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Unit 12 SportsUnit 12 SportsVocabulary 1Vocabulary 1BasketballBaseballBoxingBowlingfootballgolf篮球术语篮球术语 (terms about basketballterms about basketball)投投 篮篮 方方 式式DunkDunkbank shotbank shotdouble pumpdouble pumpfade-away shotfade-away shothook shothook shotLayupLayupperimeter shotperimeter shotset shotset shotthree-point shotthree-point shot 灌篮灌篮擦板球擦板球拉杆式投篮拉杆式投篮后仰式跳投后仰式跳投钩射投篮钩射投篮带球上篮带球上篮中距离投篮中距离投篮立定投篮立定投篮三分球三分球球员的位置球员的位置1号位 控球(组织)后卫:Point Guard(PG)2号位 得分后卫:Shooting Guard(SG)3号位 小前锋:Small Forward ( SF)4号位 大前锋:Power Forward ( PF)5号位 中锋:Center ( C)Take ( Houston Rockets) As an example1号位 控球后卫Point Guard 拉夫阿尔斯通(Rafer Alston)2号位 得分后卫 Shooting Guard 特雷西麦克格雷迪(Tracy McGrady)3号位 小前锋 Small Forward 肖恩-巴蒂尔(Shane Battier)4号位 大前锋Power Forward 路易斯-斯科拉 (Jake Tsakalidis)4号位 大前锋Power Forward查克-海耶斯(chuck hayes )5号位 中锋Center 姚明(Yao Ming)姚麦组合现任主教练(Head Coach)阿德尔曼统统 计计 术术 语语 AssistAssistblock shotblock shotdefensive rebounddefensive reboundfield goal percentagefield goal percentagefree throw percentagefree throw percentageoffensive reboundoffensive reboundScoringScoringStealStealturnoverturnover助攻阻攻防守篮板球投球命中率罚球命中率进攻篮板球得分抄截失误战战 术术 CutCut Double/ triple teamDouble/ triple team dribble out the time dribble out the time / milk the time away/ milk the time away fast breakfast break foul strategyfoul strategy one-one-one defenseone-one-one defense pick and rollpick and rollpost-up playpost-up playzone defensezone defense切入用两/三位防守球员包夹进攻球员进攻方以运球方式消耗掉比赛所剩下 时间快攻犯规战术人盯人防守(进攻方做掩饰之球员的)挡切战术(进攻方持球球员背对篮框)单吃对 方防守球员之战术区域防守,区域联防CBA, the Chinese Basketball Association, was established in June in 1956. It is a non- governmental organization in charge of basketball at national level.句子口译中国篮球协会成立于1956年的6 月,是组织全国篮球运动的民 间组织。The administration center of basketball, a sub-division of CBA, takes the responsibility of promoting the sport in China.篮球运动管理中心作为中 国篮协下属机构,负责篮球运 动在国内的推广工作。After the introduction of some reforms in 1994, the first CBA league was launched the following year, with 12 teams participating.1994年中国篮协引入一些改革 举措,第二年,第一届职业联 赛开始举行,当时有十二支球 队参加。By 2000, there were 43 mens teams, and 42 womens teams registered under CBA. The total number of players had reached 998.到2000年时,注册在中国 篮协下的球队共有43支男队和 42支女队,总球员人数达到 998人。The advent of the CBA league represented a giant step in the development of professional basketball in China. 中国篮球联赛的诞生,代 表着中国篮球职业化的一大进 步。In 1989, the first basketball club, sponsored by Anshan Steel Company, was founded in Shenyang.1989年,由鞍山钢铁公司赞助 的第一个篮球俱乐部在沈阳成 立By 2000, the members of professional basketball clubs registered under CBA had reached 29.截止到2000年,中国篮协下属 的俱乐部已达29个。Conversation interpretation (role play)Vocabulary: draft pick: 入选新秀 Gene:基因 Chinese National Basketball Team:中国国家篮球队 Bateer:巴特尔 Youth Sports School:体校 Recruit:招收 Personal power:个人魅力 CBA Sportsmanship Award: CBA最佳运动员奖 FIBA World Championship Games:世界篮球锦标赛 All-Tournament Team:最佳阵容 Strew:撒满rookie:新手A: Yao Ming, this years NBA number one draft pick, has attracted thousands of fans in China and overseas. Could you tell us more about the star basketball player? B: 非常乐意。姚明出生于1980年12月1日.因为他身高7英尺5英寸,中国球迷称他 为 “小巨人”.也许姚明出生时就带有篮球基因.他的父母以前都是中国国家队队 员,他的父亲姚志远身高6英尺7英寸,他的母亲方凤娣身高6英尺3英寸.姚明已 成为NBA历史上继王治郅和巴特尔之后的第三位中国球员. A: When did Yao Ming start to receive his formal basketball training? B: 他9岁被招入上海市少年体校时开始的.他的教练都注意到了他在球场上的个人 魅力.他在技术上和运动姿势上都十分引人注目,他似乎一直超过他的同班同学. 他14岁时入选上海市青年队(Shanghai Youth Team). A: When did he begin playing on the Chinese National Team? B: 在他18岁时.从那时起,他获得了许多荣誉,包括CBA最佳运动员奖,在2002年世 界篮球锦标赛上入选最佳阵容. A: Since he became fifth NO. 1 overall pick in Rockets history, dozens of articles have been written about him, people crowd the lines to get tickets to his games, his name and picture are strewn all over the news. Although hes only a rookie, he has become a household name. What has made him so popular? B: 我认为是他对篮球的热爱和他的幽默感使他赢得了人心. 篇章口译 中国大学生篮球协会成立于1985年。在1998年中国大 学生篮球联赛(CUBA League)举办前,该组织已经做 了大量工作,促使篮球运动在大学校园内得到推广。 中国大学生篮协第一次举办联赛,就吸引了来自26个 省市的617支球队。在2000至2001赛季,篮球联赛活 动在校园内受到更加热烈的欢迎。许多著名高校开始 致力于该活动,试图成为联赛中的强校。同享有63年 历史的美国高校体育协会(NCAA/National Collegiate Athletic Association)相比,中国大学生篮协刚刚起 步。 然而,以它现在的发展速度,这个年轻的篮球组 织将会迎来它光辉的未来。 CUBA, the Chinese University Basketball Association, was founded in 1985. Before the CUBA league was launched in 1998, it had already done a lot of work in promoting the sport on campus. When the CUBA league was held for the first time, it drew 617 teams form 26 provinces and cities. During the 2000-01season, CUBA activities enjoyed even greater popularity on campus. Many famous universities have begun to put huge effort into succeeding in this new league. Compared with NCAA, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, which has been in existence for 63 years, the CUBA is still very much in its infancy. However, at its current rate of development, the future leaves bright for this new basketball association in China.Listening comprehe
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