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题型介绍题型和分值n中译英(翻译句子的一部分)n翻译部分(5%)满分为36分 评分原则及标准n四级Translation 1. 整体内容和语言均正确,得1分。2. 结构正确,但整体意思不确切、信息不全或用 词不当,得0.5分。3. 整体意思正确但语言有错误,得0.5分。4. 整体意思完全错误,即使结构正确也不得分。5. 大小写错误及标点符号忽略不计。解题技巧解题思路n1, 首先根据语法判断待译部分在句中的功能,结构及形 式,即在句中充当什么成分,用动宾短语,介宾短语还是 名词性短语,是否要用从句,是否要倒装等n2, 注意选词应尽量贴切,尤其要注意搭配是否正确,不要 混用近义词和形近词.n3, 翻译完成后再次通读句子,检查有无拼写,用词,语法 或逻辑错误,检查句子(整句)是否完整,主谓是否一致, 代词和名词是否一致,是否遗漏了结构词,介词等,并进行 必要的修改和润色.种常考语法要点归纳. 比较结构1). On average, it is said, visitors spend only_ (一半的钱) in a day in Leeds as in London. (half as much money)2)Americans eat_(两倍)protein as they actually need every day. (twice as much)3) The number of the students in this city has _ (增 加了6倍) in comparison with 2001. (increased 6 times).用于表示“与相比”的短语nYour losses in trade this year are nothing_ (与我的相比)(compared with mine/ in comparison with mine)2) Since my childhood I have found that _( 没有什么 比读书对我更有吸引力 ) (nothing is more attractive to me than reading )3) The trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasnt bothered by his loudness so such_( 而是他缺乏天分)(as by his lack of talent)n.状语从句 包括: - as though 即使- hardly/barely/scarcelywhen (句子前半部要倒装)一就 (Hardly had we sat down at the table, when the phone rang. 我们刚在桌子旁坐下电话就响了。)-no soonerthan(句子前半部要倒装) 一就 (No sooner had we sat down at the table than the phone rang. 我们刚在桌子旁坐下电话就响了。)-now that 既然,由于 so that 结果/以致- in that 因为,由于-In case that/ for fear that/ lest 以防,万一,以免-Unless 除非(才) until 直到才-Whetheror 不管是还是 -as long as 只要 even if/though 虽然/即使Examples:1)._(家也许很简陋), theres no place like home, wherever he may go. (Humble as it may be)2)._(我们一到山顶)than we all sat down to rest. (No sooner had we reached the top of the hill)3)._(既然你很熟悉作者的想法), try reading all the sections as quickly as you possibly can.(Now that you are familiar with the authors ideas) 4).Criticism and self-criticism is necessary _(由于他们能帮助我们找出和改正错 误) (in that it helps to find and correct our mistakes).5) Give me your telephone number _(以备我需要你的帮助) (in case I need your help).6)_(政府才能有效运行) unless it is free from such interference.(Government cannot operate effectively)7) The substance does not dissolve in water _(不管是否加热)(whether (it is) heated or not) 8)_(要不是你们的帮助),we would not have succeeded.If it hadnt been for your help.名词性从句 (主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句 及同位语从句)1) In some countries, _(所谓的平等) does not really mean equal rights for all people. (what is called “equality”) 2) _ (给我印象最深的) were her liveliness and sense of humor. (What impressed me most ) 3)We couldnt _(就该怎么办达成一致)agree on what should be done 4) This is _ (鲁迅曾经住过的地方)where Lu Xun used to live. 定语从句1) A good many proposals were raised by the delegates,_(正如预料的那样).( as was to be expected)2)The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things, _(正如经常发生在其他国家的情形一样 )(as is often the case in other countries)3) Im not accustomed to such luxury, _ (它简直 是浪费钱). (which is just a waste of money )n分句关系代词只能用that,而不能用which的主要情况)当先行词是all, anything, everything, nothing, something, few, little, much, none, 等不定代词时)当先行词被序数词(the first, the second) 或形容词最 高级所修饰时)当先行词被the very, the only等词修饰时n当先行词是人而且有only, all, any等限定词时,其后用 作分句主语的关系代词通常用 that (Any boy that wants to succeed must work hard.).虚拟语气)用于以下动词之后的 that 分句当中,分句动词用原型或 者是should +原型(order, command, demand, insist, maintain, request, require, ask, recommend, propose, suggest, move, desire, etc) )以下形容词用于 It is +adj. +that 结构中,从句动词用原 型或者是should +原型 (advisable, appropriate, desirable, essential, fundamental, imperative, obligatory, important, necessary, proper, urgent, vital, proper,)3) 用在以下名词之后的that 分句当中,分句动词用原型或者 是should +原型 (decision, decree(法令,判决),demand, instruction, order, requirement, resolution, a pity, a shame, no wonder that)用于宾语从句中 wish)用于某些特定结构中, 如 If only, as though/if,It is (high) time that 是时候做某事了 (Its time you went to bed.)would rather+从句 -would rather后接句子时,句子谓语习 惯上要用虚拟语气,具体用法为:A.一般过去时表示现在或将来的愿望, 如 Id rather you came next Saturday. 我宁愿你下星期六来 。 Id rather you were happy. 我愿你快乐。 B.用过去完成时表过去的愿望, 如Id rather you hadnt said it. 我真希望你没有这样说过。Id rather you hadnt done that. 我宁愿你没这样做。等等 1) The professor required that _(我们交研究报告)(we hand in our research reports)2) It is highly desirable that a new president_(被任命) for this college. (be appointed)3)Some women _(本来能 够挣一份很好的工资) in a job instead of staying home, but they decided not to work for the sake of the family.(could have made a good salary) 4) But for his help, I _(我不可能这 么早完成) (would not have finished so early)5)The victim _( 本来有机会活下来 ) if he had been taken to hospital in time .(would have survived) 6) Its time_(采取措施) about the traffic proble
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