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毕业设计(论文)题 目: 基于 PLC 的汽水灌装机控制系统设计 系 别: 专 业: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 年 6 月 15 日I摘 要本论文介绍了可编程控制器与世纪星监控软件在汽水灌装机中的控制方法和原理,采用了新的检测方法,实现了整个生产线的自动化。本论文详细论述了汽水灌装机控制系统的设计步骤,通过对灌装机系统的充分了解,以行业现状为出发点,结合其他行业自动控制技术的应用情况,提出了基于 PLC的汽水灌装机控制系统的基本结构。用日本 OMRON 系列可编程控制器设计了多移阀开启、破瓶检测、破瓶捡出、自动压盖等过程的自动控制。最后,简要介绍了世纪星组态软件,附有汽水灌装机控制系统的组态画面。本系统设计中完成了汽水灌装机控制系统的硬件的配置和软件方面的设计,并利用世纪星组态软件实现了实时监控系统的设计,使得整个设计形象,实用。采用 PLC 来控制饮料生产线,实现了汽水灌装机控制系统的自动化,对劳动生产率的提高,对饮料的质量和产量的提高都具有深远的意义。关键词:灌装机控制系统;可编程控制器;组态软件IIAbstractThis paper introduces briefly the programmable logical controller and the century star monitoring software uses in the carbonated drinks filling machine of controlling method and the principle, used the new examination method, and achieve the automation of the entire production line.This paper describes in detail the control system of the carbonated drinks filling machine design steps, a brief introduction of the carbonated drinks filling machine control system and base on the self-industry and the application of the other trade on auto-control technique, proposed the frame of the control system based on programmable logical controller. Design the control system of the carbonated drinks filling machine based on the programmable logical controller and designs the control system by OMRON for opening valve, inspecting and picking out the broken bottle. At last, the simulation software of configuration briefly and describe simulation process in detail, there are carbonated drinks production line configuration screen. This design completes the carbonated drinks production line hardware configuration and software design and uses century star configuration software to monitor real-time system, to achieve the image of the entire design image and practical. Achieve the automation of the carbonated drinks filling machine. Not only improve the labor productivity, but also has far-reaching significance of the improvement of quality and yield.Keywords: Carbonated drinks filling machine control system, Programmable Logical Controller, Configuration softwareIII目 录绪 论 .11 灌装控制系统总体介绍 .41.1 灌装机的主要类型 .41.1.1 旋转型灌装机 .41.1.2 直线型灌装机 .41.2 灌装的基本方法介绍 .51.3 灌装机以及灌装方式的确定 .61.3.1 灌装机的确定 .61.3.2 灌装方式的确定 .62 汽水灌装机控制系统设计方案 .82.1 总体设计思路 .82.2 汽水灌装机控制系统的具体流程 .83 汽水灌装机控制系统的硬件设计 .103.1 PLC 的选型 .103.1.1 选择 PLC 控制的原因 .103.1.2 PLC 介绍 .103.1.3 PLC 型号的选择 .113.2 PLC 硬件系统的连接 .123.3 灌装机的传动原理 .133.4 灌装机的重要硬件详解 .133.4.1 灌装机的供瓶机构 .133.4.2 瓶的升降机构 .133.4.3 灌装阀的功能 .
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