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将下列各句中两个简单句连接成带主语从句的 主从复合句。示例:1.When will he go abroad to study?It is fixed(确定,决定).When he will go abroad to study is fixed.2.We should develop education in the countryside.It is very necessary.It is very necessary that we should develop education in the countryside.1)Lu Xun was a great writer.It is well- known.2)Where will they go to plant these trees? It hasnt been decided yet.3)What are the doctors discussing at the meeting?It is quite important.It is well-known that Lu Xun was a great writer.Where they will go to plant these trees hasnt been decided yet. What the doctors are discussing at the meeting is quite important.4)Which class will win the game? It seems clear enough.5)Why did she get wounded at work? It should be investigated.6)The new Children Zoo at the Beijing Zoo opened on Childrens Day,1984. It is said.Which class will win the game seems clear enough.Why she got wounded at work should be investigated.It is said that the new Children Zoo at the Beijing Zoo opened on Childrens Day,1984.7)Can this peasant drive the truck?Its a question.8)When does the train start? It is not known for sure.9)Why was the bank robbed? Its a mystery.Its a question whether this peasant can drive the truck (or not).It is not known for sure when the train starts.Its a mystery why the bank was robbed将下列句子译成英语.1.这个青年工人所缺乏的是科学知识.2.真奇怪,他为什么没有到机场去接他的母亲.3.你今天晚上回来还是明天早上回来对我都一样.4.人们相信中国农民的生活越来越好.What the young worker lacks is scientific knowledge.It is strange why he didnt go to the airport to meet his mother.It is just the same to me whether you will come back this evening or tomorrow morning. It is believed that the living conditions of the chinese peasants is getting better and better.将下列句子译成英语.1)他们就是这样为顾客服务的.2)这就是我们支持老工程师的建议的原因.3)这是王教授在他的报告中所强调的. (emphasize)That is how they serve the customers.That is why we support the suggestion made by the old engineer.That is what Professor Wang emphasized in his report.4)我想知道的是谁将去西德进修生物学.5)最重要的是我们必须掌握现代科学技术.What I want to know is who is going to West Germany for further studies in biology.The most important thing is that we must master modern science and technology.按照示例用括号内的语句将下列句子改写为带宾 语从句的主从复合句.示例:What is her name? (I dont know)I dont know what her name is.1)Where does Doctor Liu live?(Do you know)2)What did he lose at the railway station? (Would you tell me)Do you know where Doctor Liu lives?Would you tell me what he lost at the railway station? 3)Why is the cinema closed? (I wonder)4)When did the accident happen?(Please go and find out)5)What foreign language can you speak?(I want to know)I wonder why the cinema is closed.Please go and find out when the accident happened.I want to know what foreign language you can speak .6)How has he become an expert at planting fruit trees?(The reporter asked the peasant)7)Who discovered the element radium? (Can you tell me)8)Whose box is it on the floor?(Im not sure)The reporter asked the peasant how he had become an expert at planting fruit trees.Can you tell me who discovered the element radium? Im not sure whose box it is on the floor.9) Which of these flowers is the biggest in the garden?(You can easily see)10)How much did you pay for the dictionary?(Please tell me)You can easily see which of these flowers is the biggest in the garden.Please tell me how much you paid for the dictionary.11)How high did the student jump at the sports meet?( The coach would like to know)12)Does the engineer know Franch?( I dont know)The coach would like to know how high the student jumped at the sports meet.I dont know whether the engineer know Franch.将下列句子中括号内的汉语译成英语填空.1)Would you kindly tell me_ _(我们如何能在城市消除空气污染).2)Do you have any idea_( 我在哪里买得到大尺码的衬衫).3)Im not certain_ _(这架飞机是否准时起飞).how we can get rid of air pollution in cities.where I can buy a shirt in large sizewhether the plane will take off on time4)They gave a good description of _(他们如何抢救受伤的游人).5)The doctor insisted_ _(我们轮流照顾他).6)The driver was criticized for _ _(对一位年老的乘客说无礼的话).how they had saved the wounded touriststhat we (should) look after him by turnswhat he had said rudely to an old passenger将下列句子译成英语.1)我们必须查明昨天工厂失火的原因.2)这位外宾想知道中国是怎样进行教育改革的.3)他问医生们是否愿意到西藏工作.4)台湾是中国的一个省,这一事实是不可否认的.We must find out why the factory caught fire yesterday.The foreign guest wanted to know how China was feforming her education.He asked the doctors whether they wanted to work in Tibet.The fact that Taiwan is a province of China is undeniable.句型转换(使用名词性从句合并句子) 1. He hadnt said anything at the meeting. The fact surprised us. 2.My question is this: where will the lecture be given? 3.This is the truth. The fog is too thick . 4. She sensed it . She was being watched by a tall ma
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