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The Third PeriodThe Third Period1. 否 定 句2. 疑 問 句Be V Be V 肯定肯定-否定否定# 找到Be V, 在Be V 後加not Exercise (part 1) 1. I am a teacher. # 找到Be V, 在Be V 後加not I am not a teacher. Exercise (part 1) 2. You are a doctor.You are not a doctor.# 找到Be V, 在Be V 後加not Exercise (part 1) 3. He is a singer.# 找到Be V, 在Be V 後加not He is not a singer.助動詞助動詞 肯定肯定-否定否定Evelyn Liao# 找到助動詞助動詞, 在助動詞後助動詞後+ + notnot Exercise (part 1) 1. I can swim very fast. # 找到助動詞助動詞,在助動詞後助動詞後+ + notnot I can not swim very fast. Exercise (part 1) 2. It will rain tomorrow. It will not rain tomorrow.# 找到助動詞助動詞,在助動詞後助動詞後+ + notnot 一般動詞一般動詞 肯定肯定-否定否定# 第一二人稱/複數 + dont + 一般動詞一般動詞 ( I, you, we, John and Mary.)# 第三人稱單數 + doesnt + 一般動詞一般動詞 ( he, she, David, it, .)Exercise (part 1)1. I get up at six in the morning.# 第一二人稱/複數 + dont + 一般動詞一般動詞 ( I, you, we, John and Mary.)# 第三人稱單數 + doesnt + 一般動詞一般動詞 (恢復原型) ( he, she, David, it, .)I dont get up at six in the morning.Exercise (part 1)Your mother doesnt make cake every Sunday.# 第一二人稱/複數 + dont + 一般動詞一般動詞 ( I, you, we, John and Mary.)# 第三人稱單數 + doesnt + 一般動詞一般動詞 (恢復原型) ( he, she, David, it, .)2. Your mother makes cake every Sunday.Be V Be V 肯定肯定-疑問疑問Evelyn Liao# 找到Be V, 將 Be V 移到句首大寫, 句尾加 ?Exercise (part 1) 1. Jane is an English girl.Is Jane an English girl?# 找到Be V, 將 Be V 移到句首大寫, 句尾加 ?Exercise (part 1) 2. He is Janes brother.Is he Janes brother ? # 找到Be V, 將 Be V 移到句首大寫, 句尾加 ?Exercise (part 1) 3. You are a doctor.Are I a doctor?# 找到Be V, 將 Be V 移到句首大寫, 句尾加 ?Exercise (part 1) 4. I am a teacher. Am I a teacher? # 找到Be V, 將 Be V 移到句首大寫, 句尾加 ?助動詞助動詞 肯定肯定-疑問疑問Evelyn Liao# 找到助動詞助動詞, 將助動詞助動詞 移到句首大寫, 句尾加?Exercise (part 1) 1. I can swim very fast. Can I swim very fast? # 找到助動詞助動詞, 將助動詞助動詞 移到句首大寫, 句尾加?Exercise (part 1) 2. It will rain tomorrow. Will it rain tomorrow?# 找到助動詞助動詞, 將助動詞助動詞 移到句首大寫, 句尾加?一般動詞一般動詞 肯定肯定-疑定疑定# Do + 第一二人稱/複數 + 一般動詞一般動詞 ( I, you, we, John and Mary.)# Does + 第三人稱單數 + 一般動詞一般動詞 ( he, she, David, it, .)Exercise (part 1)1. I get up at six in the morning.Do I get up at six in the morning?# Do + 第一二人稱/複數 + 一般動詞一般動詞 ( I, you, we, John and Mary.)# Does + 第三人稱單數 + 一般動詞一般動詞 (恢復原型) ( he, she, David, it, .)Exercise (part 1)Does your mother make cake every Sunday?2. Your mother makes cake every Sunday.# Do + 第一二人稱/複數 + 一般動詞一般動詞 ( I, you, we, John and Mary.)# Does + 第三人稱單數 + 一般動詞一般動詞 (恢復原型) ( he, she, David, it, .)PracticePractice 1. You and Jim are in the same class. 否定句: You and Jim are not in the same class. 疑問句: Are you and Jim in the same class? Practice Practice 否定句: This lesson is not very difficult. 疑問句: Is this lesson very difficult?2. This lesson is very difficult. Practice Practice Evelyn Liao否定句: This dog can not jump. 疑問句: Can this dog jump?3. This dog can jump. Practice Practice Evelyn Liao否定句: It will not rain. 疑問句: Will it rain?4. It will rain. Practice Practice Evelyn Liao否定句: You dont watch TV. 疑問句: Do you watch TV?4. You watch TV. Practice Practice Evelyn Liao否定句: Mary doesnt play the piano every day.疑問句: Does Mary play the piano every day.4. Mary plays the piano every day.Review1. She is beautiful. Is she beautiful?2. Nancys parents are friendly. Are Nancys parents friendly?3. Tom can speak good English. Can Tom speak good English?Review4. My grandfather will get well soon. Will my grandfather get well soon?5. Your parents go to the U.S. every summer. Do your parents go to the U.S. every summer? Review1. Grace is a teacher.3. Ans: What is Grace?1. Grace is a teacher.2. What Review1. Helen is from the U.S. 3. Ans: Where is Helen from?1. Helen is from the U.S. 2. Where Review1. Bill is fine.3. Ans: How is Bill?1. Bill is fine2. How Review5. Joe can teach math.3. Ans: What can Joe teach?1. Joe can teach math.2. What Review12. Grace is a teacher.3. Ans: What is Grace?1. Grace is a teacher.2. What The end!The end!
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