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UNIT 6SALES PROMOTION Lead in The purpose when we write a sales correspondence is to persuade the readers to buy what you sell. Writing a sales correspondence, we should try to present the offer from the point of view of the buyer not the seller himself so as to promote sales of the goods. In order to reach this goal, we should learn about the potential customers. What kind of goods or service do they need? What are their interests? What is the most crucial factor they concern? Before writing, careful analysis should be made by writers so as to present answers the customers want to know in the sales correspondence. A satisfactory sales correspondence will usually include the following: 1. Arousing buyers interests; 2. Creating buyers buying desire; 3. Persuasion; 4. Action. In order to make a good impression on the goods you wish to promote we have to remember the following points: 1. Keep the correspondence as short as possible; 2. Catch the readers interest in the opening paragraph; 3. Give the correspondence an attractive look and make it as personal as possible.Specimen Letters 样函 1 1.inform 告知;通知,其基本句型是 inform sb + 宾语从句,和 inform sb. of sth.,如: We shall inform you of the date of shipment, name of steamer. Please inform us that which one of the three types is of interest to you. We wish to inform you that business has been done at $200 per metric ton. 2. credit 信用,信誉,信贷;赊欠(期),多用 于商人间的出口信贷、卖方信贷、卖方信贷。 I would like to know exactly how their credit stands. Our services are in high credit with the customers in Europe. The bank refused further credits to the company. No credit is given at this shop. 3. quality 质量 Quality is the essence of this order. If the quality of your initial shipment is found satisfactory, large repeats will follow. The goods are available in various qualities. 4. dealer 经销商,又称 distributor,或商号。 他们通常与贸易商或厂商有着长期买卖的密切 关系,有时有独家的经销权。dealer也可指在 证券、外汇及黄金市场上从事证券、外汇及黄 金交易的交易商或交易员(经纪人),前者自 己负责盈亏风险,后者仅赚取佣金。 They are among the leading dealers of this city in these products. dealer in toilet articles 化妆品商 small dealer 小商贩 securities dealer 证券商 5. for your reference供你方参考,该短语是外贸 信函中提供情况信息时常用的一种表达方式, 也可说 for your information. We enclose an analysis of the test we have made for your reference. We shall appreciate it if you will send us some up- to-date patterns for our reference.Specimen Letters 样函 2 1. exporter 出口商 export 出口 They are leading exporters of computers. We export a large quantity of textiles now. export control 出口管制 export drawback 出口退 税 export document 出口单据 export subsidies 出 口补贴 export dumping 出口倾销 2. requirement 需要,要求 Good quality is the major requirement. Please let us know your annual requirements for walnuts. We have noted your requirement of samples. 3. sample 样品 The sample is for reference only. The business is not done on the basis of sample. free sample 免费样品 full range of sample 全套样品 random sample 随意取样 sample for reference 参考样品 4. under separate cover另邮,在平时的业务中,样 本或目录等业务文件体积比较大,和业务信一起 寄显得不方便,因此通常分开邮寄。这样,我们 就经常使用这一短语。还可以说 by separate post, by separate mail,by separate airmail. 如: We are pleased to send you by separate post our revised catalogue. We are airmailing you under separate cover our latest sample books. We are sending you the contract under separate cover. We have forwarded to you under separate cover a full range of samples for the coming season. 5. price 价格;定价 Business is possible if you can raise (increase /lift /improve) the price by 5%. We have stretched the price to the highest price we can do. 6. quality质量,品质 average quality 平均品质 common quality 一般品质 fair quality 尚好品质 standard quality 标准品质 fair average quality (F.A.Q) 大路货Specimen Letters 样函 3 1. Sales promotion 促销 Our efforts in sales promotion turned out to be a success. We have specially raised the commission to 4% so as to enable you to cover the advertising expenses you may incur in sales promotion. 2. represent 代表,代理;再提示,再提交 We are willing to represent you for the sales of Chinese Mens Shirts in our country. represent a cheque at the bank 再向银行兑支票 represent a bill for payment 再提交账单或票据要求付 款 3. guarantee 担保,保证 If you guarantee payment, we will forward them the shipment on D/P basis. It is not possible for us to guarantee the time of arrival. We are ready to allow you a 3% commission provided you can guarantee a yearly turnover of $75000 for a start. 4. assemble 装配 assembling with components 来件装配 assembling shop 装配车间 a processing and assembling line 加工和装配线 assembly industry 装配工业 5. postage-paid 邮资已付 6. range 系列(产品),货物,如: As soon as we are in possession of details and samples of your range,we shall be in a position to advise you on their suitability for this particular market. We can suppl
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