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浙 江 理 工 大 学机械与自动控制学院毕业设计诚信声明我谨在此保证:本人所做的毕业设计,凡引用他人的研究成果均已在参考文献或注释中列出。设计说明书与图纸均由本人独立完成,没有抄袭、剽窃他人已经发表或未发表的研究成果行为。如出现以上违反知识产权的情况,本人愿意承担相应的责任。声明人(签名):年 月 日摘 要按照产品的传统设计方法,为获得较好的设计方案,在产品定型生产之前必须制造物理样机,并对物理样机进行试验测试,如不满足性能要求,就必须对原设计方案进行修改和优化。这种传统的设计方法需要耗费大量的人力和财力。本文采用现代设计方法,在测录载荷数据的基础上,对各零部件进行多体动力学仿真分析,根据仿真结果用有限元方法分析零部件的应力分布,在此基础上预测零部件的疲劳寿命。这样做一般只需要一次实物模型的疲劳试验就可基本完成设计任务,大大缩短了设计周期,节省了开发费用。内燃机是各类汽车、工程机械的主要配套动力。作为内燃机的主要受力零部件,曲轴的动力学特性涉及到整机NVH,疲劳强度等重要指标。对曲轴进行动力学分析是内燃机设计中所需要进行的重要工作,具有重要工程意义。本文以S195柴油机曲轴为对象,着重完成了以下主要设计工作:1)采用Pro/E进行曲轴的CAD模型建立;2)采用Altair Hyperworks进行曲轴的网格划分; 3)采用ABAQUS进行曲轴模型的动静缩减;4)采用AVL Excite进行动力学分析;5)采用ABAQUS进行应力恢复;6)结果提取、整理和疲劳分析。关键词:柴油机曲轴;动力学仿真;疲劳;有限元;HyperMesh;AVL ExciteAbstractIn accordance with the traditional method of mechanical design, the physical prototype has to been manufactured and testing before producing the mechanical products. The original prototype has to been modified and optimized to obtain a better design if it does not meet the requirements of actual performance. Its obviously that the traditional design method will take a lot of labor and finance. The article takes the modern method of multi-body dynamics simulation for various mechanical parts on the basis of recorded load date, obtains the stress distribution of parts with the finite element analysis. The article predicts the fatigue life of the mechanical parts. With the method of multi-body dynamics simulation, one prototype will meet the basic task of mechanical design. It will greatly reducing the design cycle, saving costs of design. Diesel engine is the main power source of automobiles, engineering machinery. As the main bearing components of diesel engine, the dynamic features of crankshaft are crucial to the machine NVH, fatigue evaluation and other important indicators. Hence, it has important engineering significance to do the work of dynamic analysis of crankshaft. The contents of the design are listed as followers:1) The CAD modeling of the crankshaft with Pro/E software;2) Meshing of the CAD model of the crankshaft with Altair Hyperworks;3) Condensation of the model of the crankshaft with ABAQUS;4) Dynamic analysis of the model of the crankshaft with AVL Excite Software;5) The stress analysis with ABAQUS;6) The fatigue analysis and results.Key words: Crankshaft; Dynamics simulation; Fatigue; FEA; HyperMesh; AVL Excite目 录摘 要Abstract第一章 绪论 .11.1 背景概述与研究意义.11.2 内燃机动力学仿真研究综述.11.3 本文工作任务、工作目标和内容.21.3.1 工作任务 .21.3.2 工作目标 .21.3.3 设计内容 .3第二章 S195 柴油机曲轴的几何建模和仿真参数准备 .42.1 S195 柴油机简介 .42.2 S195 柴油机主要特性参数 .42.3 S195 柴油机的 CAD 建模 .42.3.1 Pro /Engineer 软件简介 .42.3.2 曲轴 CAD 建模简述 .5第三章 曲轴动力学建模的前处理 .63.1 前处理主要内容的概述.63.1.1 有限元网格划分 .63.1.2 有限元动静缩减 .63.2 曲轴飞轮组网格划分.73.2.1 HyperMesh 软件简介 .73.2.2 划分过程简介 .73.3 动静缩减.9第四章 动力学仿真 Excite 模型的建立 .114.1 Exite 软件的简介及应用 .
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