每个子系统都有自己的控制器 。l当主语是无意志的事物,由动词连接两个或多个“积木”结构( 无意志的名词、合成名词、名词性词组、名词化结构等), 而动词多由lead to, result in, give rise to, keep from, prevent from, depend on, cause, ascribe, evolve, allow, permit, enable等表现,这类句子常常成为隐性因果句。还 有with,by等介词也有可能。lScientific and technological advances are enabling us to comprehend the furthest reaches of the cosmos,the most basic constituents of matter,and the miracle of life.l由于科技的进步,我们得以逐步认识宇宙中最为遥远的边 缘部分、物质最基本的组织成分以及生命的奥秘。英语因可前可后,汉语先因后果 ;lHe called it “Pacific”, because he found it calm after his voyage around South America. l因为在他驾船从南美洲绕过来之后发现海面上风 平浪静,就称它为“太平洋”。 Old lines and methods of communication do not work easily or efficiently with much information we now have. 由于我们今天的信息太多,那些旧的通讯线路和方 法已不能灵便有效地处理了。 It had been feared that the Common wealth itself might collapse over this issue. 当时大家担心,英联邦本身可能由于这个问题而解 体。英语因可前可后,汉语先因后 果;lNow tourism has grown in importance to such an extent that many Third World countries cannot balance their financial budget accounts without their considerable earnings from tourism. l现在,旅游业越来越重要,如果少了这一块巨 额收入,第三世界国家就无法平衡其财政预算 。I.Text Translation AnalysisMaya: Away from CrowdslCentral America is home to many secret treasures for tourists who like to avoid the crowds, including numerous ancient Maya settlements.l远离人群去玛雅l中美洲蕴藏着大量的秘密宝藏,包括众多的 古代玛雅遗址,等待着那些喜欢远离人群的旅 行者去发现。lThe seven countries of Central America- Guatemala, Panama, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica-are full of natural beauty and cultural treasures. Many of the regions nature reserves, ancient Maya settlements and colonial cities have been declared as world cultural heritage sites by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Culture Organization.l中美洲的七个国家危地马拉、巴拿马、伯利兹、洪 都拉斯、萨尔瓦多、尼加拉瓜和哥斯达黎加遍布自 然美景和文化宝藏。本地区有许多自然保护区、古玛 雅人遗址和殖民时期的城市已经被联合国教科文组织 列入世界文化遗产。 lThere are lots of volcanoes and an exotic animal kingdom to explore, yet few people outside the region know of them. The view to the crater of the Masaya volcano in Nicaragua is a breathtaking experience, enlivened by the accompanying strong smell of sulphur and the loud screaming of parrots. l那里有太多的火山和珍禽异兽有待探寻,可是 它们却鲜为外人所知。当你往尼加拉瓜的马莎 雅火山口望进去的时候,你会倒吸一口冷气, 但是当你闻到那股浓烈的硫磺味,听到鹦鹉尖 厉的叫声时,你又会回过神来,惊叹它的壮美 。 enlivenlto make lively or spirited; animate.lStrengthen Students Community League Construction and Enliven College Culturel加强学生社团建设,活跃校园文化 lopen up and enliven the economy l开放搞活 lThe otherwise dreary book is enlivened by some very amusing illustrations.l这本枯燥乏味的书幸亏加了一些精彩的插图才变 得生动有趣。lYet the car park on the edge of the crater is nearly empty. This is a boon for daring travelers who can enjoy all the beauty without having to share it with hordes of other visitors.l然而火山口附近的停车场却几乎空无 一人。这是给勇敢者的一种奖赏,他 们可以尽情独享这一切,而不必同比 肩接踵的其他游客分赏美景。l El Salvador has a “road of flowers”, and Nicaragua has a “road of white villages” connecting villages from the colonial period. Honduras is developing a means of connecting the Native American communities in the Atlantic coast from the Garifuna, descendents of the Caribbean Indians and Africans, to the Miskito Indians in the jungle.l萨尔瓦多有一条“鲜花之路”,尼加拉瓜则有一条“白 色村庄之路”,连接殖民时期留下来的各个村庄。洪 都拉斯也正开发一条信道,把大西洋沿岸的美洲土著 人社区,如加勒比印第安和非洲人的后裔加里夫那人 社区,与生活在丛林中的墨斯奇陶印第安人社区连接 起来。 lGeological enthusiasts could also follow a volcanic trail through Central America. There are many volcanoes in just a small area, some with perfectly cone-shaped peaks constantly emitting smoke from their craters. Some of them are partially accessible.l地质爱好者也可以沿着连接各座火山的小道穿 越中美洲。中美洲地域不大,但是火山众多。 有些火山呈完美的圆锥形,山口终年喷着烟雾 。有些火山因烟灰浓烈而难窥全貌。 lA bus travels to the edge of the Masaya craters in Nicaragua, an active volcano just 500 meters high. For safety reasons, every tourist should get local information from the local tourism authority before climbing a volcano.l旅游汽车可以到达高度仅500米的尼加拉 瓜玛莎雅火山口的边缘。由于安全原因/出 于安全考虑,每个旅游者登山前必须到当 地旅游局了解有关信息。 lThe Arenal Volcano in northern Costa Rica terrified local inhabitants and tourists in August 2000
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